flexsurfer / re-frisk

Take full control of re-frame app
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ignore-events from closure-defines #74

Closed sirmspencer closed 1 year ago

sirmspencer commented 1 year ago

Basically this feature that already exists https://github.com/flexsurfer/re-frisk/issues/58, but configurable on clojure-defines.

I am adding re-frisk to our app, but some devs still prefer re-frame-10x, which can only be added to via the shadow-cljs.edn :preloads. It would be great to keep the configs for both there instead of requiring re-frisk from inside the app.

sirmspencer commented 1 year ago

Here is how re-frame implements it for the trace-enable? val that needs to be set to run this app. https://github.com/day8/re-frame/blob/master/src/re_frame/trace.cljc#L17

flexsurfer commented 1 year ago

yeah that would be a useful feature

flexsurfer commented 1 year ago

but I'm not sure what kind of data structures can be used in :closure-defines , there is only example for boolean

flexsurfer commented 1 year ago

also I'm not sure how namespaced keywords will work

flexsurfer commented 1 year ago

another option would be to ignore events in the UI and store them in the local storage

flexsurfer commented 1 year ago

another options would be to create your own preloader which will enable re-frisk with your options ,and use this preloader

flexsurfer commented 1 year ago

yeah i guess this is a solution

sirmspencer commented 1 year ago

Yes, that works great. I have not spent too much time with preloaders yet so forgive my overlook.