flexn-io / renative

🚀🚀🚀 Unified Development Platform for iOS, tvOS, Android, Android TV, Android Wear, Web, Tizen TV, Tizen Watch, Tizen Mobile, LG webOS, macOS/OSX, Windows, KaiOS, FirefoxOS Firefox TV platforms
MIT License
1.81k stars 180 forks source link

no such file or directory when running tvos #530

Closed YousefAlsbaihi closed 3 years ago

YousefAlsbaihi commented 4 years ago

i have followed the documentation in the docs on the website here all of it from the begging and when i try to run the tv i get this error

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/Users/yousefalsbaihi/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/'
    at readdirSync (fs.js:948:3)
    at Object.read (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/ios-mobileprovision-finder/index.ts:85:16)
    at read (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/src/platformTools/apple/provisionParser.js:10:41)
    at tryCatch (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:40)
    at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:274:22)
    at Generator.prototype.<computed> [as next] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:97:21)
    at tryCatch (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:40)
    at invoke (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:135:20)
    at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:170:11
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at callInvokeWithMethodAndArg (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:169:16)
    at AsyncIterator.enqueue (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:192:13)
    at AsyncIterator.prototype.<computed> [as next] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:97:21)
    at Object.exports.async (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:219:14)
    at parseProvisioningProfiles (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/src/platformTools/apple/provisionParser.js:5:42)
    at parseXcodeProject$ (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/src/platformTools/apple/xcodeParser.js:61:30)
    at tryCatch (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:40)
    at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:274:22)
    at Generator.prototype.<computed> [as next] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:97:21)
    at tryCatch (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:40)
    at invoke (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:135:20)
    at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:170:11

Node v12.18.1 npm v6.14.5

pavjacko commented 4 years ago

@YousefAlsbaihi could you paste full SUMMARY box here so I can see what command, rnv, scheme etc you running.

Also link you posted does not work? did you mean this https://renative.org/docs/platform-tvos ?

Also it is strange that your Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles is missing. would normally indicate that Xcode is not fully active on your machine

If you just installed Xcode best way to do so is to open it and sign in with your dev account

YousefAlsbaihi commented 4 years ago

@pavjacko thank you for answering.

so here is the full clean log i created new app and followed the documentation in the website here from the start


Running the app on ios device such iPhone works fine and the web also fine but the TV is not, i don't have apple developer account but i signed into xCode using my free account.

│  🚀  ReNative Project Generator                                              │
│                                                                              │
│                                                                              │
│  Project Name (folder): tvapp                                                │
│  Workspace: rnv                                                              │
│  Project Title: tvapp                                                        │
│  Project Version: 0.1.0                                                      │
│  App ID: com.imyousef.cmedias                                                │
│  Project Template: renative-template-hello-world@0.30.1                      │
│  Git Enabled: true                                                           │
│                                                                              │
│  Project Platforms:                                                          │
│  androidtv, macos, tvos, web, windows                                        │
│                                                                              │
│  Project Structure:                                                          │
│                                                                              │
│  tvapp                                                                       │
│   ├── appConfigs            # Application flavour configuration files/assets │
│   │   └── [APP_ID]          # Example application flavour                    │
│   │       ├── assets        # Platform assets injected to ./platformAssets   │
│   │       ├── builds        # Platform files injected to ./platformBuilds    │
│   │       ├── fonts             # Folder for all custom fonts                │
│   │       ├── plugins           # Multi-platform plugins injections          │
│   │       └── renative.json # Application flavour config                     │
│   ├── platformAssets        # Generated cross-platform assets                │
│   ├── platformBuilds        # Generated platform app projects                │
│   ├── src                   # Source code files                              │
│   ├── index.*.js            # Entry files                                    │
│   └── renative.json         # ReNative project configuration                 │
│                                                                              │

Is all this correct? Yes
$ rnv new - _generateProject - Starting!
$ rnv new - _generateProject:renative-template-hello-world:0.30.1
$ rnv new - configureGit:/Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp - Starting!
ℹī¸  $ rnv new - NOTE: Your project does not have a git repo. Creating one...
✔ Executing: git init
✔ Executing: git add -A
✔ Executing: git commit -m "Initial"
✅ Your project is ready! navigate to project cd tvapp and run rnv run -p androidtv to see magic happen!

