flexsurfer / re-frisk-remote

re-frisk remote library for debugging re-frame applications using leiningen re-frisk plugin
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Make it possible to monitor multiple instances at once #9

Open jeaye opened 6 years ago

jeaye commented 6 years ago

I would love to be able to give an internal build to some of my colleagues and be able monitor the state of the app as they each progress through it. Should any errors arise, I'll have already accrued the events which lead up to it.

This could work, in a UI sense, by having a tabbed layout within the re-frisk browser window. One tab for each connected client. They'd probably get random generic ids, but could be renamed for organization. It could also be made so that the identifying info is read from a dev-provided fn, so a dev can identify each device with the logged in email or similar.

I'm not expecting priority on this feature request, but it's good to get it out there anyway. Should some funding come my startup's way, I'd happily up some bounty on this.

EDIT: Another use case, which is likely more practical for each dev, is in monitoring multiple dev devices working together on networked apps. Right now, all events appear to be tracked in the same browser, which can lead to a pretty confusing experience.