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Docket Clerk: Add Docket Entries to Consolidated Group Members (Court-Issued Docs) #3569

Closed mariahkannenberg closed 2 years ago

mariahkannenberg commented 4 years ago

As a docket clerk, in order to prevent having to add multiple docket entries in a group of consolidated cases, I need the system to automatically add a docket entry to any other cases in the group that I choose when adding a docket entry for a Draft in the Lead case.

When a document is filed in a case that is part of a consolidated group (CG), it is often necessary to have that document reflected on the docket record for some or all of the other cases part of that group. Currently, this requires the court user to manually scan/upload the document(s), send a message, and then add the docket entry individually for each case in the group as needed, which can take a lot of time and introduces opportunity for error.

We would like the Court to have the ability when adding a docket entry in the Lead case of the CG (designated currently as the lowest-numbered case in the CG) to select which, if any, other cases in the CG to automatically create a docket entry. This initial story will focus on court-issued documents only.


Acceptance Criteria

Security Considerations


Questions from UX

  1. Cover sheet AC - is this covered in #3892?
  2. Do we need to serve each docket entry for the non-lead cases if it's being served in the lead case? Yes


How do we want to handle duplicate docket entries?


Test Cases

Definition of Done (Updated 8-28-19)

Product Owner



swongCO commented 2 years ago

Add Docket entry modal 1.png Add Docket entry modal 2.png On the Add Docket Entry page of a lead case in a group, when a user clicks "Save and Serve", display a modal with modified content:

  1. Below existing content , add the checkbox list that contains the All option first, then the lead case (lowest docket number) followed by the other cases in ascending order.
  2. All boxes are checked by default and disabled (text is not in disabled state) except for the first one.
  3. Selected cases will be served the document that is being created as a docket entry.
  4. For selected cases, parties that receive paper service will be listed in the message box above the list.
  5. If the list of paper service parties pushes content below the boundary of the modal, enable vertical scrolling for the whole modal.
  6. Amend the paper service message from "This case has parties..." to "This group has parties..."
  7. If a case isn't the lead, then display the existing modal as is without the checkbox list.

Add docket entry modal 3.png

  1. If the All box is unchecked, then all checkboxes become unchecked and enabled, except for the lead case.
  2. There is a hover tip over the lead case checkbox/line that reads "Lead case cannot be unselected"
swongCO commented 2 years ago

Docket record confirmation.png After the user clicks "Yes, Serve", keep the existing flow and navigate to the Docket Record page:

  1. Display the existing confirmation banner with the amended text "Document served to selected cases in group."
ttlenard commented 2 years ago

Test Cases

1.1) Docket Clerk is in the lead case of a consolidated group and adds a docket entry; modal appears for clerk to select additional cases to file the document in.

Expected Results

1.2) Docket Clerk selects one other case from the consolidated group; Parties receiving paper service are displayed in modal.

Expected Results

1.3) Upon service, the print paper service is available for clerk.

Expected Results:

1.4) Updated confirmation message appears after service.

Expected Results:

1.5) Document is reflected appropriately on the docket record for both the lead case and the selected case.

Expected Results

1.6) Document in the non-lead case is the same as the document in the lead case.

Expected Results

2.1) Docket Clerk is in the lead case of a consolidated group and adds a docket entry; modal appears for clerk to select additional cases to file the document in.

Expected Results

2.2) Docket Clerk selects some of the other cases (not all) from the consolidated group to also add the docket entry in that case; Parties receiving paper service are displayed in modal.

Expected Results

2.3) Upon service, print paper service is available for clerk

Expected Results:

2.4) Updated confirmation message appears after service.

Expected Results:

2.5) Document is reflected appropriately on the docket record for the lead case and each case selected.

Expected Results

2.6) Document in the non-lead cases are the same as the document in the lead case.

Expected Results

3.1) Docket Clerk is in the lead case of a consolidated group and adds a docket entry; modal appears for clerk to select additional cases to file the document in;

Expected Results

3.2) Docket Clerk selects all other cases from the consolidated group to also add the docket entry in those cases; Parties receiving paper service are displayed in modal;

Expected Results

3.3) Upon service, print paper service is available for clerk,

Expected Results:

3.4) Updated confirmation message appears after service.

Expected Results:

3.5) Document is reflected appropriately on the docket record for the lead case each case selected.

Expected Results

3.6) Document in the non-lead cases are the same as the document in the lead case.

Expected Results

4) Docket Clerk is in the lead case of a consolidated group and adds a docket entry. Clicks Cancel, document is saved to drafts folder of lead case, is not added to any other case in consolidated group.

Expected Results:

5) Docket Clerk is in the lead case of a consolidated group and adds a docket entry; modal appears for clerk to select additional cases to file the document in, but then docket clerk clicks No, take me back instead of Yes, Serve

Expected Results

6.1) Docket Clerk adds a docket entry in a case that is in a consolidated group, but it is not the lead case. Add docket entry workflow does not include the new modal, and docket clerk does not have the ability to file the document in other cases in the group.