 $ rnv new - Done! 🚀
│  🚀  SUMMARY | 6/24/2020, 2:30:52 PM                                         │
│  $ rnv new                                                                   │
│  ReNative Version: 0.30.1                                                    │
│  Build Scheme (-s): debug                                                    │
│  Env Info: darwin | x64 | node v12.18.1                                      │
│  Executed Time: 0h:1m:41s:480ms                                              │
│                                                                              │
│ ✅ Your project is ready! navigate to project cd tvapp and run rnv run -p androidtv to see magic happen!
│                                                                              │

yousefalsbaihi@Yousefs-MacBook-Pro tvapp % rnv run -p tvos     

│                                                                              │
│        ██████╗ ███████╗███╗   ██╗ █████╗ ████████╗██╗██╗   ██╗███████╗       │
│        ██╔══██╗██╔════╝████╗  ██║██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝██║██║   ██║██╔════╝       │
│        ██████╔╝█████╗  ██╔██╗ ██║███████║   ██║   ██║██║   ██║█████╗         │
│        ██╔══██╗██╔══╝  ██║╚██╗██║██╔══██║   ██║   ██║╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══╝         │
│        ██║  ██║███████╗██║ ╚████║██║  ██║   ██║   ██║ ╚████╔╝ ███████╗       │
│        ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚═╝  ╚═══╝  ╚══════╝       │
│                                                                              │
│        Version: 0.30.1                                                       │
│        https://renative.org                                                  │
│        🚀 Firing up!...                                                      │
│        $ rnv run -p tvos                                                     │
│        Start Time: 6/24/2020, 2:32:17 PM                                     │
│                                                                              │

$ rnv run -p tvos - cli - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - _startBuilder:false - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - checkAndMigrateProject - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - listAppConfigsFoldersSync:undefined - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - _migrateProjectSoft - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - parseRenativeConfigs - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - matchAppConfigID:undefined
$ rnv run -p tvos - getWorkspaceDirPath - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - loadPluginTemplates - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - _findAndSwitchAppConfigDir:undefined - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - checkAndMigrateProject - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - listAppConfigsFoldersSync:undefined - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - _migrateProjectSoft - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - parseRenativeConfigs - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - matchAppConfigID:undefined
$ rnv run -p tvos - getWorkspaceDirPath - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - loadPluginTemplates - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - _findAndSwitchAppConfigDir:undefined - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - checkAndCreateProjectPackage - Starting!
ℹī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - NOTE: Looks like your /Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/package.json is missing. Let's create one for you!
$ rnv run -p tvos - configureRnvGlobal - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - checkIfTemplateInstalled - Starting!
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Your undefined template is not installed. ReNative will install it for you
$ rnv run -p tvos - fixRenativeConfigsSync - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - checkAndCreateGitignore - Starting!
ℹī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - NOTE: Looks like your .gitignore is missing. Let's create one for you!
ℹī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - NOTE: Looks like your rn-cli config file /Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/metro.config.js is missing! Let's create one for you.
ℹī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - NOTE: Looks like your babel config file /Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/babel.config.js is missing! Let's create one for you.
$ rnv run -p tvos - configureNodeModules:true:undefined - Starting!
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Looks like your node_modules folder is missing! Let's run npm install first!
$ rnv run -p tvos - npmInstall - Starting!

