flightaware / dump1090

Dump1090 is a simple Mode S decoder for RTLSDR devices
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Query arguments no longer supported #219

Open raccettura opened 1 year ago

raccettura commented 1 year ago

Seems like in a somewhat recent version query arguments notably (?banner=hide&sidebar=hide) no longer work.

Quickly tracing this I found:

applyUrlQueryStrings in script.js does fire, however something in resetMap() seems to cause it break and thus it never gets beyond that point.... didn't get any deeper than that.

eric1tran commented 1 year ago

Working OK here. What's the full url you're using? Do you have console log output?

raccettura commented 1 year ago



Which has been the case for maybe a year with no issue. Most of the console is boring minus maybe: /skyaware/data-978/receiver.json?_=1686599433516 404 skyaware/upintheair.json 404 and

mutability commented 1 year ago

At a glance this is probably due to a missing receiver location. (It shouldn't break in that case, which is a bug, but that is possibly what changed in your setup)

raccettura commented 1 year ago

I've never had a 978mhz antenna, so no change in my setup in a long time.

mutability commented 1 year ago

Okay. Do you get a receiver location dot and range circles when you load the page without a query string?

raccettura commented 1 year ago

Negative. But everything else functions. Only error is:

Error reading SkyAware978 receiver.json. SkyAware978 may be disabled

Which is correct/expected.

mutability commented 1 year ago

Okay, so as I mentioned above, the trigger for this is likely that you do not have a receiver location set.