flexn-io / renative

🚀🚀🚀 Unified Development Platform for iOS, tvOS, Android, Android TV, Android Wear, Web, Tizen TV, Tizen Watch, Tizen Mobile, LG webOS, macOS/OSX, Windows, KaiOS, FirefoxOS Firefox TV platforms
MIT License
1.8k stars 180 forks source link

Support for package resolutions #1296

Open mihaiblaga89 opened 9 months ago

mihaiblaga89 commented 9 months ago

If there are package.json resolutions present for package X don't inject it in dependencies with the version defined in renative.json but use the one from resolutions instead

pauliusguzas commented 9 months ago

@mihaiblaga89 how to test this?

mihaiblaga89 commented 8 months ago

@pauliusguzas take an app as example. I'll take template-starter which is not exactly a good example because RNV will not change the template itself but it will print the warnings. We have a next dependency in renative.json of 13.5.2. That's also reflected in package.json dependencies. Now, changing the version in renative.json to 13.5.1 for example, will trigger RNV on the next run to update the package.json to 13.5.1 as well.

 Version mismatch of devDependency next between package.json: v(13.5.2) and plugins.json: v(13.5.1). This is template. NO ACTION

but, if you have a package.json resolutions that specifies next to, let's say 13.5.5 you should see this

Found resolutions override for next@13.5.5
pauliusguzas commented 8 months ago

Tested on template-starter with "isTemplate": false flag, findings:

  1. When no resolutions are added, and different versions are in package.json and in renative.json, when running, version in package.json is overriden by version in renative.json, however app still runs on not overriden version
pauliusguzas@MBP-de-Flexn template-starter % npx rnv run -p web -r

│                                                                              │
│        ██████╗ ███████╗███╗   ██╗ █████╗ ████████╗██╗██╗   ██╗███████╗       │
│        ██╔══██╗██╔════╝████╗  ██║██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝██║██║   ██║██╔════╝       │
│        ██████╔╝█████╗  ██╔██╗ ██║███████║   ██║   ██║██║   ██║█████╗         │
│        ██╔══██╗██╔══╝  ██║╚██╗██║██╔══██║   ██║   ██║╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══╝         │
│        ██║  ██║███████╗██║ ╚████║██║  ██║   ██║   ██║ ╚████╔╝ ███████╗       │
│        ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚═╝  ╚═══╝  ╚══════╝       │
│                                                                              │
│        Version: 1.0.0-rc.8                                                   │
│        https://renative.org                                                  │
│        🚀 Firing up!...                                                      │
│        $ npx rnv run -p web -r                                               │
│        Start Time: 1/11/2024, 12:12:08 PM                                    │
│                                                                              │

