flickr / flickr-sdk

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Groups paginated #125

Closed ebisbe closed 6 years ago

ebisbe commented 6 years ago

Is there a way to get the list of groups that a user belongs but with pagination? I'm trying with a user that has a lot of groups and the queries return a Gateway Timout.

Any idea @superic @jeremyruppel ??

pdokas commented 6 years ago

Have you tried passing page and per_page to the method (even if it’s not listed as being supported)?

ebisbe commented 6 years ago

I haven't tried. It has to work? I see that the user has 2500 groups. My user has 150 more or less.

ebisbe commented 6 years ago

With flickr.people.getGroups is working. With flickr.people.getPublicGroups it's not. Can I ask why the documentation is so outdated with the actual behaviour? It drives me crazy and makes me really sad :(

ebisbe commented 6 years ago

@pdokas is there any sort option? Can you tell me if there is any other option to filter, search o sort?


pdokas commented 6 years ago

Some gaps between the API feature-set and the API documentation have definitely accrued over the years, we try to fix these when they’re brought to our attention and I’ll try to get the page issue here rectified soon. For sorting and filtering that’s typically left to the client. There is group search here:

ebisbe commented 6 years ago

If seen that method but I need groups from a user for what I'm building. The only way is using people methods.

Thanks anyway