Open cholly75 opened 9 months ago
UX Notes:
Please see Figma file for full comments
A new link is added to the trial sessions page. It is visible regardless of what tab you are viewing. Only Petitions clerks, Case Services Supervisors and Clerk of the Court will see the link.
When the link is clicked a modal appears.
When create term is clicked, Dawson will create a .xlsx or .csv file (depending on the engineers feedback when they pick this ticket up.) The file will create a calendar of the term and divide the eligible cases for each location into sessions. It will also respect additional rules outlined in the figma file. A loading state will be used while Dawson creates this file. When its done, the file will be downloaded to the user's computer/browser.
No specials or hybrid S's will be generated by this calendar. (existing specials already scheduled will show)
Hardcoded Session creation rules:
Expected Results:
Expected Results:
Expected Results:
Expected Results:
Expected Results:
Expected Results:
*DEV QUESTION - If I generated multiple suggested terms, will there be a different result each time? Is there randomization involved in generating the data? If yes, we will want to repeat test case 6 and 7 to ensure that the rules still apply even when the placement of suggested terms is random.
Expected Results
Expected Results:
New Rules: - Prioritize larger of small vs regular set of eligible cases
Based on discussion with UX the afternoon of 9/23/24, moving forward we will not include the "trial term" select element in the form for the first iteration of the suggested term generation workflow. The term name field will be the filename of the resulting Excel document, and the start and end date fields will be used by the module that generates the schedule to determine when the term starts and ends.
Compiled notes from several discussions:
do not, in fact, get any regular
trial sessions scheduled in advance are taken into consideration when running the generatorspecial
trial sessions do not countWashington, DC has two courtrooms available and will be treated as two separate locations for the purposes of scheduling
(These are now categorized as Washington (North) and Washington (South). North will only ever get Special sessions, and South will only get special sessions if two are scheduled for the same week in Washington, DC)
Latest feedback:
[x] Really long term names confuse the validation instead of it telling me there should be a limit (I’m assuming there is one)
[x] Smaller screen sizes push the clear button in a weird spot. Try and put Clear button in top right and let header wrap with a bit of padding.
[x] update gray background for labels to #dcdee0
[x] Update red background for triple booked specials to #b50909 and change font color to white
[x] Is there any way to make the cell expand to the width of the words by default?
[x] Left align bottom totals and case totals and remaining cases numbers
[x] Incorrectly sized cases - remove red background on tab
[x] Add a “Warnings” tab and display a list of the warnings
[x] What happens if we’re unable to generate the spreadsheet?
Below is a screenshot of the error message that will display if we are unable to generate the spreadsheet:
Tested colors for color blindness (protanopia and deuteranopia) and found issues with the current colors for Special and Hybrid. Screenshots below show Small / Special and Regular / Hybrid are not differentiated.
Here are the new suggested colors:
Updated warning messages: Show errors once for Maximum sessions per week exceeded and Maximum sessions per location exceeded
Trigger: Maximum sessions per week exceeded Updated Wording: More special sessions than maximum allowed per week: mm/dd Highlight: nothing for now, future perhaps header
Trigger: One session per location per week exceeded Updated: More than one special trial per week scheduled: Location, mm/dd. Highlight: The offending Session
Trigger: Maximum sessions per location exceeded Updated: More special sessions than maximum allowed per location scheduled: Location Highlight: nothing for now, future perhaps header
Washington specific:
Trigger:Two SPECIAL sessions per week in Washington DC exceeded Updated: More than two special trial sessions per week: Washington, DC, 2/10. Highlight: The offending Session
Trigger: Maximum sessions per location for Washington DC (South courtroom) exceeded Updated: More special sessions than maximum allowed per location scheduled: Washington, DC Highlight: nothing for now, future perhaps header
If no warnings display in warning tab: There were no warnings for this calendar.
If no warnings display in warning tab: There were no warnings for this calendar.
When there are no warnings from generating the term, the "Warnings" tab will not appear at all in the resulting spreadsheet.
As a Court user, so that creating a new term is as easy as possible, I need DAWSON to use its data to provide me with suggested term calendar sessions in a way that allows collaboration to happen.
Acceptance Criteria
Test Cases
Story Definition of Ready (updated on 12/23/22)
The following criteria must be met in order for the user story to be picked up by the Flexion development team. The user story must:
Process: Flexion developers and designers will test if the story meets acceptance criteria and test cases in Flexion dev and staging environments (“standard testing”). If additional acceptance criteria or testing scenarios are discovered while the story is in progress, a new story should be created, added to the backlog and prioritized by the product owner.
Definition of Done (Updated 5-19-22)
Product Owner
, 3 local s3 files corresponding to that docketEntryId have been added toweb-api/storage/fixtures/s3/noop-documents-local-us-east-1
environment if prod-like data is required. Otherwise deployed to anyexperimental