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My Teaching (3 Lectures by Lacan) #16

Open flineca opened 1 year ago

flineca commented 1 year ago

My Teaching

Jacques Lacan Translated by David Macey

In the preface, Jacques-Alain Miller introduced this book will brings 3 lectures that haven't been published before.

He also said that sometimes Lacan will use funny expressions even in a way like comics, but I can't feel where it sounds funny(). For eg.

We've always known about the unconscious, but in psycho-analysis, the unconscious is an unconcious that thinks hard. Just a minute, just a minute. It's just very similar to some sentences I heard recently (and would also use) that ignores the logic. In fact that's what I think psychoanalysis should be like.

1. The Place, Origin, and End of My Teaching

Place means something different from what it means in topology(which have to do with essence and then there is your place in the world. You usually get to that place by pushing and shoving, in short that leaves you with hope.).

The function of Psychoanalyst is not self-evident: when it comes to giving his status, his habits, his reference and even his place in the world, nothing obvious, nothing self-evident.

1953 in France for psychoanalysis a moment of crisis

lyrics: story
rhythm: emotion
logic: apparatus

A hole in truth is not a crude metaphor... there is an inability to aver

To avoid ambiguity, you may

"Mental autimasm" means unconsciousness, Clerambault.

人是出生在言语之中,被抛入言语之中,然后通过言语成为人。Language was there before man; man is

Dream is the nodal points where discourse forms a hole.

Unconsciousness is structured like a language.

Truth begins to be establishedonly once language exists.

Organization of science: play. emerges "by itself"

Idiots savants:
// 人脑的计算无法像计算机一样高效:这是否正好揭示一个事实,即,运算能力并不是意识的基础或本质?

A weaker logic is not less interesting than a stronger logic, infact it's much more interesting.
(People) refused to raise the question of origins. That was a wise decision. It is wise not to talk too much rubbish, and one always talks rubbish when it comes to origins.

Subject of the utterance: 言语表达中的主体/主语

  1. 主要是指那个说“我”的人
  2. 但没有“我”的一句话也有主语,有时候说话人并非主语
  3. 主语的所在不是它生产话语的范围,而是它被生产的范围。 ——主体也是,主体位于它被生产的范围之内。

The signifer ≈ the element in language. // 能指 The signifer is what represents the subject for another signifer
Element requires formal and topological admission; it is not where it hangs out of Table O

Table O  
= The Other  
= site of speech (不是言语发生的地方,而是言语有了价值的地方)  
=> site of truth (价值开创了真理的维度)  

他者并不一定要是你提问/疑问的对象。你只需要一个你能说“Oh please God that ...”的人或者别的什么东西。而以上过程就会指向一个特殊的真理:The desire/欲望

它不是modal logics。
但是,the register of desire must be at Table O.


阉割情结Castration complex:

  1. Sexual desire: only through medium of a symbol, or to say the loss of an organ
  2. Stories, threats made by parents
  3. Women: 女人发明出她们可以要求的阳具,以认为自己是被阉割的(实际上没有)
  4. 为什么存在阉割?因为欲望的对象不能是an organ we can handle. It cannot be both being and having.

Methematics: the subject is fluid and pure.

The least we can aks might be for psychoanalysts to notice that they are poets.

Believe the murder? Transference reflect something in past. 移情总是反映出一些过去发生的事。

Retro actively deffered action


Big O's little d: desire of the Other

Communism: 让他者的愿望掌握政权,固执地捍卫越来越多的谎言。A desire of/for the Other based on justice in the redistributive sense. 而另一边:基于自由即是基于不公。如果你可以说任何话,那么你说什么都不会有效果。

// 这篇演讲的最后是对于精分师的未来的乐观表态。


over-simplify the act of speaking/possibility inherent in situation.
overlook the .. disagree Heidegger, enter Logic of the preading, 语言永恒不变? articulation sactified?

