flexsurfer / re-frisk

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Make it possible to use re-frame-10x (re-frame-trace) in react native project #48

Closed flexsurfer closed 6 years ago

flexsurfer commented 6 years ago

re-frame-10x lib should be incorporated into re-frisk-remote it should be possible to switch in re-frisk-shell between re-frisk and re-frame-trace

So the idea is to initialize re-frame-trace and patch reagent in re-frisk-remote, listen traces and send it via sockets to re-frisk-sidecar and render re-frame-trace form in re-frisk-shell

Changes should be done in next repos https://github.com/flexsurfer/re-frisk-remote https://github.com/flexsurfer/re-frisk-shell https://github.com/flexsurfer/lein-re-frisk/tree/master/re-frisk-sidecar https://github.com/status-im/re-frame

Bounty issue: https://github.com/flexsurfer/re-frisk-remote/issues/7