flexion / ef-cms

An Electronic Filing / Case Management System.
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External Search: Turn on/off Order Search for External Users in Production Environment #9066

Closed cholly75 closed 2 years ago

cholly75 commented 3 years ago

As the Court Tech Lead, so that I can control search availability for public users of DAWSON, I need the ability to toggle external Order search off and on without requiring a deployment.


Acceptance Criteria



Test Cases

Story Definition of Ready (Created on 9/26/21)

The following criteria must be met in order for the user story to be picked up by the Flexion development team. The user story must:

Process: Flexion developers and designers will test if the story meets acceptance criteria and test cases in Flexion dev and staging environments (“standard testing”). If additional acceptance criteria or testing scenarios are discovered while the story is in progress, a new story should be created, added to the backlog and prioritized by the product owner.

Definition of Done (Updated 10-6-21)

Product Owner



rachelschneiderman commented 3 years ago

When deploying this story on any environment, the following script needs to be run in order to setup the external-order-search-enabled dynamo flag:

./scripts/setup-external-order-search-flag.sh <ENV>

rosiehsmith commented 3 years ago

This script also needs to be run as we renamed the order-search-enabled flag to internal-order-search-enabled to accurately reflect what they are used for:

sh ./scripts/rename-order-search-flag-to-internal.sh <ENV>

rachelschneiderman commented 3 years ago

Per Lia:

"Order search has been temporarily disabled. Please try again later."

rosiehsmith commented 3 years ago

Demoed this morning 11/8 on flexion's staging environment and got the 👍 for UX review and PO review.