flibitijibibo / FNA-MGHistory

FNA - Accuracy-focused XNA4 reimplementation for open platforms
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GL Object Disposal Wrappers are not thread-safe #319

Closed renaudbedard closed 9 years ago

renaudbedard commented 9 years ago

The GL Object Disposal Wrapper methods of GLDevice (AddDisposeTexture, AddDisposeRenderbuffer, ...) use Queue<T> objects to store buffers to dispose if attempted to dispose on other threads, and in SwapBuffers(), FNA iterates over the queues to dispose them inline.

It's possible (and I hit it a bunch of times in FEZ) that a queue gets added to and iterated/dequeued at the same time on two threads, which breaks the queue and a bunch of "null" elements appear in it.

This can be fixed by using ConcurrentQueue<T>, a lock-free concurrent queue implementation. Here's how I did it locally :

#region Private Graphics Object Disposal Queues

private ConcurrentQueue<IGLTexture> GCTextures = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLTexture>();
private ConcurrentQueue<IGLRenderbuffer> GCDepthBuffers = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLRenderbuffer>();
private ConcurrentQueue<IGLBuffer> GCVertexBuffers = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLBuffer>();
private ConcurrentQueue<IGLBuffer> GCIndexBuffers = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLBuffer>();
private ConcurrentQueue<IGLEffect> GCEffects = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLEffect>();
private ConcurrentQueue<IGLQuery> GCQueries = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLQuery>();


And in SwapBuffers()...

IGLTexture gcTexture;
while (GCTextures.TryDequeue(out gcTexture))

IGLRenderbuffer gcDepthBuffer;
while (GCDepthBuffers.TryDequeue(out gcDepthBuffer))

IGLBuffer gcBuffer;
while (GCVertexBuffers.TryDequeue(out gcBuffer))
while (GCIndexBuffers.TryDequeue(out gcBuffer))

IGLEffect gcEffect;
while (GCEffects.TryDequeue(out gcEffect))

IGLQuery gcQuery;
while (GCQueries.TryDequeue(out gcQuery))

The wrapper methods don't change since Enqueue() has the same API.

flibitijibibo commented 9 years ago


renaudbedard commented 9 years ago

Minor, but testing Count does not guarantee that the count will be the same right after... TryDequeue should be just fine, it will return false if the queue's empty.

flibitijibibo commented 9 years ago

Looking at the .NET reference source (which upstream Mono now uses) it looks like the benefit of checking Count is lost now - even Count does some dirty work to check the actual count, unlike the older mscorlibs. So nnnnnnwhatevs!
