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別搞兩岸詞彙轉換了 #38

Open enigmasc opened 3 years ago

enigmasc commented 3 years ago


political reality was not quite that simple - in the first place, divisions existed within the parties. 政治現實遠非那麼簡單——首先, 黨記憶體在著分歧。

US military reservation in Kentucky, famous as the site of the depository (built in 1936) which holds the bulk of the nation's gold bullion in its vaults 諾克斯堡(肯塔基州美國軍事保留地, 因建於1936年的金庫而聞名, 庫記憶體有美國大部分金條)。

we didn't want any secret organizations on our patch. 我們不想讓任何秘密組織在我們這片轄區記憶體在。

Bruges Bruges /bruːʒ/ \na city in NW Belgium, capital of the province of West Flanders; pop. 117,071 (2008). A centre of the Flemish textile trade until the 15th century, it is a well-preserved medieval city surrounded by canals. Flemish name BRUGGE. 布魯日(比利時西北部城市, 西佛蘭德省省會; 2008年人口117,071, 15世紀以前一直是佛蘭德紡織品貿易中心, 是一座儲存良好的被運河環繞的中世紀城市; 佛蘭芒語名BRUGGE)。\n

Ark of the Covenant (亦作Ark of the Testimony) the wooden chest which contained the tablets of the laws of the ancient Israelites. Carried by the Israelites on their wanderings in the wilderness, it was later placed by Solomon in the Temple at Jerusalem. 約櫃(木製大箱, 內建刻有古以色列人法律的石板, 以色列人在荒野中游蕩時攜帶, 後被所羅門供於耶路撒冷聖殿中)。

Bureau of State Security\n(縮略詞:BOSS) the former South African intelligence and security organization under apartheid (南非種族隔離時期的)國家安全域性。\n

MI5 MI5\n (in the UK) the governmental agency responsible for dealing with internal security and counter-intelligence on British territory. Formed in 1909, the agency was officially named the Security Service in 1964, but the name MI5 remains in popular use. (英國)軍情五處(負責國內安全和英國本土反間諜活動的政府機構; 1909年成立, 1964年正式命名為the Security Service[安全域性], 但MI5這一名稱依然被廣泛使用)

she set a new all-comers record. 她重新整理了參賽者紀錄

Beamon, Bob (b.1946), American long jumper; full name Robert Beamon. At the 1968 Olympic Games he set a world record that stood until 1991. 比蒙, 鮑勃(出生於1946年, 美國跳遠運動員, 全名羅伯特·比蒙, 1968年在奧運會上創造的世界紀錄直到1991年才被重新整理)。\n

箱, 漏斗(裝載穀物、石頭、垃圾等散貨, 多向下逐漸變細, 底部可解除安裝)

a barge for carrying away mud or sediment from a dredging-machine and discharging it (從挖泥機器運送泥漿或沉澱物並解除安裝的)卸泥駁船

Hashemite Hashemite /ˈhæʃɪmaɪt/\n[noun]\na member of an Arab princely family claiming descent from Hashim, great-grandfather of Muhammad 雜湊姆王族成員(指自稱為伊斯蘭教創始人穆罕默德之曾祖父雜湊姆後裔的一個阿拉伯王族的成員)。\n[adjective]\nof or relating to this family (與)雜湊姆王族(有關)的。\n

a device that closes or secures something 扣件, 緊韌體

schedule the operations of (a locomotive or train) according to a diagram 〈英〉根據火車執行時間圖來安排(火車的)執行時間

a concierge or a person who carries guests' luggage in a hotel 〈英〉(賓館裡替客人搬執行李的)大堂搬運工。

His analysis of Tycho Brahe's planetary observations led him to discover the three laws governing orbital motion. 開普勒, 約翰尼斯(1571-1630, 德國天文學家, 他通過分析第谷·佈雷赫觀測到的行星數據, 發現了行星執行的三大定律)

柏林空運(1948-1949年間, 英、美兩國向柏林輸送食品等供應品的空執行動, 當時蘇軍封鎖柏林以便將其與西方隔絕並終止設於柏林的盟國聯合軍政府; 封鎖解除後, 柏林正式分為東柏林和西柏林)

what signs there are of recovery are patchy at best. 縱有復甦的跡象, 充其量也只是區域性的。

an addictive drug derived from coca or prepared synthetically, used as an illegal stimulant and sometimes medicinally as a local anaesthetic 古柯堿, 可卡因(古柯中提取或人工合成的上癮麻醉藥, 系違禁興奮劑, 醫學上有時用作區域性麻醉劑)

hoplite /ˈhɒplaɪt/\n[noun]\na heavily armed foot soldier of ancient Greece (古希臘的)重灌甲步兵

dress or decorate someone or something in an elaborate or showy way 盛裝打扮某人; 隆重灌飾某物

vigour or energy, especially sexual energy in a man, 精力, 活力, (尤指)男人效能力

the focusing of sexual energy and feeling on the mouth 【心理分析】以口唇感覺對效能力的關注。\n

portfolio careers allow women to balance work with family. 兼職工作使女效能夠兼顧事業與家庭。

the intended extension of industrial democracy. 擴充套件工業民主的意向。

an order of mendicant friars established in Italy by 1169, which spread to England, France, and the Low Countries in the 13th century and was suppressed in 1656 托鉢僧團(1169年以前建立於意大利的托鉢僧組織; 13世紀擴充套件到英格蘭、法國和低地國家; 1656年被鎮壓)。

having countless or very many elements or aspects 含有無陣列成部分的;

the ratio of the width to the height of the image on a television screen 電檢視像的寬高之比。

the degree of detail visible in a photographic or television image (照片、電檢視像的)清晰度。

a representation of Cupid in a work of art 小愛神(藝術作品中的丘位元形象)

Argyll and Bute /ɑːˈgaɪl, bjuːt/ \nan administrative region in the west of Scotland, created in 1996; administrative centre, Lochgilphead. 阿蓋爾-位元區

Babbitt1 /ˈbæbɪt/ \nBabbitt1, Milton (Byron) (b.1916), American composer and mathematician. His compositions developed from the twelve-note system of Schoenberg and Webern 巴位元, 米爾頓(·拜倫)

of plastic, varnish, etc.) able to be hardened by some additive or other agent (塑料、清漆等)可用(新增劑等)硬化的