$ rnv run -p tvos - npmInstall: package manager used: (npm install)
✔ Executing: npm install
✔ Executing: npx jetify
$ rnv run -p tvos - applyTemplate:renative-template-hello-world=>undefined: - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - _applyTemplate | current:renative-template-hello-world | selected:undefined - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - setAppConfig:undefined - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - generateLocalConfig:false:/Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/renative.local.json - Starting!
ℹī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - NOTE: Looks like your src folder /Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/src is missing! Let's create one for you.
ℹī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - NOTE: Looks like your appConfig folder /Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/appConfigs is missing! ReNative will create one from template.
$ rnv run -p tvos - listAppConfigsFoldersSync:true - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - updateConfig:true - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - setAppConfig:true - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - listAppConfigsFoldersSync:true - Starting!
ℹī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - NOTE: Found only one app config available. Will use helloworld
$ rnv run -p tvos - setAppConfig:helloworld - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - _findAndSwitchAppConfigDir:helloworld - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - generateLocalConfig:undefined:/Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/renative.local.json - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - getWorkspaceDirPath - Starting!
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Looks like your /Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/renative.json need to be updated with /Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/node_modules/renative-template-hello-world/renative.template.json
$ rnv run -p tvos - configureEntryPoints - Starting!
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform ios will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform android will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform androidwear will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
ℹī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - NOTE: You missing entry file /Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/node_modules/renative-template-hello-world/index.androidtv.js in your template. ReNative Will use default backup entry from /usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/projectTemplate/entry/index.androidtv.js!
ℹī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - NOTE: You missing entry file /Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/node_modules/renative-template-hello-world/index.tvos.js in your template. ReNative Will use default backup entry from /usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/projectTemplate/entry/index.tvos.js!
ℹī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - NOTE: You missing entry file /Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/node_modules/renative-template-hello-world/index.macos.js in your template. ReNative Will use default backup entry from /usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/projectTemplate/entry/index.macos.js!
ℹī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - NOTE: You missing entry file /Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/node_modules/renative-template-hello-world/index.windows.js in your template. ReNative Will use default backup entry from /usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/projectTemplate/entry/index.windows.js!
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform tizen will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform tizenmobile will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform tizenwatch will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform webos will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform chromecast will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform firefoxos will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform firefoxtv will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform kaios will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
ℹī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - NOTE: You missing entry file /Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/node_modules/renative-template-hello-world/index.web.js in your template. ReNative Will use default backup entry from /usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/projectTemplate/entry/index.web.js!
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform web-next will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
$ rnv run -p tvos - configurePlugins - Starting!
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react v(16.9.0) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-art v(16.9.0) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-dom v(16.9.0) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native v(0.61.2) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-web v(0.11.7) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-web-image-loader v(0.0.5) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-gesture-handler v(1.4.1) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-reanimated v(1.0.0-alpha.12) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-vector-icons v(6.6.0) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency @reach/router v(1.2.1) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency hash-source v(1.0.4) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/core .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/drawer .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/bottom-tabs .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/material-bottom-tabs .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/native .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/stack .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/routers .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/material-top-tabs .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/web .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-native-community/masked-view .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency react-native-safe-area-context .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency @react-native-community/viewpager v(2.0.2) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-safe-area-view v(0.14.5) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-screens v(2.2.0) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-tab-view v(2.13.0) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-google-cast v(github:hosek/react-native-google-cast#sdk4.4.5) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency @noriginmedia/react-spatial-navigation v(2.12.1) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency detox v(15.1.3) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
$ rnv run -p tvos - configurePlugins:true
$ rnv run -p tvos - versionCheck - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - versionCheck:rnvRunner:0.30.1,rnvProject:0.30.1
$ rnv run -p tvos - configureNodeModules:true:undefined - Starting!
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Looks like your node_modules out of date! Let's run npm install first!
$ rnv run -p tvos - npmInstall - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - npmInstall: package manager used: (npm install)
✔ Executing: npm install
✔ Executing: npx jetify
$ rnv run -p tvos - checkCrypto - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - updateConfig:helloworld - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - setAppConfig:helloworld - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - _findAndSwitchAppConfigDir:helloworld - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - generateLocalConfig:undefined:/Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/renative.local.json - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - getWorkspaceDirPath - Starting!
ℹī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - NOTE: Current App Config: helloworld
$ rnv run -p tvos - _execute:run:null - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - executePipe:run:before - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - buildHooks - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - rnvRun:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - isPlatformSupported:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - checkAndConfigureSdks:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - isBuildSchemeSupported:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - _rnvRunWithPlatform:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - _rnvRunWithPlatform:tvos:8085:Apple TV:undefined
$ rnv run -p tvos - checkSdk - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - _isSdkInstalled: tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - configureIfRequired:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - createPlatformBuild:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - cli - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - _startBuilder:true - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - _execute:configure:null - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - executePipe:configure:before - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - buildHooks - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - rnvConfigure:tvos:tvos - Starting!
⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Found extra npm depenedecies required by engine-rn engine. will install them now
$ rnv run -p tvos - npmInstall - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - npmInstall: package manager used: (npm install)
