flexiondotorg / oab-java6

Create a local 'apt' repository for Sun Java 6 and/or Oracle Java 7 packages.
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Running without root (e.g. in Jenkins) #42

Open jflemer-ndp opened 12 years ago

jflemer-ndp commented 12 years ago

It would be nice to have a command line option to skip the things that need root and just build the packages.

The following allows this, and happens to be suitable for a build step in Jenkins:

mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tmp
perl -pe 's!^(\s*)(check_root|check_sudo|apt-get)\b!${1}true!g;
          s! /tmp! \$WORKSPACE/tmp!g;
         ' < oab-java.sh > oab-java-ci.sh
rm -f oab-java-ci.sh.log
bash ./oab-java-ci.sh -k none

You can tell Jenkins to archive artifacts: oab/deb/*.deb

mightyiam commented 12 years ago

Yes, please!

skull-squadron commented 11 years ago


jab416171 commented 11 years ago

any reason you're using perl instead of sed?