flexion / ef-cms

An Electronic Filing / Case Management System.
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Petitioner: DAWSON Petition Generation #5512

Closed klohman closed 3 months ago

klohman commented 4 years ago

As a petitioner, so that I can easily create my petition to the Tax Court, I want to be able to complete an interview that will generate my petition for me.


Acceptance Criteria

(Note: This ticket does not include the new upload component. Use the old one.)



Definition of Done (Updated 1-30-20)

Product Owner



swongCO commented 10 months ago

UX Notes See figma file for complete set of mockups with variations and notes.

This ticket only covers petitioners not practitioners.

The work:

Case procedure info page (lives in USTC website)

Case procedure info page.png

Step 5 STIN


Step 6 Review case

Review case.jpg

Step 7 Filing fee

Pay filing fee.jpg
ttlenard commented 8 months ago

Test Cases

1) First time petitioner filer logs in; The What to Expect When Filing a Case page is updated with new text, and the cards on the right side of the page are updated.

Expected Results:

2) Petitioner clicks on the Start a case button; The How to Create a Case page displays with updated text.

Expected Results:

3) Petitioner Clicks on the "I'm Ready to Start" button in the workflow; Petitioner is routed to the Step 1 of 7 page; Petitioner radio button selections display.

*Note - this step got moved to step 2 instead of step 1

Part 1

Expected Results:

4) Petitioner selects "Answer some questions and have the Petition created for you" button, clicks Next without inputting any data; receives validation error.

Part 1

Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results:

Part 3

Expected Results:

5) Petitioner selects "Answer some questions and have the Petition created for you" button, Adds in disagreement text and facts.

Expected Results:

6) Petitioner selects "Answer some questions and have the Petition created for you" button, Adds in disagreement text and facts and adds more reasons/facts.

Part 1

Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results:

Part 3

Expected Results:

Part 4

Expected Results:

Part 5

Expected Results:

7) Petitioner views the step 2 of 7 Petitioner information page; Petitioner radio button selections display.

Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results:

Part 3

Expected Results:

Petitioner - Test Cases 8 - 25 are for the "General Petitioner"

8) Petitioner selects "Myself" as the person filing the petition; data fields for a single petitioner are displayed.

Expected Results:

9) Petitioner clicks Next without adding in any data; Receives Validation error

Expected Results:

10) Petitioner fills out the information fields, leaves some of the required fields blank; receives validation errors.

Expected Results:

11) Petitioner fills out all of the required fields on the Petitioner Information page; Clicks next button.

Expected Results:

12) Petitioner clicks the Next button on the IRS Notice page without making a selection, Receives Validation error.

Expected Results:

13) Petitioner selects the "Yes" Radio button indicating that they received an IRS Notice; Page displays new IRS Notice fields/upload option.

Expected Results:

14) Petitioner clicks Next without uploading or adding any data to the fields on the page; Receives validation error.

Expected Results:

15) Petitioner adds the type of notice/case; leaves the rest of the fields blank; Clicks Next; User is navigated to step 4 of 7 page.

Expected Results:

16) User uploads/drags(?) an IRS notice document, fills in additional data; Clicks Next; User is navigated to step 4 or 7 page.

Part 1

Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results:

17) User adds an IRS notice, Does not add any data; receives Validation error.

Part 1

Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results:

Part 3

Expected Results:

Part 3

Expected Results:

Part 4

Expected Results:

Part 5

Expected Results:

18) Petitioner clicks the Next button; User is routed to step 4 of 7 page; Clicks Next, receives validation error.

**This test case isn't applicable anymore - Regular case is now selected as the default selection.

- Continuing from the previous test - Click the Next button on the IRS Notice page - Click Next on the Case Procedure page without making a selection for regular or small case type.

Expected Results: - [ ] NEW FUNCTIONALITY - User receives a validation error indicating that they must make a selection for case procedure.

19) Petitioner reviews the link and then selects Regular Case; Preferred Trial Location dropdown menu displays; User Clicks Next without making a selection, Receives Validation error.

Part 1

Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results:

20) Petitioner selects a preferred trial location, clicks Next; STIN Page displays.

Expected Results

21) Petitioner clicks Next without uploading a STIN; receives validation error.

Expected Results:

22) Petitioner uploads a STIN PDF

Expected Results:

23) Petitioner clicks Next; Step 6 of 7 Review and Submit Case page displays

Expected Results:

24) Petitioner clicks on the Submit Documents and Create Case button; User is routed to step 7 of 7 Pay Filing Fee page.

Part 1

Expected Results:

25) Petitioner navigates to the case that they just created, Generated Petition and IRS Notices are docketed correctly.

Expected Results:

Test Cases 26-28 are for General Navigation

26) Petitioner Starts a case, Clicks cancel on each page in the workflow; Receives Are you Sure pop-up; User can confirm, close, or click No, Take me back; Modal acts appropriately on each page.