objet petit a = where singular plallic absence is revealed

2. My Teaching, Its Nature and Its Ends

// 一些单词
jargon 行话
unpretentious 朴实的 pretension 装腔作势的
quite a feat 壮举
expressly 明确地
exemplary 模范的
hubbub 尘嚣
folly 蠢事
spineless 没骨气
prodigious 惊人的 appetite 食欲
colloquium, co-loquate, Ecrit 座谈会

no intention of making critisms of society(which is always folly, and always.) // 也许是悲观, 也许是顺口一说


characterized bt extraordinary embarrassment he feels about

具体的一个表现为evacuation of shit。
这就是一种压抑现象:pheonominon of repression, bound up with decorum(礼仪) // 不知道在说哪种礼仪
Civilization's first and foremost point: waste-disposal system So, great civilication = pipes and sewers.
e.g., Babylon, Rome
But we are not proud of it?

Culture is nolonger a privilage. Everithing recolves around the story/histoire of what happened to a certain gentleman


why confer nobility on thinking: As I cogitate, agitate, rummage around, it only begins to be interesting when it takes responsibility or come up with solution, fomula, formalization...
...points of history is history of thoughts

Structuralism: culture trend is mix and homogenize

No weltanschauungen: 没有所谓世界观的东西。

Godel: even arithmetric turns out to be a basket(full of holes)

holes in the button, lots of things escape from us.
"Systems should not be contradictory." ... but the fact is, ... :)

Stotle?: Organon


  1. Dream: any audiens is dreaming or thinking about his own business.
  2. Fail
  3. Lauge

Subject is not with subjective, not with individual,
it is a load of nonsense
it defines an effect of signifier, before it can be situated in

World -- Object = assume the existence of a subject e.g. Aristotle 对 Sphere的沉思,可以发现的是,没有一个不涉及沉思的sphere的观念。


The sleep of reason produces monsters. Reason encourages us to go on sleep

wo Es war, soll Ich werden

Subject already at the level of the Es
In his second topography, perception-consciousness = das Ich

Communication funciton is never the most important aspect of a language. So subject is not a message.

The subject of enunciationk != the subject of the utterance "I"(a shifter). Although linguists may call so.

try to construct a logic == try to eliminate the subject
but you'll find it(subject) again when you get to the end in all shapes of paradoxes // 逻辑所在的地方没有主体性,合理化的尝试即是去主体化的尝试。但是你在那些符合逻辑的系统尽头的那些各种各样的悖论里面,你又会发现主体性。

tragic,无关于the order of communication


dazzling briliance!
something that negates we touch upon in dreams
namely that substance is already the subjects, before it becomes sbj.

Aristotle: difference between subject and substance
divorce, trauma :(

3. So You Will Have Heard Lacan

// 一些单词
buoyancy 浮力
vulgarization 庸俗化

// 大学是一个充斥了话语的世界
university: universe of discourse
not various stages of thoughts engender one another?
so is history the history of philosophy?

universitas litterarum

e.g. animals sick in the mind vs sick with plague
here bacillus won't be ill in itself --> the thought in itself is not an illness
// 对于有心理疾病的人,就像被某种有病的想法所感染,但是看看那个想法本身,它并不是有病的,就像对病菌来说病菌自己并不是病态的。

Philosophy tradition:
thought is self-transparent, isolated from "body" ( passion ... )
but Freud: go back to the level of relations with thoughts, brain-trusts

"It" thinks at a level where it cannot grasp itself is that it doesn't want to grasp itself at any price
... would rather reliquish itself than being thought.
... not at all willing to accept observations --> unconsciousness

Q. Is conscioiusness itself the most imponderable but autonuomus? unconsciousness just a detail/inference like a mirage?

Thought is not higher ... not a flower on top of evolution.
3 regesters // 三界,它们的距离也是不均匀的,把它们放进一个列表里已是独断的

  • Symbolic 象征界
  • Imaginary 想象界
  • Real 实在界