[ task ] registerEngine:engine-core[1]
[ task ] configureRuntimeDefaults[1] appId:undefined
[ task ] checkAndMigrateProject[1]
[ task ] loadPluginTemplates[1]
[ task ] parseRenativeConfigs[1]
[ task ] getWorkspaceDirPath[1]
[ task ] generatePlatformTemplatePaths[1]
[ task ] checkAndBootstrapIfRequired[1]
[ task ] loadIntegrations[1]
[ task ] loadEngines[1]
[ task ] loadEnginePluginDeps[1]
[ task ] loadEnginePackageDeps[1]
[ task ] registerEngine:engine-rn-next[1]
[ task ] findSuitableTask[1]
[ info ] Current Engine: engine-rn-next path: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/engine-rn-next
[ task ] registerMissingPlatformEngines[1]
[ task ] initializeTask[1] run
[ task ] => [run]
[ task ] [run] checkIfProjectAndNodeModulesExists[1]
[ hook ] [run] executePipe ('run:before')
[ hook ] [run] buildHooks Build hooks not complied. BUILDING...
[ task ] [run] taskRnvRun[1] parent:undefined
[ task ] => [run] => [configure]
[ hook ] [configure] executePipe ('configure:before')
[ task ] [configure] taskRnvConfigure[1]
[ task ] => [configure] => [platform configure]
[ hook ] [platform configure] executePipe ('platform:configure:before')
[ task ] [platform configure] taskRnvPlatformConfigure[1]
[ task ] => [platform configure] => [project configure]
[ hook ] [project configure] executePipe ('project:configure:before')
[ task ] [project configure] taskRnvProjectConfigure[1]
[ task ] [project configure] checkAndMigrateProject[2]
[ task ] [project configure] loadPluginTemplates[2]
[ task ] [project configure] parseRenativeConfigs[2]
[ task ] [project configure] getWorkspaceDirPath[2]
[ task ] [project configure] generatePlatformTemplatePaths[2]
[ task ] => [project configure] => [workspace configure]
[ task ] [workspace configure] taskRnvWorkspaceConfigure[1]
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= workspace configure
[ task ] [project configure] checkIfTemplateConfigured[1]
[ task ] => [project configure] => [install]
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:before')
[ task ] [install] taskRnvInstall[1] requiresInstall:false:true
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:after')
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= install
[ task ] [project configure] checkCrypto[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[2] appId:template
[ task ] [project configure] applyTemplate[1] @rnv/template-starter=>undefined
[ task ] [project configure] _applyTemplate[1] current:@rnv/template-starter selected:undefined
[ task ] [project configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[3] appId:template
[ task ] => [project configure] => [install]
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:before')
[ task ] [install] taskRnvInstall[2] requiresInstall:false:true
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:after')
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= install
[ task ] => [project configure] => [app configure]
[ hook ] [app configure] executePipe ('app:configure:before')
[ task ] [app configure] taskRnvAppConfigure[1]
[ task ] [app configure] listAppConfigsFoldersSync[1] ignoreHiddenConfigs:true
[ task ] [app configure] loadPluginTemplates[3]
[ task ] [app configure] parseRenativeConfigs[3]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[1] size:195.41 KB
[ task ] [app configure] getWorkspaceDirPath[3]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[2] size:195.41 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[3] size:195.41 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[4] size:195.41 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generatePlatformTemplatePaths[3]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[5] size:208.94 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[6] size:208.94 KB
[ task ] [app configure] getWorkspaceDirPath[4]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[7] size:208.94 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateLocalConfig[1] resetAppId:false
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[8] size:208.94 KB
[ info ] [app configure] Current App Config: template
[ hook ] [app configure] executePipe ('app:configure:after')
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= app configure
[ task ] [project configure] versionCheck[1]
[ task ] [project configure] versionCheck:rnvRunner:1.0.0-rc.8,rnvProject:1.0.0-rc.8[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configureEngines[1]
[ task ] [project configure] resolvePluginDependants[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configurePlugins[1]
[ warn ] [project configure] Version mismatch of devDependency next between package.json: v(14.0.3) and plugins.json: v(14.0.2). package.json will be overriden
[ task ] [project configure] generateBuildConfig[9] size:208.83 KB
[ task ] [project configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[4] appId:template
[ task ] [project configure] copyRuntimeAssets[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configureTemplateFiles[1]
[ task ] [project configure] checkAndCreateGitignore[1]
[ task ] [project configure] generateRuntimeConfig[1]
[ task ] [project configure] overrideTemplatePlugins[1]
[ task ] [project configure] parsePlugins[1]
[ info ] [project configure] Plugin overrides disabled for: next with disablePluginTemplateOverrides. SKIPPING
[ info ] [project configure] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/Handlers/RNHoverHandler.m overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json
[ info ] [project configure] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/RNGestureHandlerButtonComponentView.mm overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json
[ info ] [project configure] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/listIOSDevices.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json
[ info ] [project configure] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/findMatchingSimulator.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json
[ info ] [project configure] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/commands/runIOS/index.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json