Expected Results:

27) Petitioner Starts a case, Clicks back on each page in the workflow; User is navigated appropriately to the previous page throughout the workflow; Data that they previously input is retained when they return to the next page.

Expected Results:

28) Petitioner Starts a case; Uses the breadcrumbs at the top of the page to navigate; User is navigated appropriately.

Part 1

Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results:

Part 3

Expected Results:

Part 4

Expected Results:

Part 5

Expected Results:

Part 6

Expected Results:

Part 7

Expected Results:

Test Cases 29-34 are alternate paths for general Petitioner Flow

29) Petitioner eFiles a Petition; Selects that they would like to answer questions; Adds multiple Reasons/Facts with each one being LONG (lots of text); Generated Petition formatting is clear (see mockup).

Part 1

Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results

Part 3

Expected Results:

Part 4

Expected Results:

30) Petitioner does not include Place of legal Address when adding petitioner information; this data is not displayed on the Review and Submit Case and the generated Petition PDF.

Part 1

Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results:

*Repeat this test with other Party type's to validate the N/A is not displayed

31) Petitioner eFiles a Petition; Indicates that they do not have an IRS Notice; User receives validation error if they do not make a selection in the dropdown.

Expected Results

32) Petitioner selects a topic from the "Which topic matches your complaint" dropdown; New value title "Passport" is now in the dropdown list

Expected Results:

33) Petitioner selects a Passport from the "Which topic matches your complaint" dropdown; Continues the workflow to the Review and Submit Case Screen, The case type is Passport, and The IRS notice(s) section displays N/A.

Expected Results:

34) The Generated Petition displays the Information about the IRS Notice and Case type appropriately

Expected Results:

Test cases 35-38 are General Petitioner uploading documents, including the Petition

35) Petitioner uploads a PDF that is non-compliant (PW protected/encrypted/non-PDF file, over 250 MB etc.) for the document uploads; User receives Validation Error message upon submitting to USTC.

Expected Results:

*Repeat this test by uploading all of the various "non-complaint" documents. For the documents that are over 250 MB, you should receive a browser error on the page you are uploading to, not an error at the end of the workflow.

36) Petitioner uploads a Petition document instead of answering questions; user can upload 1 PDF into the Petition section (drag a PDF as well? Dev discretion).

Expected Results:

37) Petitioner that uploaded their Petition reviews the document before submitting, PDF upload is appropriate and can be reviewed as per normal.

Expected Results:

38) Petitioner submits their case; User is routed to the pay filing fee page.

Expected Results:

Test Cases 39-48 are for Petitioner and Spouse (not deceased) Type cases

39) User files a case for Petitioner and Spouse; Section appears for "Your spouse's information".

Expected Results:

41) User clicks Next, without indicating if their Spouse is deceased; receives validation error.

Expected Results:

42) User makes a selection for the question, "Is your Spouse Deceased?", fields below are updated based off of the selection made.

43) User Clicks "No", that their spouse is not deceased; does not indicate that they have their spouse's consent; Clicks Next, Receives validation error message.

Expected Results:

44) User indicates that they have their spouse's consent, Additional fields for spouse display.

Expected Results:

45) User clicks Next, without inputting any data in their spouse's information fields; Receives validation errors.

Expected Results:

46) User Checks the "Register email address" checkbox, but does not add any data in the email address field for their spouse; receive validation error.

Expected Results:

47) Petitioner and Spouse case that had answered questions to have the Petition generated for them; Adds the required data for the rest of the eFiling flow; Generated PDF contains the data entered appropriately.

Expected results:

48) Repeat test cases 39 - 47 above, but instead indicate that you would like to upload a petition; data for Petitioner and Spouse on the Review and submit case page is correct.

Expected Results:

Test Cases 49 - 52 are for Petitioner and Spouse (deceased) Type cases

49) User selects Yes, that their spouse is deceased; Clicks Next without inputting additional data; User receives validation error.

Part 1

Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results:

50) User adds in data for the deceased Spouse and the in Care of; Checks the checkbox for Register email, but does not add in any email address; receives validation error.

Expected Results:

51) User adds in an email for the In Care of, Clicks Next, Adds the required data for the rest of the eFiling flow; Generated PDF contains the data entered appropriately.

Expected results:

52) Repeat test cases 49 - 51 above, but instead indicate that you would like to upload a petition; data for Petitioner and Deceased Spouse on the Review and submit case page is correct.

Expected Results:

Test Cases 53 - 58 are for Businesses

53) Petitioner creates a case for a business, Selects that they would like to auto-generate the petition; Petitioner information page displays data correctly, receives validation error if they do not fill out required fields.

