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Operators support for updated speculative inference design #1374

Open chenzhuofu opened 2 months ago

chenzhuofu commented 2 months ago

Related issues

1364 #1361 #1333


We proposed the inference implementation refactoring which mainly involves Pipeline Split and Struct Smplification, and this result some issues to discuss in operators (kernel) changes. I would list them here, and if I miss out something please feel free to correct me~

1. For splitting prefilling and decode stages

Previously we mix prompt phase and generation phase of caclution in one inference kernel (spec_inc_multihead_self_attention or tree_inc_multihead_self_attention). To support split stages we should also spilt mixed caclution.

But here's a problem. should we provide prompt and generation as two distinct inference kernel ops, or still provide one op while do conditional branch within it for different stage calculation. The former approach would force change in operators DAG so I think is not good.

2. For smplifing BatchConfig structure

Trivial changes are adopted. But I haven't fully figured out how we switch from BeamSearchBC to TreeSearchBC.

In BeamSearch version, the last layer of ssm is beam_topk and its output is stored in BeamInferenceResult (using download_tensor). And in TreeSearch version SsmInferenceResult is the same as BeamInferenceResult, so I guess we will still use beam_topk.

But beam_topk use some fields like sub_requests, beamRequestsInfo::probs, which removed from updated TreeSearchBC. Maybe we can discuss how to adapt it.

zikun-li commented 2 months ago

For the second question, it seems arg_topk can also return SsmInferenceResult. We will use arg_topk as the last operator of the SSM.

chenzhuofu commented 2 months ago

For question1, I prefer reserving single op structure for multihead attention, how do you think? @zwang86 @zikun-li

To implement this, I need add a field current_phase in BatchConfig, so that op can choose which kernel to execute (PROMPT or GENERATION).

zwang86 commented 2 months ago

I believe there are different cuda kernels for prefilling and decoding tokens already implemented by @xinhaoc, but those kernels can still be the same operator.. As discussed with @jiazhihao, we want to use those kernels because they are optimized for their use case. Hi @xinhaoc, do you have any thoughts?

zikun-li commented 2 months ago

For speculative decoding, currently we have current_depth in TreeSearchBatchConfig to indicate whether to use prompt kernel (i.e. if current_depth == 0, it means we should run the prompt kernel).

chenzhuofu commented 2 months ago

I believe there are different cuda kernels for prefilling and decoding tokens already implemented by @xinhaoc, but those kernels can still be the same operator.. As discussed with @jiazhihao, we want to use those kernels because they are optimized for their use case. Hi @xinhaoc, do you have any thoughts?

Yes, in CUDA we have different kernel within one multihead_attention operator. What I mean is "should we split them into two operators like higher-level does?" (Now I think it seems no need :P)

chenzhuofu commented 2 months ago

For speculative decoding, currently we have current_depth in TreeSearchBatchConfig to indicate whether to use prompt kernel (i.e. if current_depth == 0, it means we should run the prompt kernel).

For tree verification, do we have similar method to figure whether in prompt phase?