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oab-java.sh (0.3.0) fails in current state #123

Open brendandc opened 10 years ago

brendandc commented 10 years ago

I get the following error in the log: cp -a x64/jre debian/oracle-java7-bin/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle- cp: cannot stat `x64/jre': No such file or directory make: *\ [binary-oracle-java7-bin] Error 1 dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules binary gave error exit status 2 ^H^H8242's retcode: 2 success

And this in standard out: ERROR! Packages failed to build.

Somebody else filed: https://github.com/rraptorr/oracle-java7/issues/15 against oracle-java7 but they think its an issue here. It seemed like they had to change their format due to changes in dpkg (see comment in link).

For reference I am running the script on vagrant's precise64.box. Any other details, I'd be happy to provide.

shinji257 commented 10 years ago

Just a heads up but I believe #119 is an older report of this issue.

x3bandy commented 10 years ago

I've somewhat similar issue regardless of the architecture

cp -a x64/jre debian/oracle-java7-bin/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle- cp: cannot stat `x64/jre': No such file or directory make: *\ [binary-oracle-java7-bin] Error 1 dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules binary gave error exit status 2 ^H^H29243's retcode: 2

cp -a i586/jre debian/oracle-java7-bin/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle- cp: cannot stat `i586/jre': No such file or directory make: *\ [binary-oracle-java7-bin] Error 1 dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules binary gave error exit status 2 9696's retcode: 2

shinji257 commented 10 years ago

Try the referenced pull request an see if it works for you when manually applied. Hopefully the maintainer will accept the patch.

x3bandy commented 10 years ago


I can confirm that it works

drdamour commented 10 years ago

yup worked for me

wget https://raw.github.com/ladios/oab-java6/70408f49e9e5b44820354b630220ca2c0c1060a7/oab-java.sh -O oab-java.sh

for now...

jsirex commented 10 years ago

Unable to make it work :( Tried different versions of oab-java.sh. Also, from ladios. Tried script mentiod by @drdamour OS: Debian Jessie

Using rraptorr/oracle-java7 directly works. It seems that something wrong with paths.

UPD: I've used master of rraptorr/oracle-java7

jsirex commented 10 years ago

Update to previous post: recently make it works with branch from ladios/master

zasran commented 10 years ago

Yeah, same as jsirex, https://github.com/ladios/oab-java6/blob/master/oab-java.sh works with Java 8. Any chances this repository will be updated?