Expected Results:

54) User selects Corporation from the bulleted list of business types; Corporation data fields display correctly; Clicks Next without filling in the data for the Corporation; Receives validation error.

Part 1 Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results:

55) User completes the data for a corporation and uploads a CDS document, continues through the workflow, data is displayed appropriately on the Review page and auto-generated PDF.

Expected Results:

56) Petitioner files a petition on behalf of a business, uploads a document that is out of compliance for the CDS, receives error upon submittal to the USTC.

Expected Results:

*Repeat this test but be sure that you also attempt to upload a corrupt document and a non-pdf file. You should receive the error as above.

57) Repeat tests 53-56, but instead select different Business types.

Expected Results:

Expected Results:

Expected Results:

58) Repeat tests 53-57, but instead upload a Petition instead of auto-generating the document.

Expected Results:

**Test Cases 59 - 63 are for Other/Estate or trust

59) Petitioner creates a case for Other, Selects that they would like to auto-generate the petition; Petitioner information page displays data correctly, receives validation error if they do not fill out required fields.

Expected Results:

60) User selects estate or trust from the bulleted list of Other types; Estate or trust data fields display correctly; Clicks Next without selecting the type of Estate of Trust; Receives validation error.

Part 1 Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results:

Part 3

Expected Results:

Part 4

Expected Results:

61) User completes the data for a Other/Estate or trust/with an executor, Continues through the workflow, data is displayed appropriately on the Review page and auto-generated PDF.

Expected Results:

62) Repeat tests 59-61, but instead select different "Other" types

Expected Results:

Expected Results:

63) Repeat tests 59-62, but instead upload a Petition instead of auto-generating the document.

Expected Results:

Test Cases 64 - 67 are for Other/A minor or legally incompetent person

64) User selects A minor or legally incompetent person from the bulleted list of Other types; fields display correctly; Clicks Next without selecting the type of role, Receives validation error.

Part 1 Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results:

Part 3

Expected Results:

Part 4

Expected Results:

65) User completes the data for a Conservator, continues through the workflow, data is displayed appropriately on the Review page and auto-generated PDF.

Expected Results:

66) Repeat tests 64-65, but instead select different "Other/A minor or legally incompetent person" types

Expected Results:

Expected Results:

Expected Results:

Expected Results:

67) Repeat tests 64-66, but instead upload a Petition instead of auto-generating the document.

Expected Results:

Test Cases 68 - 70 are for Other/Donor

68) User selects Donor from the bulleted list of Other types; fields display correctly; Clicks Next without adding any data, Receives validation error.

Part 1

Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results:

69) User completes the data for a Donor, continues through the workflow, data is displayed appropriately on the Review page and auto-generated PDF.

Expected Results:

70) Repeat tests 68-69, but instead upload a Petition instead of auto-generating the document.

Expected Results:

Test Cases 71 - 73 are for Other/Transferee

71) User selects Transferee from the bulleted list of Other types; fields display correctly; Clicks Next without adding any data, Receives validation error.

Part 1

Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results:

72) User completes the data for a Transferee, Continues through the workflow, data is displayed appropriately on the Review page and auto-generated PDF.

Expected Results:

73) Repeat tests 71-72, but instead upload a Petition instead of auto-generating the document.

Expected Results:

Test Cases 74 - 76 are for Other/Deceased Spouse

74) User selects Deceased Spouse from the bulleted list of Other types; fields display correctly; Clicks Next without adding any data, Receives validation error.

Part 1

Expected Results:

Part 2

Expected Results:

75) User completes the data for a Deceased spouse, continues through the workflow, data is displayed appropriately on the Review page and auto-generated PDF.

Expected Results:

76) Repeat tests 74-75, but instead upload a Petition instead of auto-generating the document.

Expected Results:

Test Case 77 is for the Auto-Generated PDF

77) Auto-Generated PDF matches mockups

Expected Results:

78) Test all workflows on Mobile

79) Test all workflows on other Browsers:

80) Petitions clerk QC's a Petition that was auto-generated; Clerk can review and QC the document as per normal.

Expected Results:

Repeat this test with a Case Services Supervisor and Clerk of the Court role Repeat this test with all of the different party types and permutations of the auto-generated PDF (ex: with/without IRS notices, with/without CDS, with/without place of legal address, with/without registering email, lots of IRS notice info added, lots of complaints as to why petitioner is filing a case against IRS, etc.)

81) Petitions clerk completes the QC of a Petition that was auto-generated; Documents are served as per normal to the IRS/Petitioner


Expected Results:

Part 2 Click the Serve to IRS button

Expected Results:

Repeat this test with a Case Services Supervisor and Clerk of the Court role Repeat this test with all of the different party types and permutations of the auto-generated PDF (ex: with/without IRS notices, with/without CDS, with/without place of legal address, with/without registering email, lots of IRS notice info added, lots of complaints as to why petitioner is filing a case against IRS, etc.)