[ task ] [project configure] parseFonts[1]
[ task ] [project configure] parsePlugins[2]
[ hook ] [project configure] executePipe ('project:configure:after')
[ task ] <= [platform configure] <= project configure
[ task ] [platform configure] isPlatformSupported[1]
[ task ] [platform configure] isBuildSchemeSupported[1]
[ info ] [platform configure] Current Build Scheme: debug
[ task ] [platform configure] checkAndConfigureSdks[1]
[ task ] [platform configure] checkSdk[1]
[ task ] [platform configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[5] appId:template
[ task ] => [platform configure] => [install]
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:before')
[ task ] [install] taskRnvInstall[3] requiresInstall:true:true
[ info ] [install] node_modules folder is out of date. INSTALLING...
[ task ] [install] installPackageDependenciesAndPlugins[1]
[ task ] [install] installPackageDependencies[1]
[ info ] [install] Found custom task for install: yarn bootstrap.
✔ Executing: yarn bootstrap
[ task ] [install] overrideTemplatePlugins[2]
[ task ] [install] parsePlugins[3]
[ info ] [install] Plugin overrides disabled for: next with disablePluginTemplateOverrides. SKIPPING
[ success ] [install] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/Handlers/RNHoverHandler.m requires override by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json. FIXING...DONE
[ success ] [install] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/RNGestureHandlerButtonComponentView.mm requires override by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json. FIXING...DONE
[ success ] [install] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/listIOSDevices.js requires override by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json. FIXING...DONE
[ success ] [install] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/findMatchingSimulator.js requires override by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json. FIXING...DONE
[ success ] [install] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/commands/runIOS/index.js requires override by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json. FIXING...DONE
[ task ] [install] parseFonts[2]
[ task ] [install] parsePlugins[4]
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:after')
[ task ] <= [platform configure] <= install
[ task ] [platform configure] [1] taskRnvPlatformConfigure hasBuildFolderPresent:true
[ info ] [platform configure] You passed -r argument. "./platformBuilds/template_web" CLEANING...DONE
[ task ] [platform configure] cleanPlatformBuild[1]
[ task ] [platform configure] createPlatformBuild[1]
[ task ] [platform configure] injectPlatformDependencies[1]
[ hook ] [platform configure] executePipe ('platform:configure:after')
[ task ] <= [configure] <= platform configure
[ task ] [configure] configureNextIfRequired[1]
[ task ] [configure] copyAssetsFolder[1]
[ info ] [configure] Found custom assetSources at /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/node_modules/@flexn/assets-renative-outline/assets/web. Will be used to generate assets.
[ hook ] [configure] executePipe ('configure:after')
[ task ] <= [run] <= configure
[ task ] [run] runWebNext[1] port:8080
[ info ] [run] Your web devServerHost at port 8080 is not running. Starting it up for you...
[ task ] [run] _runWebBrowser[1] ip: port:8080 openBrowser:true
[ task ] [run] waitForHost[1] port:8080
│  🚀  BUNDLER STARTED | 1/11/2024, 12:13:44 PM                                │
│  $ npx rnv run -p web -r                                                     │
│  ReNative Version: 1.0.0-rc.8                                                │
│  Project Name ($package.name): @rnv/template-starter                         │
│  Project Version ($package.version): 1.0.0-rc.8                              │
│  Workspace ($.workspaceID): rnv                                              │
│  Platform (-p): web                                                          │
│  Engine ($.platforms.web.engine): engine-rn-next                             │
│  Template: @rnv/template-starter@1.0.0-rc.8                                  │
│  App Config (-c): template                                                   │
│  Build Scheme (-s): debug                                                    │
│  Reset Project (-r): true                                                    │
│  Supported Platforms: web                                                    │
│  Env Info: darwin | x64 | node v18.17.0                                      │
│  Executed Time: 0h:1m:36s:173ms                                              │
│                                                                              │
│ [ warn ] [project configure] Version mismatch of devDependency next between package.json: v(14.0.3) and plugins.json: v(14.0.2). package.json will be overriden
│ [ success ] [install] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/Handlers/RNHoverHandler.m requires override by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json. FIXING...DONE
│ [ success ] [install] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/RNGestureHandlerButtonComponentView.mm requires override by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json. FIXING...DONE
│ [ success ] [install] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/listIOSDevices.js requires override by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json. FIXING...DONE
│ [ success ] [install] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/findMatchingSimulator.js requires override by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json. FIXING...DONE
│ [ success ] [install] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/commands/runIOS/index.js requires override by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json. FIXING...DONE
│                                                                              │
│  Project location:                                                           │
│  ./platformBuilds/template_web                                               │
[ task ] [run] runWebDevServer[1]

Dev server running at:

