flexion / ef-cms

An Electronic Filing / Case Management System.
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Docket Clerk: Direct scan paper filing, preview, then associate with case #1896

Closed JessicaMarine closed 5 years ago

JessicaMarine commented 5 years ago

As a Docket Clerk, in order to make sure the right document gets uploaded, I need the ability to scan paper documents directly into the system and review the document before it is associated with a case/docket entry.

The Court will continue to receive paper filings. As a result, Docket Clerks will need the ability to get those paper documents into the system. The idea that a Docket clerk would scan, save, and upload the document leaves a lot of room for error that the wrong document will be uploaded. Plus, it involves multiple steps. To avoid this, the Docket Clerks will need the ability to directly scan a document into the system (#1066) and be provided a review feature (#1566) before doc is associated with case/docket entry


Acceptance Criteria:



Definition of Done (Updated 7-10-19)

Product Owner




turnipsparkle commented 5 years ago

Scan with New Docket Entry

Docket Clerks may manually add a filing to a case with a docket entry.

Important: This is an expansion of prior work which incorporates several changes to the existing metadata form and task flow.

Add Docket Entry Screen


Add Another Docket Entry


Complete Docket Entry


turnipsparkle commented 5 years ago

Test Scenarios: Published 8/2

The following test scenarios from #1895 apply. Details provided where the scenario differs materially from the counterpart from #1895.

Set-Up Flow

Document Upload Flow

Add First Batch Flow

Preview Multiple Batches Flow

Create PDF Flow

Add Another Entry without Errors Flow

Add Another Entry with Errors Flow

Cancel Docket Entry Flow

Cancel Docket Entry of 2nd Document Flow

Unfinished Scans Flow (see Non-Petitions Document Not Finished)

JessicaMarine commented 5 years ago

PO review 8/13/19 -- will be addressed as regression bugs in 1567: (1) the additional info 1 and 2 are not populating on the docket record; (2) additional info 1 is not showing on cover sheet when that box is selected; (3) the code for a lodged document is always “MISL” not the normal code for that doc — see 486-19 entry 8 — you may want to talk to Rachael about this as I know she changed it on the file a doc flow