flexiblepower / powermatcher

PowerMatcher - The Java implementation of the PowerMatcher, including the API, the core, a couple of examples, a remote implementation using websockets and a visualisation of the configuration.
Apache License 2.0
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How Can I activate Auctioneer Componet from a third party Http Client #212

Open athukuria opened 7 years ago

athukuria commented 7 years ago

Currently Auctioneer Component is activated from url http://localhost:8080/system/console/configMgr If I want to activate Auctioneer using a http POST request How can I do that? I have captured the possible http post request but when I tried it is not working http post url : http://localhost:8080/system/console/configMgr/[Temporary%20PID%20replaced%20by%20real%20PID%20upon%20save]

payload: apply=true&factoryPid=net.powermatcher.core.auctioneer.Auctioneer&action=ajaxConfigManager&agentId=auctioneer&clusterId=DefaultCluster&commodity=electricity&currency=EUR&priceSteps=100&minimumPrice=0&maximumPrice=1&minTimeBetweenPriceUpdates=1000&propertylist=agentId%2CclusterId%2Ccommodity%2Ccurrency%2CpriceSteps%2CminimumPrice%2CmaximumPrice%2CminTimeBetweenPriceUpdates

wilcowijbrandi commented 7 years ago

Maybe it's not working because your HTTP client did not authenticate (you always need to login before you can use the Apache Felix WebConsole). What is the response you get?

Better question: What is it you are trying to achieve? Maybe there is a better solution, like using the EF-Pi scenario manager.

athukuria commented 7 years ago

Thanks wilcowijbrandi for the response. I have used Advanced Rest Client extension in chrome, that did asked for authentication and I did aunthenticated. authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=

I wanted to work with powermatcher only, currently not using EF-Pi

I am suspect may be the URL is the problem here. Response I am getting is Abort / timeout