[ task ] [run] parsePlugins[5]
   ▲ Next.js 14.0.4
   - Local:        http://localhost:8080

  1. When resolutions are added, and different versions are in package.json and in renative.json, when running, version in package.json is overriden by version in resolutions, however app still runs on not overriden version
    pauliusguzas@MBP-de-Flexn template-starter % npx rnv run -p web -r

┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ ██████╗ ███████╗███╗ ██╗ █████╗ ████████╗██╗██╗ ██╗███████╗ │ │ ██╔══██╗██╔════╝████╗ ██║██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝██║██║ ██║██╔════╝ │ │ ██████╔╝█████╗ ██╔██╗ ██║███████║ ██║ ██║██║ ██║█████╗ │ │ ██╔══██╗██╔══╝ ██║╚██╗██║██╔══██║ ██║ ██║╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══╝ │ │ ██║ ██║███████╗██║ ╚████║██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ╚████╔╝ ███████╗ │ │ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚══════╝ │ │ │ │ Version: 1.0.0-rc.8 │ │ https://renative.org │ │ 🚀 Firing up!... │ │ $ npx rnv run -p web -r │ │ Start Time: 1/11/2024, 12:09:14 PM │ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

[ task ] registerEngine:engine-core[1] [ task ] configureRuntimeDefaults[1] appId:undefined [ task ] checkAndMigrateProject[1] [ task ] loadPluginTemplates[1] [ task ] parseRenativeConfigs[1] [ task ] getWorkspaceDirPath[1] [ task ] generatePlatformTemplatePaths[1] [ task ] checkAndBootstrapIfRequired[1] [ task ] loadIntegrations[1] [ task ] loadEngines[1] [ task ] loadEnginePluginDeps[1] [ task ] loadEnginePackageDeps[1] [ task ] registerEngine:engine-rn-next[1] [ task ] findSuitableTask[1] [ info ] Current Engine: engine-rn-next path: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/engine-rn-next [ task ] registerMissingPlatformEngines[1] [ task ] initializeTask[1] run [ task ] => [run] [ task ] [run] checkIfProjectAndNodeModulesExists[1] [ hook ] [run] executePipe ('run:before') [ hook ] [run] buildHooks Build hooks not complied. BUILDING... [ task ] [run] taskRnvRun[1] parent:undefined [ task ] => [run] => [configure] [ hook ] [configure] executePipe ('configure:before') [ task ] [configure] taskRnvConfigure[1] [ task ] => [configure] => [platform configure] [ hook ] [platform configure] executePipe ('platform:configure:before') [ task ] [platform configure] taskRnvPlatformConfigure[1] [ task ] => [platform configure] => [project configure] [ hook ] [project configure] executePipe ('project:configure:before') [ task ] [project configure] taskRnvProjectConfigure[1] [ task ] [project configure] checkAndMigrateProject[2] [ task ] [project configure] loadPluginTemplates[2] [ task ] [project configure] parseRenativeConfigs[2] [ task ] [project configure] getWorkspaceDirPath[2] [ task ] [project configure] generatePlatformTemplatePaths[2] [ task ] => [project configure] => [workspace configure] [ task ] [workspace configure] taskRnvWorkspaceConfigure[1] [ task ] <= [project configure] <= workspace configure [ task ] [project configure] checkIfTemplateConfigured[1] [ task ] => [project configure] => [install] [ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:before') [ task ] [install] taskRnvInstall[1] requiresInstall:false:true [ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:after') [ task ] <= [project configure] <= install [ task ] [project configure] checkCrypto[1] [ task ] [project configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[2] appId:template [ task ] [project configure] applyTemplate[1] @rnv/template-starter=>undefined [ task ] [project configure] _applyTemplate[1] current:@rnv/template-starter selected:undefined [ task ] [project configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[3] appId:template [ task ] => [project configure] => [install] [ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:before') [ task ] [install] taskRnvInstall[2] requiresInstall:false:true [ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:after') [ task ] <= [project configure] <= install [ task ] => [project configure] => [app configure] [ hook ] [app configure] executePipe ('app:configure:before') [ task ] [app configure] taskRnvAppConfigure[1] [ task ] [app configure] listAppConfigsFoldersSync[1] ignoreHiddenConfigs:true [ task ] [app configure] loadPluginTemplates[3] [ task ] [app configure] parseRenativeConfigs[3] [ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[1] size:195.41 KB [ task ] [app configure] getWorkspaceDirPath[3] [ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[2] size:195.41 KB [ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[3] size:195.41 KB [ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[4] size:195.41 KB [ task ] [app configure] generatePlatformTemplatePaths[3] [ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[5] size:208.94 KB [ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[6] size:208.94 KB [ task ] [app configure] getWorkspaceDirPath[4] [ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[7] size:208.94 KB [ task ] [app configure] generateLocalConfig[1] resetAppId:false [ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[8] size:208.94 KB [ info ] [app configure] Current App Config: template [ hook ] [app configure] executePipe ('app:configure:after') [ task ] <= [project configure] <= app configure [ task ] [project configure] versionCheck[1] [ task ] [project configure] versionCheck:rnvRunner:1.0.0-rc.8,rnvProject:1.0.0-rc.8[1] [ task ] [project configure] configureEngines[1] [ task ] [project configure] resolvePluginDependants[1] [ task ] [project configure] configurePlugins[1] [ warn ] [project configure] Version mismatch of devDependency next between package.json: v(14.0.3) and plugins.json: v(14.0.2). package.json