As a dawson user, when I filter the docket record and there are no documents of that type, display an empty state message so i understand there are no documents and don't mistake it for not loading the page.
When there are no documents to be displayed in the docket record due to filtering, display an empty state message. "There are no documents of that type."
[x] When a Public DAWSON user (public user or public terminal user) filters for a document that is not on the docket record, the empty state message does not display.
as a public user, go to the case search page
type in a docket number to search for (I used 236-24)
Click search
Filter the docket record for motions
No empty state message displays
Repeat the steps above, but log in as any type of user
As a dawson user, when I filter the docket record and there are no documents of that type, display an empty state message so i understand there are no documents and don't mistake it for not loading the page.
Preconditions: none