flightlessmango / MangoHud

A Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring FPS, temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more. Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/Gj5YmBb
MIT License
6.41k stars 286 forks source link

Overlap #1391

Closed MrWelsch closed 2 months ago

MrWelsch commented 2 months ago

Do not report issue for old MangoHud versions

Describe the bug I exclusively use steam for gaming. Steam is installed as a flatpak, so is MangoHud. Now, when I start my game, I see two instances of MangoHud:


When I toggle MangoHud via keybind multiple times,i can reach the desired result of only one instance showing, as it sometimes only toggles one of the two:

image image

List relevant hardware/software information

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: I guess it is hard to reproduce, as I simply installed steam flatpak, the mentioned version of MangoHud and set MANGOHUD=1 as an environment variable in steam via flatseal.

Expected behavior Ony show one MangoHud instance

Screenshots See bug description

Additional context My config in /home/nico/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/config/MangoHud/

### MangoHud configuration file
### Uncomment any options you wish to enable. Default options are left uncommented
### Use some_parameter=0 to disable a parameter (only works with on/off parameters)
### Everything below can be used / overridden with the environment variable MANGOHUD_CONFIG instead

################ INFORMATIONAL #################
## prints possible options on stdout
# help

################ PERFORMANCE #################

### Limit the application FPS. Comma-separated list of one or more FPS values (e.g. 0,30,60). 0 means unlimited (unless VSynced)
# fps_limit=0

### early = wait before present, late = wait after present
# fps_limit_method=

### VSync [0-3] 0 = adaptive; 1 = off; 2 = mailbox; 3 = on
# vsync=-1

### OpenGL VSync [0-N] 0 = off; >=1 = wait for N v-blanks, N > 1 acts as a FPS limiter (FPS = display refresh rate / N)
# gl_vsync=-2

### Mip-map LoD bias. Negative values will increase texture sharpness (and aliasing)
## Positive values will increase texture blurriness (-16 to 16)
# picmip=-17

### Anisotropic filtering level. Improves sharpness of textures viewed at an angle (0 to 16)
# af=-1

### Force bicubic filtering
# bicubic

### Force trilinear filtering
# trilinear

### Disable linear texture filtering. Makes textures look blocky
# retro

################### VISUAL ###################

### Legacy layout
# legacy_layout=0

### pre defined presets
# -1 = default
#  0 = no display
#  1 = fps only
#  2 = horizontal view
#  3 = extended
#  4 = high detailed information

### Enable most of the toggleable parameters (currently excludes `histogram`)
# full

### Show FPS only. ***Not meant to be used with other display params***
# fps_only

### Display custom centered text, useful for a header
# custom_text_center=

### Display the current system time
# time
## removes the time label
# time_no_label

### Time formatting examples
## %H:%M
## [ %T %F ]
## %X # locally formatted time, because of limited glyph range, missing characters may show as '?' (e.g. Japanese)
# time_format="%T"

### Display MangoHud version
# version

### Display the current GPU information
## Note: gpu_mem_clock and gpu_mem_temp also need "vram" to be enabled
# gpu_stats
# gpu_junction_temp
# gpu_core_clock
# gpu_mem_temp
# gpu_mem_clock
# gpu_power
# gpu_text=
# gpu_load_change
# gpu_load_value=60,90
# gpu_load_color=39F900,FDFD09,B22222
## GPU fan in rpm on AMD, FAN in percent on NVIDIA
# gpu_fan
## gpu_voltage only works on AMD GPUs

### Display the current CPU information
# cpu_stats
# cpu_power
# cpu_text=
# cpu_mhz
# cpu_load_change
# cpu_load_value=60,90
# cpu_load_color=39F900,FDFD09,B22222

### Display the current CPU load & frequency for each core
# core_load
# core_load_change

### Display IO read and write for the app (not system)
# io_read
# io_write

### Display system vram / ram / swap space usage
# vram
# ram
# swap

### Display per process memory usage
## Show resident memory and other types, if enabled
# procmem
# procmem_shared
# procmem_virt

### Display battery information
# battery
# battery_icon
# device_battery=gamepad,mouse
# device_battery_icon
# battery_watt
# battery_time

### Display FPS and frametime
# fps
# fps_sampling_period=500
# fps_color_change
# fps_value=30,60
# fps_color=B22222,FDFD09,39F900
# frametime
# frame_count
## fps_metrics takes a list of decimal values or the value avg
# fps_metrics=avg,0.01

### Display GPU throttling status based on Power, current, temp or "other"
## Only shows if throttling is currently happening
## Same as throttling_status but displays throttling on the frametime graph

### Display miscellaneous information
# engine_version
# engine_short_names
# gpu_name
# vulkan_driver
# wine
# exec_name
# winesync

### Display loaded MangoHud architecture
# arch

### Display the frametime line graph
# frame_timing
# histogram

### Display GameMode / vkBasalt running status
# gamemode
# vkbasalt

### Gamescope related options
## Display the status of FSR (only works in gamescope)
# fsr
## Hides the sharpness info for the `fsr` option (only available in gamescope)
# hide_fsr_sharpness
## Shows the graph of gamescope app frametimes and latency (only on gamescope obviously)
# debug
## Display the status of HDR (only works in gamescope)
# hdr
## Display the current refresh rate (only works in gamescope)
# refresh_rate

### graphs displays one or more graphs that you chose
## seperated by ",", available graphs are
## gpu_load,cpu_load,gpu_core_clock,gpu_mem_clock,vram,ram,cpu_temp,gpu_temp
# graphs=