will be overriden [ info ] [project configure] Found resolutions override for next@14.0.1 [ task ] [project configure] generateBuildConfig[9] size:208.83 KB [ task ] [project configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[4] appId:template [ task ] [project configure] copyRuntimeAssets[1] [ task ] [project configure] configureTemplateFiles[1] [ task ] [project configure] checkAndCreateGitignore[1] [ task ] [project configure] generateRuntimeConfig[1] [ task ] [project configure] overrideTemplatePlugins[1] [ task ] [project configure] parsePlugins[1] [ info ] [project configure] Plugin overrides disabled for: next with disablePluginTemplateOverrides. SKIPPING [ info ] [project configure] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/Handlers/RNHoverHandler.m overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json [ info ] [project configure] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/RNGestureHandlerButtonComponentView.mm overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json [ info ] [project configure] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/listIOSDevices.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json [ info ] [project configure] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/findMatchingSimulator.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json [ info ] [project configure] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/commands/runIOS/index.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json [ task ] [project configure] parseFonts[1] [ task ] [project configure] parsePlugins[2] [ hook ] [project configure] executePipe ('project:configure:after') [ task ] <= [platform configure] <= project configure [ task ] [platform configure] isPlatformSupported[1] [ task ] [platform configure] isBuildSchemeSupported[1] [ info ] [platform configure] Current Build Scheme: debug [ task ] [platform configure] checkAndConfigureSdks[1] [ task ] [platform configure] checkSdk[1] [ task ] [platform configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[5] appId:template [ task ] => [platform configure] => [install] [ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:before') [ task ] [install] taskRnvInstall[3] requiresInstall:true:true [ info ] [install] node_modules folder is out of date. INSTALLING... [ task ] [install] installPackageDependenciesAndPlugins[1] [ task ] [install] installPackageDependencies[1] [ info ] [install] Found custom task for install: yarn bootstrap. ✔ Executing: yarn bootstrap [ task ] [install] overrideTemplatePlugins[2] [ task ] [install] parsePlugins[3] [ info ] [install] Plugin overrides disabled for: next with disablePluginTemplateOverrides. SKIPPING [ info ] [install] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/Handlers/RNHoverHandler.m overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json [ info ] [install] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/RNGestureHandlerButtonComponentView.mm overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json [ info ] [install] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/listIOSDevices.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json [ info ] [install] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/findMatchingSimulator.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json [ info ] [install] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/commands/runIOS/index.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json [ task ] [install] parseFonts[2] [ task ] [install] parsePlugins[4] [ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:after') [ task ] <= [platform configure] <= install [ task ] [platform configure] [1] taskRnvPlatformConfigure hasBuildFolderPresent:true [ info ] [platform configure] You passed -r argument. "./platformBuilds/template_web" CLEANING...DONE [ task ] [platform configure] cleanPlatformBuild[1] [ task ] [platform configure] createPlatformBuild[1] [ task ] [platform configure] injectPlatformDependencies[1] [ hook ] [platform configure] executePipe ('platform:configure:after') [ task ] <= [configure] <= platform configure [ task ] [configure] configureNextIfRequired[1] [ task ] [configure] copyAssetsFolder[1] [ info ] [configure] Found custom assetSources at /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/node_modules/@flexn/assets-renative-outline/assets/web. Will be used to generate assets. [ hook ] [configure] executePipe ('configure:after') [ task ] <= [run] <= configure [ task ] [run] runWebNext[1] port:8080 [ info ] [run] Your web devServerHost at port 8080 is not running. Starting it up for you... [ task ] [run] _runWebBrowser[1] ip: port:8080 openBrowser:true [ task ] [run] waitForHost[1] port:8080 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ 🚀 BUNDLER STARTED | 1/11/2024, 12:10:11 PM │ │ $ npx rnv run -p web -r │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ ReNative Version: 1.0.0-rc.8 │ │ Project Name ($package.name): @rnv/template-starter │ │ Project Version ($package.version): 1.0.0-rc.8 │ │ Workspace ($.workspaceID): rnv │ │ Platform (-p): web │ │ Engine ($.platforms.web.engine): engine-rn-next │ │ Template: @rnv/template-starter@1.0.0-rc.8 │ │ App Config (-c): template │ │ Build Scheme (-s): debug │ │ Reset Project (-r): true │ │ Supported Platforms: web │ │ Env Info: darwin | x64 | node v18.17.0 │ │ Executed Time: 0h:0m:56s:781ms │ │ │ │ [ warn ] [project configure] Version mismatch of devDependency next between package.json: v(14.0.3) and plugins.json: v(14.0.2). package.json will be overriden │ │ │ Project location: │ │ ./platformBuilds/template_web │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ [ task ] [run] runWebDevServer[1]