✔ Executing: npm install
✔ Executing: npx jetify
$ rnv run -p tvos - _checkAndCreatePlatforms:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - copyRuntimeAssets - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - parseFonts - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - _copySharedPlatform:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - generateRuntimeConfig - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - overrideTemplatePlugins - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - parsePlugins:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - configureXcodeProject:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - parseFonts - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - copyAssetsFolder:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - generateDefaultAssets:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - copyAppleAssets - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - parseAppDelegateSync:tvos:localhost:8085 - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - parsePlugins:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - parseXcscheme:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - parsePodFileSync:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - parsePlugins:tvos - Starting!
✔ Executing: pod --version
$ rnv run -p tvos - parseEntitlementsPlistSync:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - parseInfoPlist:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - parsePlugins:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - copyBuildsFolder:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - copyTemplatePluginsSync:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - parsePlugins:tvos - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - runPod:tvos - Starting!
✔ Executing: pod install
$ rnv run -p tvos - updatePodsChecksum - Starting!
$ rnv run -p tvos - parseXcodeProject - Starting!
│  🚀  SUMMARY | 6/24/2020, 2:34:06 PM                                         │
│  $ rnv run -p tvos                                                           │
│  ReNative Version: 0.30.1                                                    │
│  Project Name ($package.name): tvapp                                         │
│  Project Version ($package.version): 0.1.0                                   │
│  Workspace ($.workspaceID): rnv                                              │
│  Platform (-p): tvos                                                         │
│  Engine ($.platforms.tvos.engine): engine-rn                                 │
│  App Config (-c): helloworld                                                 │
│  Build Scheme (-s): debug                                                    │
│  Supported Platforms: androidtv, macos, tvos, web, windows                   │
│  Env Info: darwin | x64 | node v12.18.1                                      │
│  Executed Time: 0h:1m:49s:27ms                                               │
│                                                                              │
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Your undefined template is not installed. ReNative will install it for you
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Looks like your node_modules folder is missing! Let's run npm install first!
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Looks like your /Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/renative.json need to be updated with /Users/yousefalsbaihi/tvapp/node_modules/renative-template-hello-world/renative.template.json
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform ios will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform android will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform androidwear will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform tizen will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform tizenmobile will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform tizenwatch will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform webos will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform chromecast will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform firefoxos will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform firefoxtv will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform kaios will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Extra platform web-next will be ignored because it's not configured in your ./renative.json: { defaults.supportedPlatforms } object.
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react v(16.9.0) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-art v(16.9.0) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-dom v(16.9.0) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native v(0.61.2) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-web v(0.11.7) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-web-image-loader v(0.0.5) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-gesture-handler v(1.4.1) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-reanimated v(1.0.0-alpha.12) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-vector-icons v(6.6.0) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency @reach/router v(1.2.1) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency hash-source v(1.0.4) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/core .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/drawer .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/bottom-tabs .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/material-bottom-tabs .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/native .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/stack .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/routers .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/material-top-tabs .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-navigation/web .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency @react-native-community/masked-view .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Plugin @react-navigation requires npm dependency react-native-safe-area-context .Adding missing npm dependency to you package.json
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency @react-native-community/viewpager v(2.0.2) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-safe-area-view v(0.14.5) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-screens v(2.2.0) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-tab-view v(2.13.0) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency react-native-google-cast v(github:hosek/react-native-google-cast#sdk4.4.5) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency @noriginmedia/react-spatial-navigation v(2.12.1) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Missing dependency detox v(15.1.3) in package.json. package.json will be overriden
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Looks like your node_modules out of date! Let's run npm install first!
│ ⚠ī¸  $ rnv run -p tvos - WARNING: Found extra npm depenedecies required by engine-rn engine. will install them now
│ 🛑  $ rnv run -p tvos - ERRROR! ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/Users/yousefalsbaihi/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/'
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/Users/yousefalsbaihi/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/'
    at readdirSync (fs.js:948:3)
    at Object.read (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/ios-mobileprovision-finder/index.ts:85:16)
    at read (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/src/platformTools/apple/provisionParser.js:10:41)
    at tryCatch (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:40)
    at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:274:22)
    at Generator.prototype.<computed> [as next] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:97:21)
    at tryCatch (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:40)
    at invoke (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:135:20)
    at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:170:11
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at callInvokeWithMethodAndArg (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:169:16)
    at AsyncIterator.enqueue (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:192:13)
    at AsyncIterator.prototype.<computed> [as next] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:97:21)
    at Object.exports.async (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:219:14)
    at parseProvisioningProfiles (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/src/platformTools/apple/provisionParser.js:5:42)
    at parseXcodeProject$ (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/src/platformTools/apple/xcodeParser.js:61:30)
    at tryCatch (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:40)
    at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:274:22)
    at Generator.prototype.<computed> [as next] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:97:21)
    at tryCatch (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:45:40)
    at invoke (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:135:20)
    at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/rnv/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:170:11
│                                                                              │
pavjacko commented 4 years ago

@YousefAlsbaihi thx. that helped. I think I know what's wrong

Can you check your ./appConfigs/base/renative.json and change:

    "platforms": {
           "tvos": {
                 "provisioningStyle": "Manual"


    "platforms": {
           "tvos": {
                 "provisioningStyle": "Automatic"
stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.