Expected Results:

6.2) Docket clerk serves the document in the non-lead case in a consolidated group; document is only filed in the individual case.

Expected Results:

7.1) Docket Clerk is in the lead case of a consolidated group and adds a docket entry; modal appears for clerk to select additional cases to file the document in.

Expected Results

7.2) Docket Clerk selects ONLY the lead case from the consolidated group; Parties receiving paper service are displayed in modal.

Expected Results

7.3) Upon service, the print paper service is available for clerk.

Expected Results:

7.4) Updated confirmation message appears after service.

Expected Results:

7.5) Document is reflected appropriately on the docket record for the lead case only

Expected Results

8) Docket Clerk is in the lead case of a consolidated group and adds a docket entry that is a decision type of document; modal does not appear for clerk to select additional cases to file the document in.

Expected Results

halprin commented 2 years ago

Created the consolidated-case-with-duplicating-docket-entries feature flag.

halprin commented 2 years ago

The model is located at web-client/src/views/ConfirmInitiateServiceModal.jsx.

halprin commented 2 years ago

web-client/src/presenter/sequences/serveCourtIssuedDocumentFromDocketEntrySequence.js is the sequence that most likely runs when someone clicks "Yes, Serve". That sequence could be overridden though.

ttlenard commented 2 years ago

It was discussed that if a Decision type of document is added as a docket entry in the lead case, then the updated modal that displays for the user to select additional cases to file in will NOT appear. Decision documents are only to be filed in individual cases. I added test case 9 for this scenario.

halprin commented 2 years ago

Need to add setupConsolidatedCasesAction to web-client/src/presenter/sequences/openConfirmServeCourtIssuedDocumentSequence.js for when we tackle serving (without filing) of court issued documents.

Need to update web-client/src/presenter/actions/serveCourtIssuedDocumentAction.js and shared/src/business/useCases/courtIssuedDocument/serveCourtIssuedDocumentInteractor.js too.

ttlenard commented 2 years ago

I deleted the original test case 4 that involved saving the docket entry rather than save and serve since we split that workflow out of this story. The test cases that were in here are now in story 9513.

halprin commented 2 years ago


liadmccabe commented 2 years ago

Screen Shot 2022-06-20 at 11.27.34 AM.pngIssue found during UX Review: Our mockups incorrectly indicated modal text should say "The following document will be served on all parties:". This text should be corrected to say "The following document will be served on all parties in selected cases"

ttlenard commented 2 years ago

Found an issue while testing. When serving a document, if the petitioner has paper service, the print for paper service screen overtakes all DAWSON tabs that you have open. This is very confusing if a user needs to issue an Order in a Consolidated group of cases. If this user is doing multiple things in DAWSON, they may accidentally print the same paper service multiple times. They may not realize that it is the same document. Based on the conversation we had during standup, it seems to be related to the current websocket configurations? Here are the steps to take to recreate the issue:

1 - Have multiple tabs open with various cases (can have cases that are in a Consolidated group, or just random cases) 2 - Go to the lead case (22447-16) and create an order (or you can also create an order in docket 22449-16- a member case) 3 - On the pop-up modal for selecting which cases to serve the document on, be sure to select a case that has petitioners that receive paper service (in my testing, docket 22449-16 has Paper service) 4 - The Print for paper service screen appears.
5 - This screen will appear on ALL DAWSON tabs that you have open.

ttlenard commented 2 years ago

Found an issue while testing today. I am unable to serve a document to a Consolidated group. I receive a spinner of doom. Here are the steps to recreate it.

  1. Log in as a docket clerk
  2. Navigate to a lead case in a consolidated group (I used 22447-16)
  3. Click Create, select Order or Notice
  4. Draft an Order, and then click Save and Serve.
  5. You will get the "which cases do you want to serve this to" message. I selected only the lead case, and I also selected all cases when attempting to test this, so it doesn't matter what you select.
  6. Serve the document on the selected cases.
  7. You will get the spinner of doom. When I had the console open, I received a lot of websocket errors. Not sure if this means anything?

Note: Chris Holly also experienced this same behavior.

Here is a screen capture: image.png

ttlenard commented 2 years ago

On TEST, when you are serving a court issued document via pdf upload in a member case, or just a regular ol' case that isn't part of a CG, you get the pop-up modal that has the updated wording for Consolidated cases...Granted, it doesn't have the checkboxes, but the wording has changed from what it was originally, which could cause some confusion.

Here is what it is currently displaying when serving a document on a non lead case on TEST: image.png

Here is the language that currently exists when serving (without the Consolidated functionality deployed) on Staging: image.png

cholly75 commented 1 year ago

Approved to remove feature flag