Dev server running at:

[ task ] [run] parsePlugins[5] ▲ Next.js 14.0.4

pauliusguzas commented 6 months ago

this is what I get on app-harness

pauliusguzas@MBP-de-Flexn app-harness % npx rnv run -p web -r

│                                                                              │
│        ██████╗ ███████╗███╗   ██╗ █████╗ ████████╗██╗██╗   ██╗███████╗       │
│        ██╔══██╗██╔════╝████╗  ██║██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝██║██║   ██║██╔════╝       │
│        ██████╔╝█████╗  ██╔██╗ ██║███████║   ██║   ██║██║   ██║█████╗         │
│        ██╔══██╗██╔══╝  ██║╚██╗██║██╔══██║   ██║   ██║╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══╝         │
│        ██║  ██║███████╗██║ ╚████║██║  ██║   ██║   ██║ ╚████╔╝ ███████╗       │
│        ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚═╝  ╚═══╝  ╚══════╝       │
│                                                                              │
│        Version: 1.0.0-rc.10                                                  │
│        https://renative.org                                                  │
│        🚀 Firing up!...                                                      │
│        $ npx rnv run -p web -r                                               │
│        Start Time: 2/26/2024, 11:41:20 AM                                    │
│                                                                              │

[ task ] registerEngine:engine-core[1]
[ task ] configureRuntimeDefaults[1] appId:undefined
[ task ] checkAndMigrateProject[1]
[ task ] loadPluginTemplates[1]
[ task ] parseRenativeConfigs[1]
[ task ] getWorkspaceDirPath[1]
[ task ] generatePlatformTemplatePaths[1]
[ task ] checkAndBootstrapIfRequired[1]
[ task ] loadIntegrations[1]
[ task ] loadEngines[1]
[ task ] loadEnginePluginDeps[1]
[ task ] loadEnginePackageDeps[1]
[ task ] registerEngine:engine-rn-next[1]
[ task ] findSuitableTask[1]
[ info ] Current Engine: engine-rn-next path: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/engine-rn-next
[ task ] registerMissingPlatformEngines[1]
[ task ] initializeTask[1] run
[ task ] => [run]
[ task ] [run] checkIfProjectAndNodeModulesExists[1]
[ hook ] [run] executePipe ('run:before')
[ hook ] [run] buildHooks Build hooks not complied. BUILDING...
[ task ] [run] taskRnvRun[1] parent:undefined
[ task ] => [run] => [configure]
[ hook ] [configure] executePipe ('configure:before')
[ task ] [configure] taskRnvConfigure[1]
[ task ] => [configure] => [platform configure]
[ hook ] [platform configure] executePipe ('platform:configure:before')
[ task ] [platform configure] taskRnvPlatformConfigure[1]
[ task ] => [platform configure] => [project configure]
[ hook ] [project configure] executePipe ('project:configure:before')
[ task ] [project configure] taskRnvProjectConfigure[1]
[ task ] [project configure] checkAndMigrateProject[2]
[ task ] [project configure] loadPluginTemplates[2]
[ task ] [project configure] parseRenativeConfigs[2]
[ task ] [project configure] getWorkspaceDirPath[2]
[ task ] [project configure] generatePlatformTemplatePaths[2]
[ task ] => [project configure] => [workspace configure]
[ task ] [workspace configure] taskRnvWorkspaceConfigure[1]
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= workspace configure
[ task ] [project configure] checkIfTemplateConfigured[1]
[ task ] => [project configure] => [install]
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:before')
[ task ] [install] taskRnvInstall[1] requiresInstall:false:true
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:after')
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= install
[ task ] [project configure] checkCrypto[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[2] appId:harness
[ task ] [project configure] applyTemplate[1] @rnv/template-starter=>undefined
[ task ] [project configure] _applyTemplate[1] current:@rnv/template-starter selected:undefined
[ task ] [project configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[3] appId:harness
[ task ] => [project configure] => [install]
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:before')
[ task ] [install] taskRnvInstall[2] requiresInstall:false:true
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:after')
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= install
[ task ] => [project configure] => [app configure]
[ hook ] [app configure] executePipe ('app:configure:before')
[ task ] [app configure] taskRnvAppConfigure[1]
[ task ] [app configure] listAppConfigsFoldersSync[1] ignoreHiddenConfigs:true
[ task ] [app configure] loadPluginTemplates[3]
[ task ] [app configure] parseRenativeConfigs[3]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[1] size:201.3 KB
[ task ] [app configure] getWorkspaceDirPath[3]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[2] size:201.3 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[3] size:201.3 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[4] size:201.3 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generatePlatformTemplatePaths[3]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[5] size:216.99 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[6] size:216.99 KB
[ task ] [app configure] getWorkspaceDirPath[4]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[7] size:216.99 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateLocalConfig[1] resetAppId:false
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[8] size:216.99 KB
[ info ] [app configure] Current App Config: harness
[ hook ] [app configure] executePipe ('app:configure:after')
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= app configure
[ task ] [project configure] versionCheck[1]
[ task ] [project configure] versionCheck:rnvRunner:1.0.0-rc.10,rnvProject:1.0.0-rc.10[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configureEngines[1]
[ task ] [project configure] resolvePluginDependants[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configurePlugins[1]
[ warn ] [project configure] Version mismatch of dependency next between:
./package.json: v(14.0.4) and
./platformBuilds/harness_web.json: v(14.0.3).
package.json will be overriden
[ info ] [project configure] Found resolutions override for next@14.0.2
[ task ] [project configure] generateBuildConfig[9] size:216.87 KB
[ task ] [project configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[4] appId:harness
[ task ] [project configure] copyRuntimeAssets[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configureTemplateFiles[1]
[ task ] [project configure] checkAndCreateGitignore[1]
[ task ] [project configure] generateRuntimeConfig[1]
[ task ] [project configure] overrideTemplatePlugins[1]
[ task ] [project configure] parsePlugins[1]
[ info ] [project configure] Plugin overrides disabled for: next with disablePluginTemplateOverrides. SKIPPING
[ info ] [project configure] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/Handlers/RNHoverHandler.m overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json
[ info ] [project configure] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/RNGestureHandlerButtonComponentView.mm overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json
[ info ] [project configure] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/listIOSDevices.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json
[ info ] [project configure] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/findMatchingSimulator.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json
[ info ] [project configure] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/commands/runIOS/index.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json
[ info ] [project configure] /react-native-permissions overriden by: /@flexn/plugins/pluginTemplates/react-native-permissions/overrides
[ task ] [project configure] parseFonts[1]
[ task ] [project configure] parsePlugins[2]
[ hook ] [project configure] executePipe ('project:configure:after')
[ task ] <= [platform configure] <= project configure
[ task ] [platform configure] isPlatformSupported[1]
[ task ] [platform configure] isBuildSchemeSupported[1]
[ info ] [platform configure] Current Build Scheme: debug
[ task ] [platform configure] checkAndConfigureSdks[1]
[ task ] [platform configure] checkSdk[1]
[ task ] [platform configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[5] appId:harness
[ task ] => [platform configure] => [install]
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:before')
[ task ] [install] taskRnvInstall[3] requiresInstall:true:true
[ info ] [install] node_modules folder is out of date. INSTALLING...
[ task ] [install] installPackageDependenciesAndPlugins[1]
[ success ] [install] This project is marked as part of monorepo and it has no custom install tasks. Run your usual monorepo bootstrap procedure and re-run command again.
│  🚀  SUMMARY | 2/26/2024, 11:41:21 AM                                        │
│  $ npx rnv run -p web -r                                                     │
│  ReNative Version: 1.0.0-rc.10                                               │
│  Project Name ($package.name): @rnv/app-harness                              │
│  Project Version ($package.version): 1.0.0-rc.10                             │
│  Workspace ($.workspaceID): rnv                                              │
│  Platform (-p): web                                                          │
│  Engine ($.platforms.web.engine): engine-rn-next                             │
│  Template: @rnv/template-starter@1.0.0-rc.10                                 │
│  App Config (-c): harness                                                    │
│  Build Scheme (-s): debug                                                    │
│  Reset Project (-r): true                                                    │
│  Supported Platforms: web                                                    │
│  Env Info: darwin | x64 | node v18.17.0                                      │
│  Executed Time: 0h:0m:0s:557ms                                               │
│                                                                              │
│ [ warn ] [project configure] Version mismatch of dependency next between:
./package.json: v(14.0.4) and
./platformBuilds/harness_web.json: v(14.0.3).
package.json will be overriden
│ [ success ] [install] This project is marked as part of monorepo and it has no custom install tasks. Run your usual monorepo bootstrap procedure and re-run command again.
│ [ error ] [install] Cancelled
│                                                                              │
pauliusguzas@MBP-de-Flexn app-harness %
pauliusguzas commented 6 months ago

