flexsurfer / re-frisk

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Failed to compile `re-frisk-remote` with Figwheel #52

Closed lksilva closed 4 years ago

lksilva commented 4 years ago

I try to add re-frisk-remote to my re-frame project following re-frisk guide but for any reason isn't working, can someone help me to resolve that or re-frisk works just with shadow clsj?

:preloads        [devtools.preload
  :profiles {:dev    {:dependencies [[com.bhauman/figwheel-main "0.2.3"]
                                     [re-frisk-remote "1.2.0"]]

When starting the application we got this error

Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 12 46 33

We try to run re-frisk but isn't work as well

flexsurfer commented 4 years ago

hey @lksilva , it should work with Figwheel, it works not only with shadow, it seems like a problem in the dependencies, one of the libraries for re-frisk-remote uses com.taoensso/encore 2.84.2 for some reason your project uses an older version probably

lksilva commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your reply but it's a little bit weird because we don't use this library defined on project.clj but I will try to put this one there

flexsurfer commented 4 years ago

@lksilva yes sometimes it's weird, probably cache or dependencies conflict, btw why re-frisk doesn't work for you?

lksilva commented 4 years ago

Probably cache dependencies as your suggest, I forced re-frisk-remote version to my project and that worked =)