81) Petitions clerk can QC petitions that were uploaded as per normal as well as Petitions that were filed prior to the release of this story.

Expected Results:

82) Other Regression tests

Some Open Questions - Will be getting answers ASAP

ttlenard commented 8 months ago

Note: We do have a question to the Court that we are awaiting a response for.

For Business types of Petitioners, what is the appropriate field label for "Place of Legal Residence"?

We do know that "Residence" is NOT appropriate and we are awaiting a response for the correct terminology.

ttlenard commented 7 months ago

Update: I heard back from the Court. They would like "Place of business" to replace the "Place of legal residence" for Business types of petitioners.

swongCO commented 7 months ago

Update: for an estate with an executor/personal rep etc., the Title field will be required. This is a change to the current behavior. Display the appropriate validation message if the field is empty.

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 1.37.25 PM.png
swongCO commented 6 months ago

UX feedback on exp5



No cases dashboard

Start page

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

swongCO commented 6 months ago

UX feedback cont'd

Step 5 No changes except for the persisting error message after a pdf has been selected

Step 6

Step 6 PDF

Step 7

swongCO commented 6 months ago

UX feedback for mobile experience


Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 11.04.30 AM.png

Step 1 - auto generate flow

Step 2

Step 3

Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 11.44.06 AM.png

Step 4

Step 6

Step 7

nechama-krigsman commented 6 months ago
katiecissell commented 6 months ago
katiecissell commented 6 months ago
katiecissell commented 6 months ago
katiecissell commented 6 months ago
katiecissell commented 6 months ago
swongCO commented 6 months ago

UX feedback on test

Create a case

Step 2

Step 6

Step 7

ttlenard commented 6 months ago

When you click Print this Page:


You get an option to either print or save it as a PDF. When saving as a PDF, the document is not passing accessibility tests. Screen readers cannot read it.

nechama-krigsman commented 6 months ago
ttlenard commented 6 months ago
nechama-krigsman commented 6 months ago
ttlenard commented 6 months ago
ttlenard commented 6 months ago
ttlenard commented 6 months ago
ttlenard commented 6 months ago

This is what it should be:

ttlenard commented 6 months ago
ttlenard commented 6 months ago

Here is what it looks like on Step 7:


Here is what it looks like any other time in DAWSON:

ttlenard commented 6 months ago
swongCO commented 6 months ago

Test feedback

Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 11.16.14 AM.png
swongCO commented 6 months ago

Mobile test feedback (on my iphone 15)

Create a case page (apply changes to all screen sizes):


Review page

IMG_2059.PNG IMG_2053.PNG

Petitioner info page

cholly75 commented 5 months ago
ttlenard commented 5 months ago

Testing feedback:

ttlenard commented 5 months ago

Testing Feedback:

ttlenard commented 5 months ago

Testing Feedback:

Case Information Page:


Step 7 - Proposed text:

ttlenard commented 5 months ago

Testing Feedback:

cholly75 commented 5 months ago

Walkthrough feedback:

Additional changes to copy text expected, will document when received.

cruzjone-flexion commented 5 months ago


  1. Step 3: Re-order Type of Notice/Case dropdown menu when "Yes" is selected:
    • Notice of Deficiency
    • Notice of Determination Concerning Collection Action
    • Other
    • The rest of 'em alphabetically
  2. Step 3: Add value to Type of Notice/Case dropdown menu when "No" is selected:
    • Deficiency

These changes will also be available in the OLD petition flow (discussed with Chris Holly).

swongCO commented 5 months ago

Test feedback

Create a case page

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 1.19.49 PM.png

Step 1

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 1.37.46 PM.png


Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 2.27.02 PM.png Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 2.30.14 PM.png
swongCO commented 5 months ago

Mobile test feedback (iphone 15)

Step 2


Step 3

IMG_2071.PNG IMG_2069.PNG
swongCO commented 5 months ago

Step 3

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 3.02.40 PM.png
ttlenard commented 5 months ago

Petition Wizard Markup with JES comments_TL.pdf

nechama-krigsman commented 5 months ago
nechama-krigsman commented 5 months ago
swongCO commented 5 months ago
Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 3.49.17 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 11.12.55 AM.png

Petitioner info on review page

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 1.57.33 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 4.51.43 PM.png

Generated pdf

Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 10.17.30 AM.png
ttlenard commented 5 months ago
ttlenard commented 5 months ago
ttlenard commented 5 months ago
ttlenard commented 5 months ago

Here it is on Test:


Here it is on staging:

ttlenard commented 5 months ago

Testing Feedback

ttlenard commented 5 months ago

Testing Feedback:

Disregard per UX

ttlenard commented 5 months ago

Testing Feedback:

swongCO commented 5 months ago

iOS mobile feedback