I have added 14.0.3 version to renative.json, 14.0.2 to resolutions in package.json and left 14.0.4 in package json dependencies

Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 12 02 27 Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 12 02 43 Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 12 02 58

Then I did 'npx rnv run -p web -r' and version in package.json dependencies changed to 14.0.2 -> expected

pauliusguzas@MBP-de-Flexn app-harness % npx rnv run -p web -r

│                                                                              │
│        ██████╗ ███████╗███╗   ██╗ █████╗ ████████╗██╗██╗   ██╗███████╗       │
│        ██╔══██╗██╔════╝████╗  ██║██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝██║██║   ██║██╔════╝       │
│        ██████╔╝█████╗  ██╔██╗ ██║███████║   ██║   ██║██║   ██║█████╗         │
│        ██╔══██╗██╔══╝  ██║╚██╗██║██╔══██║   ██║   ██║╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══╝         │
│        ██║  ██║███████╗██║ ╚████║██║  ██║   ██║   ██║ ╚████╔╝ ███████╗       │
│        ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚═╝  ╚═══╝  ╚══════╝       │
│                                                                              │
│        Version: 1.0.0-rc.10                                                  │
│        https://renative.org                                                  │
│        🚀 Firing up!...                                                      │
│        $ npx rnv run -p web -r                                               │
│        Start Time: 2/27/2024, 12:03:06 PM                                    │
│                                                                              │

[ task ] registerEngine:engine-core[1]
[ task ] configureRuntimeDefaults[1] appId:undefined
[ task ] checkAndMigrateProject[1]
[ task ] loadPluginTemplates[1]
[ task ] parseRenativeConfigs[1]
[ task ] getWorkspaceDirPath[1]
[ task ] generatePlatformTemplatePaths[1]
[ task ] checkAndBootstrapIfRequired[1]
[ task ] loadIntegrations[1]
[ task ] loadEngines[1]
[ task ] loadEnginePluginDeps[1]
[ task ] loadEnginePackageDeps[1]
[ task ] registerEngine:engine-rn-next[1]
[ task ] findSuitableTask[1]
[ info ] Current Engine: engine-rn-next path: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/engine-rn-next
[ task ] registerMissingPlatformEngines[1]
[ task ] initializeTask[1] run
[ task ] => [run]
[ task ] [run] checkIfProjectAndNodeModulesExists[1]
[ hook ] [run] executePipe ('run:before')
[ hook ] [run] buildHooks Build hooks not complied. BUILDING...
[ task ] [run] taskRnvRun[1] parent:undefined
[ task ] => [run] => [configure]
[ hook ] [configure] executePipe ('configure:before')
[ task ] [configure] taskRnvConfigure[1]
[ task ] => [configure] => [platform configure]
[ hook ] [platform configure] executePipe ('platform:configure:before')
[ task ] [platform configure] taskRnvPlatformConfigure[1]
[ task ] => [platform configure] => [project configure]
[ hook ] [project configure] executePipe ('project:configure:before')
[ task ] [project configure] taskRnvProjectConfigure[1]
[ task ] [project configure] checkAndMigrateProject[2]
[ task ] [project configure] loadPluginTemplates[2]
[ task ] [project configure] parseRenativeConfigs[2]
[ task ] [project configure] getWorkspaceDirPath[2]
[ task ] [project configure] generatePlatformTemplatePaths[2]
[ task ] => [project configure] => [workspace configure]
[ task ] [workspace configure] taskRnvWorkspaceConfigure[1]
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= workspace configure
[ task ] [project configure] checkIfTemplateConfigured[1]
[ task ] => [project configure] => [install]
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:before')
[ task ] [install] taskRnvInstall[1] requiresInstall:false:true
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:after')
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= install
[ task ] [project configure] checkCrypto[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[2] appId:harness
[ task ] [project configure] applyTemplate[1] @rnv/template-starter=>undefined
[ task ] [project configure] _applyTemplate[1] current:@rnv/template-starter selected:undefined
[ task ] [project configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[3] appId:harness
[ task ] => [project configure] => [install]
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:before')
[ task ] [install] taskRnvInstall[2] requiresInstall:false:true
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:after')
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= install
[ task ] => [project configure] => [app configure]
[ hook ] [app configure] executePipe ('app:configure:before')
[ task ] [app configure] taskRnvAppConfigure[1]
[ task ] [app configure] listAppConfigsFoldersSync[1] ignoreHiddenConfigs:true
[ task ] [app configure] loadPluginTemplates[3]
[ task ] [app configure] parseRenativeConfigs[3]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[1] size:201.3 KB
[ task ] [app configure] getWorkspaceDirPath[3]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[2] size:201.3 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[3] size:201.3 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[4] size:201.3 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generatePlatformTemplatePaths[3]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[5] size:216.98 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[6] size:216.98 KB
[ task ] [app configure] getWorkspaceDirPath[4]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[7] size:216.98 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateLocalConfig[1] resetAppId:false
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[8] size:216.98 KB
[ info ] [app configure] Current App Config: harness
[ hook ] [app configure] executePipe ('app:configure:after')
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= app configure
[ task ] [project configure] versionCheck[1]
[ task ] [project configure] versionCheck:rnvRunner:1.0.0-rc.10,rnvProject:1.0.0-rc.10[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configureEngines[1]
[ task ] [project configure] resolvePluginDependants[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configurePlugins[1]
[ warn ] [project configure] Version mismatch of dependency next between:
./package.json: v(14.0.4) and
./platformBuilds/harness_web.json: v(14.0.3).
package.json will be overriden
[ info ] [project configure] Found resolutions override for next@14.0.2
[ task ] [project configure] generateBuildConfig[9] size:216.87 KB
[ task ] [project configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[4] appId:harness
[ task ] [project configure] copyRuntimeAssets[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configureTemplateFiles[1]
[ task ] [project configure] checkAndCreateGitignore[1]
[ task ] [project configure] generateRuntimeConfig[1]
[ task ] [project configure] overrideTemplatePlugins[1]
[ task ] [project configure] parsePlugins[1]
[ info ] [project configure] Plugin overrides disabled for: next with disablePluginTemplateOverrides. SKIPPING
[ info ] [project configure] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/Handlers/RNHoverHandler.m overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json
[ info ] [project configure] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/RNGestureHandlerButtonComponentView.mm overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json
[ info ] [project configure] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/listIOSDevices.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json
[ info ] [project configure] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/findMatchingSimulator.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json
[ info ] [project configure] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/commands/runIOS/index.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json
[ info ] [project configure] /react-native-permissions overriden by: /@flexn/plugins/pluginTemplates/react-native-permissions/overrides
[ task ] [project configure] parseFonts[1]
[ task ] [project configure] parsePlugins[2]
[ hook ] [project configure] executePipe ('project:configure:after')
[ task ] <= [platform configure] <= project configure
[ task ] [platform configure] isPlatformSupported[1]
[ task ] [platform configure] isBuildSchemeSupported[1]
[ info ] [platform configure] Current Build Scheme: debug
[ task ] [platform configure] checkAndConfigureSdks[1]
[ task ] [platform configure] checkSdk[1]
[ task ] [platform configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[5] appId:harness
[ task ] => [platform configure] => [install]
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:before')
[ task ] [install] taskRnvInstall[3] requiresInstall:true:true
[ info ] [install] node_modules folder is out of date. INSTALLING...
[ task ] [install] installPackageDependenciesAndPlugins[1]
[ success ] [install] This project is marked as part of monorepo and it has no custom install tasks. Run your usual monorepo bootstrap procedure and re-run command again.
│  🚀  SUMMARY | 2/27/2024, 12:03:07 PM                                        │
│  $ npx rnv run -p web -r                                                     │
│  ReNative Version: 1.0.0-rc.10                                               │
│  Project Name ($package.name): @rnv/app-harness                              │
│  Project Version ($package.version): 1.0.0-rc.10                             │
│  Workspace ($.workspaceID): rnv                                              │
│  Platform (-p): web                                                          │
│  Engine ($.platforms.web.engine): engine-rn-next                             │
│  Template: @rnv/template-starter@1.0.0-rc.10                                 │
│  App Config (-c): harness                                                    │
│  Build Scheme (-s): debug                                                    │
│  Reset Project (-r): true                                                    │
│  Supported Platforms: web                                                    │
│  Env Info: darwin | x64 | node v18.17.0                                      │
│  Executed Time: 0h:0m:0s:407ms                                               │
│                                                                              │
│ [ warn ] [project configure] Version mismatch of dependency next between:
./package.json: v(14.0.4) and
./platformBuilds/harness_web.json: v(14.0.3).
package.json will be overriden
│ [ success ] [install] This project is marked as part of monorepo and it has no custom install tasks. Run your usual monorepo bootstrap procedure and re-run command again.
│ [ error ] [install] Cancelled
│                                                                              │