### mangoapp related options
## Enables mangoapp to be displayed above the Steam UI
# mangoapp_steam

### Steam Deck options
## Shows the Steam Deck fan rpm
# fan

### Display current FPS limit
# show_fps_limit

### Display the current resolution
# resolution

### Display custom text
# custom_text=
### Display output of Bash command in next column
# exec=

### Display media player metadata
# media_player
## for example spotify
# media_player_name=
## Format metadata, lines are delimited by ; (wip)
## example: {title};{artist};{album}
## example: Track:;{title};By:;{artist};From:;{album}
# media_player_format=title,artist,album

### Network interface throughput
# network
## Network can take arguments but it's not required.
## without arguments it shows all interfaces
## arguments set which interfaces will be displayed
# network=eth0,wlo1

### Change the hud font size
# font_scale=1.0
# font_size_text=24
# font_scale_media_player=0.55
# no_small_font

### Change default font (set location to TTF/OTF file)
## Set font for the whole hud
font_file=/home/nico/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Guild Wars 2/addons/arcdps/arcdps_font.ttf

## Set font only for text like media player metadata
# font_file_text=

## Set font glyph ranges. Defaults to Latin-only. Don't forget to set font_file/font_file_text to font that supports these
## Probably don't enable all at once because of memory usage and hardware limits concerns
## If you experience crashes or text is just squares, reduce glyph range or reduce font size
# font_glyph_ranges=korean,chinese,chinese_simplified,japanese,cyrillic,thai,vietnamese,latin_ext_a,latin_ext_b

### Outline text
# text_outline_color = 000000
# text_outline_thickness = 1.5

### Change the hud position

### Change the corner roundness
# round_corners=0

### Remove margins around MangoHud
# hud_no_margin

### Display compact version of MangoHud
# hud_compact

### Display MangoHud in a horizontal position
# horizontal
# horizontal_stretch

### Disable / hide the hud by default

### Hud position offset
# offset_x=0

### Hud dimensions
# width=0
# height=140
# table_columns=3
# cellpadding_y=-0.085

### Hud transparency / alpha
# background_alpha=0.5
# alpha=1.0

### FCAT overlay
### This enables an FCAT overlay to perform frametime analysis on the final image stream.
### Enable the overlay
# fcat
### Set the width of the FCAT overlay.
### 24 is a performance optimization on AMD GPUs that should not have adverse effects on nVidia GPUs.
### A minimum of 20 pixels is recommended by nVidia.
# fcat_overlay_width=24
### Set the screen edge, this can be useful for special displays that don't update from top edge to bottom. This goes from 0 (left side) to 3 (top edge), counter-clockwise.
# fcat_screen_edge=0

### Color customization
# text_color=FFFFFF
# gpu_color=2E9762
# cpu_color=2E97CB
# vram_color=AD64C1
# ram_color=C26693
# engine_color=EB5B5B
# io_color=A491D3
# frametime_color=00FF00
# background_color=020202
# media_player_color=FFFFFF
# wine_color=EB5B5B
# battery_color=FF9078
# network_color=E07B85

### Specify GPU with PCI bus ID for AMDGPU and NVML stats
### Set to 'domain:bus:slot.function'
# pci_dev=0000:03:00.0

### Blacklist
# blacklist=

### Control over socket
### Enable and set socket name, '%p' is replaced with process id
## example: mangohud
## example: mangohud-%p
# control = -1

################ WORKAROUNDS #################
### Options starting with "gl_*" are for OpenGL
### Specify what to use for getting display size. Options are "viewport", "scissorbox" or disabled. Defaults to using glXQueryDrawable
# gl_size_query=viewport

### (Re)bind given framebuffer before MangoHud gets drawn. Helps with Crusader Kings III
# gl_bind_framebuffer=0

### Don't swap origin if using GL_UPPER_LEFT. Helps with Ryujinx
# gl_dont_flip=1

################ INTERACTION #################

### Change toggle keybinds for the hud & logging
# toggle_preset=Shift_R+F10
# toggle_fps_limit=Shift_L+F1
# toggle_logging=Shift_L+F2
# reload_cfg=Shift_L+F4
# upload_log=Shift_L+F3

#################### LOG #####################
### Automatically start the log after X seconds
# autostart_log=
### Set amount of time in seconds that the logging will run for
# log_duration=
### Change the default log interval, 0 is default
# log_interval=0
### Set location of the output files (required for logging)
# output_folder=/home/<USERNAME>/mangologs
### Permit uploading logs directly to FlightlessMango.com
## set to 1 to enable
# permit_upload=0
### Define a '+'-separated list of percentiles shown in the benchmark results
### Use "AVG" to get a mean average. Default percentiles are 97+AVG+1+0.1
## example: ['97', 'AVG', '1', '0.1']
# benchmark_percentiles=97,AVG
## Adds more headers and information such as versioning to the log. This format is not supported on flightlessmango.com (yet)
# log_versioning
## Enable automatic uploads of logs to flightlessmango.com
# upload_logs
flightlessmango commented 2 months ago

If two mangohud appear it's because you have it installed twice

MrWelsch commented 2 months ago

If two mangohud appear it's because you have it installed twice

Thank you for the reply. I thought of this as well. However, I do not think that is the case as I've checked multiple times.

Package Manager: image

Possible config folders image

As I've only installed it via flatpak install org.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.MangoHud I also don't see how multiple installations could've happened.

flightlessmango commented 2 months ago

Flatpak and native installs of mangohud can't overlap, it's more likely you've managed to somehow installed mangohud twice through flatpak

MrWelsch commented 2 months ago

Flatpak and native installs of mangohud can't overlap, it's more likely you've managed to somehow installed mangohud twice through flatpak

Thank you good sir, it seems that was the case


Maybe it was installed with the steam flatpak.