Then did yarn bootstrap After successfull bootstrap did 'npx rnv run -p web -r' and got error below

pauliusguzas@MBP-de-Flexn app-harness % npx rnv run -p web -r

│                                                                              │
│        ██████╗ ███████╗███╗   ██╗ █████╗ ████████╗██╗██╗   ██╗███████╗       │
│        ██╔══██╗██╔════╝████╗  ██║██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝██║██║   ██║██╔════╝       │
│        ██████╔╝█████╗  ██╔██╗ ██║███████║   ██║   ██║██║   ██║█████╗         │
│        ██╔══██╗██╔══╝  ██║╚██╗██║██╔══██║   ██║   ██║╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══╝         │
│        ██║  ██║███████╗██║ ╚████║██║  ██║   ██║   ██║ ╚████╔╝ ███████╗       │
│        ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚═╝  ╚═══╝  ╚══════╝       │
│                                                                              │
│        Version: 1.0.0-rc.10                                                  │
│        https://renative.org                                                  │
│        🚀 Firing up!...                                                      │
│        $ npx rnv run -p web -r                                               │
│        Start Time: 2/27/2024, 12:07:00 PM                                    │
│                                                                              │

[ task ] registerEngine:engine-core[1]
[ task ] configureRuntimeDefaults[1] appId:undefined
[ task ] checkAndMigrateProject[1]
[ task ] loadPluginTemplates[1]
[ task ] parseRenativeConfigs[1]
[ task ] getWorkspaceDirPath[1]
[ task ] generatePlatformTemplatePaths[1]
[ task ] checkAndBootstrapIfRequired[1]
[ task ] loadIntegrations[1]
[ task ] loadEngines[1]
[ task ] loadEnginePluginDeps[1]
[ task ] loadEnginePackageDeps[1]
[ task ] registerEngine:engine-rn-next[1]
[ task ] findSuitableTask[1]
[ info ] Current Engine: engine-rn-next path: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/engine-rn-next
[ task ] registerMissingPlatformEngines[1]
[ task ] initializeTask[1] run
[ task ] => [run]
[ task ] [run] checkIfProjectAndNodeModulesExists[1]
[ hook ] [run] executePipe ('run:before')
[ hook ] [run] buildHooks Build hooks not complied. BUILDING...
[ task ] [run] taskRnvRun[1] parent:undefined
[ task ] => [run] => [configure]
[ hook ] [configure] executePipe ('configure:before')
[ task ] [configure] taskRnvConfigure[1]
[ task ] => [configure] => [platform configure]
[ hook ] [platform configure] executePipe ('platform:configure:before')
[ task ] [platform configure] taskRnvPlatformConfigure[1]
[ task ] => [platform configure] => [project configure]
[ hook ] [project configure] executePipe ('project:configure:before')
[ task ] [project configure] taskRnvProjectConfigure[1]
[ task ] [project configure] checkAndMigrateProject[2]
[ task ] [project configure] loadPluginTemplates[2]
[ task ] [project configure] parseRenativeConfigs[2]
[ task ] [project configure] getWorkspaceDirPath[2]
[ task ] [project configure] generatePlatformTemplatePaths[2]
[ task ] => [project configure] => [workspace configure]
[ task ] [workspace configure] taskRnvWorkspaceConfigure[1]
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= workspace configure
[ task ] [project configure] checkIfTemplateConfigured[1]
[ task ] => [project configure] => [install]
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:before')
[ task ] [install] taskRnvInstall[1] requiresInstall:false:true
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:after')
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= install
[ task ] [project configure] checkCrypto[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[2] appId:harness
[ task ] [project configure] applyTemplate[1] @rnv/template-starter=>undefined
[ task ] [project configure] _applyTemplate[1] current:@rnv/template-starter selected:undefined
[ task ] [project configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[3] appId:harness
[ task ] => [project configure] => [install]
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:before')
[ task ] [install] taskRnvInstall[2] requiresInstall:false:true
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:after')
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= install
[ task ] => [project configure] => [app configure]
[ hook ] [app configure] executePipe ('app:configure:before')
[ task ] [app configure] taskRnvAppConfigure[1]
[ task ] [app configure] listAppConfigsFoldersSync[1] ignoreHiddenConfigs:true
[ task ] [app configure] loadPluginTemplates[3]
[ task ] [app configure] parseRenativeConfigs[3]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[1] size:201.3 KB
[ task ] [app configure] getWorkspaceDirPath[3]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[2] size:201.3 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[3] size:201.3 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[4] size:201.3 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generatePlatformTemplatePaths[3]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[5] size:216.98 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[6] size:216.98 KB
[ task ] [app configure] getWorkspaceDirPath[4]
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[7] size:216.98 KB
[ task ] [app configure] generateLocalConfig[1] resetAppId:false
[ task ] [app configure] generateBuildConfig[8] size:216.98 KB
[ info ] [app configure] Current App Config: harness
[ hook ] [app configure] executePipe ('app:configure:after')
[ task ] <= [project configure] <= app configure
[ task ] [project configure] versionCheck[1]
[ task ] [project configure] versionCheck:rnvRunner:1.0.0-rc.10,rnvProject:1.0.0-rc.10[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configureEngines[1]
[ task ] [project configure] resolvePluginDependants[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configurePlugins[1]
[ warn ] [project configure] Version mismatch of dependency next between:
./package.json: v(14.0.2) and
./platformBuilds/harness_web.json: v(14.0.3).
package.json will be overriden
[ info ] [project configure] Found resolutions override for next@14.0.2
[ task ] [project configure] generateBuildConfig[9] size:216.87 KB
[ task ] [project configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[4] appId:harness
[ task ] [project configure] copyRuntimeAssets[1]
[ task ] [project configure] configureTemplateFiles[1]
[ task ] [project configure] checkAndCreateGitignore[1]
[ task ] [project configure] generateRuntimeConfig[1]
[ task ] [project configure] overrideTemplatePlugins[1]
[ task ] [project configure] parsePlugins[1]
[ info ] [project configure] Plugin overrides disabled for: next with disablePluginTemplateOverrides. SKIPPING
[ info ] [project configure] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/Handlers/RNHoverHandler.m overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json
[ info ] [project configure] /react-native-gesture-handler/ios/RNGestureHandlerButtonComponentView.mm overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/react-native-gesture-handler/overrides.json
[ info ] [project configure] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/listIOSDevices.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json
[ info ] [project configure] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/tools/findMatchingSimulator.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json
[ info ] [project configure] /@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/build/commands/runIOS/index.js overriden by: /Users/pauliusguzas/Desktop/renative/renative/packages/rnv/pluginTemplates/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/overrides@11.3.7.json
[ info ] [project configure] /react-native-permissions overriden by: /@flexn/plugins/pluginTemplates/react-native-permissions/overrides
[ task ] [project configure] parseFonts[1]
[ task ] [project configure] parsePlugins[2]
[ hook ] [project configure] executePipe ('project:configure:after')
[ task ] <= [platform configure] <= project configure
[ task ] [platform configure] isPlatformSupported[1]
[ task ] [platform configure] isBuildSchemeSupported[1]
[ info ] [platform configure] Current Build Scheme: debug
[ task ] [platform configure] checkAndConfigureSdks[1]
[ task ] [platform configure] checkSdk[1]
[ task ] [platform configure] configureRuntimeDefaults[5] appId:harness
[ task ] => [platform configure] => [install]
[ hook ] [install] executePipe ('install:before')
[ task ] [install] taskRnvInstall[3] requiresInstall:true:true
[ info ] [install] node_modules folder is out of date. INSTALLING...
[ task ] [install] installPackageDependenciesAndPlugins[1]
[ success ] [install] This project is marked as part of monorepo and it has no custom install tasks. Run your usual monorepo bootstrap procedure and re-run command again.
│  🚀  SUMMARY | 2/27/2024, 12:07:00 PM                                        │
│  $ npx rnv run -p web -r                                                     │
│  ReNative Version: 1.0.0-rc.10                                               │
│  Project Name ($package.name): @rnv/app-harness                              │
│  Project Version ($package.version): 1.0.0-rc.10                             │
│  Workspace ($.workspaceID): rnv                                              │
│  Platform (-p): web                                                          │
│  Engine ($.platforms.web.engine): engine-rn-next                             │
│  Template: @rnv/template-starter@1.0.0-rc.10                                 │
│  App Config (-c): harness                                                    │
│  Build Scheme (-s): debug                                                    │
│  Reset Project (-r): true                                                    │
│  Supported Platforms: web                                                    │
│  Env Info: darwin | x64 | node v18.17.0                                      │
│  Executed Time: 0h:0m:0s:496ms                                               │
│                                                                              │
│ [ warn ] [project configure] Version mismatch of dependency next between:
./package.json: v(14.0.2) and
./platformBuilds/harness_web.json: v(14.0.3).
package.json will be overriden
│ [ success ] [install] This project is marked as part of monorepo and it has no custom install tasks. Run your usual monorepo bootstrap procedure and re-run command again.
│ [ error ] [install] Cancelled
│                                                                              │
pauliusguzas@MBP-de-Flexn app-harness %

When no resolutions are used I am getting same issue on app harness as in https://github.com/flexn-io/renative/issues/1296#issuecomment-1886786371 first point