flipperdevices / flipperzero-firmware

Flipper Zero firmware source code
GNU General Public License v3.0
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NFC Emulation of previously saved Mifare classic 1k card does not work. #1468

Open Pingvin0 opened 2 years ago

Pingvin0 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug.

I have multiple saved cards from 0.62.1, and in the latest release candidate, when I emulate the card, my phone cannot detect it at all. When I emulate a saved NTAG/Ultralight there is no issue.


On 0.62, save a Mifare classic 1k card Update to RC NFC->Saved->saved card->Emulate Phone cannot detect emulated card


e28446de49db99093c33dd43a1c4773d94e35942 (release-candidate)


This is for a wifi tag I had: https://pastebin.com/R8s1gY2L

And this is for a contact (VCARD) mifare classic 1k card: https://pastebin.com/vA5HdcwK

Anything else?

No response

gornekich commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Working on fix

Pingvin0 commented 2 years ago

Just tested this on c7772060657afc8ee5a160ea3ed62246d989c136 Reading a brand new MFC card with content and emulating it fails as well. I don't think it's about previous save data being wrong.

gornekich commented 2 years ago

The reason can be enabled log level debug in Settings->System. Please confirm that you set log level to Info / Warning / Error / Default

Pingvin0 commented 2 years ago

Log level was on Debug.

simkard69 commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem on my side, yesterday tried to brute-force attack a Mifare-classif ... which succeeded after 15 minutes. Anyway, once I tried to emulate the tag in front of the reader : not working (it was a VIGIK like this one : VIGIK READER)

I have some blanks NFC Mifare-Classic cards (white ones with UID/Sector 0 writable), but faced the fact that there are no ways to write NFC tags at all for now in the Flipper Zero firmware.

Linzdigr commented 2 years ago

Exactly in the same situation as @simkard69 : NFC Mifare Classic 1k card's keys and content are well extracted by the Flipper (👍) but the emulation seems to be the issue. The VIGIK denies the emulated version.

From what I've understood it's a timing issue with the Flipper's NFC chip onboard not natively supporting the Mifare Classic 1k (and the current soft implementation is leading to timeout with the VIGIK communication), right ?

Anyway, hope software workaround will be enough to go through this issue !

Xenthys commented 2 years ago

Following commit c40e8811, I have been able to emulate a Mifare Classic 1k card successfully! I've been able to read it with NFC Tools on my phone, so now if it fails I'm going to blame the reader.

Thanks for the fix @gornekich, you may be waiting for other confirmations but in my case we're good!

Pingvin0 commented 2 years ago

@Xenthys I still cannot emulate freshly scanned or saved MFC 1k cards on c40e8811d68e9f4b8f603ae5d5826b814521014d.

Linzdigr commented 2 years ago

Flipper firmware changed from stable to dev https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/commit/c40e8811d68e9f4b8f603ae5d5826b814521014d


Thanks for the update though ;)

BestPig commented 2 years ago

Still have some issue at some point for me.

Unable to read the whole contents with MIFARE Classic Tool (Android) And also with an ACR122U with the libnfc

It seems the tag disappears during the read.

Xenthys commented 2 years ago

All my cards work so this is odd, maybe try with one of mine / compare the content?

This one is safe, it's an old metrovalencia ticket from months ago: https://gist.github.com/Xenthys/4a7cc356b1a1caf052c9986495fb9c46

goutchye commented 2 years ago

Hi guys!

I have also tried to emulate mifare classic cards on a vigik reader, with no success.

To check if the flipper zero emulation was working I have also tried to "read" it using a mfrc522 rfid reader, it was a failure except for the first sector which was good. I discovered that I could read each sector with success but never read many of them in a row.

SO, I have tried to add a delay between each reading attempt and it was working when I added a delay of 700ms.

Do you think this it is a hardware limitation of the flipper zero or "just" a software issue?

I hope that maybe this information would help. To finish, thx all of you for the amazing job on the project :-)

EDIT: my flipper zero has the dev firmware released the 9th of august https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/commit/01eb92db0695fe73f8866580af36cc03362d297c

theblackhole commented 2 years ago

Any news on this issue ? With 0.67.2, I still can't get saved Mifare Classic 1k tags to work with Vigik readers (and some parts are missing when I read my emulated badge with Mifare Classic Tool)

Coroxx commented 2 years ago

@theblackhole yes. When you put your badge on the VIGIK READER, the reader check if your badge is correct, it increments a value, and after he check if the value was incremented.

So when you put your flipper on the vigik reader, it fails on the second step because you cannot write on the flipper during emulation.

This double security is only made by VIGIK.. The most of the other brands check only the badge.

I hope you understand what i'm trying to explain.

simkard69 commented 2 years ago

I have some dumps of universal VIGIK badges from LaPoste. They have to be re-writed every 3 to 4 days in order to continue working.

I'm pretty sure the reader cannot use that much encryption/cyphers in order to do what it needs. Should I try to dump a badge, use the VIGIK reader, then dump it again (... and so on), in order to find where is the increment number located on the memory ?

goutchye commented 2 years ago

@Coroxx you are right but the value is incremented only if the badge is a "service provider" badge (postmail, electricity, gaz, etc.). In this case, the provider must encode a badge which will only be valid during 3.5 days as @simkard69 has mentioned, and the counter is probably useful to limit the use of the badge.

In the other case, if it is a "home" badge for people who live in the building, only the UID, or the first sector is used.

Each VIGIK central can work with both cases. FIY, the emulation of my own "home" badge fails on the vigik central of my building (test with the firmware released the 9th of august).

The "best" way to find an issue would be to sniff (thanks to a proxmark) the timing of the exchange between a vigik central and a valid badge, and try to reprocuce them on a flipper zero (who seems to be a little bit "slow" for the moment).

Coroxx commented 2 years ago

So is it a software or a hardware issue ?

theblackhole commented 2 years ago

Interesting... In my case, it is also a resident badge, not a service card.

In Mifare Classic Tool, the first sector is always read correctly. For other sectors, missing data occurs randomly (my last test result was a missing key on sector 14, and on the previous test result it was sector 10) So if only the first sector is used it should work in theory, unless Vigik readers are more finicky than smartphones ?

Also FYI, I also have an old UID-only dump of my badge (from a previous firmware) wich doesn't work either. And I compared my badges dumps from Mifare Classic Tool with the ones from Flipper and they are identical. So it seems like only the emulation mode might be affected by timing issues.

Is there a way to get logs of what is happening during emulation (or maybe with "Detect Reader" mode ?) ? Because while buying a Proxmark is tempting and would satisfy my curiosity, I think it is quite pricey for a beginner/hobbyist like me ^^

goutchye commented 2 years ago

@Coroxx I don’t know. I hope it is « only » a software limitation.

@theblackhole yes in theory it « should » works. It also depends of the data writing on you badge. Is there data only in the first sector ?

For the logs questions, I don’t know. I also think than adding too much logs could slow down a little bit the flipper zero no? Yeah the proxmark is expensive but it is probably the best way to debug this problem.

I Hope I could try it in few weeks or months.

theblackhole commented 2 years ago

@theblackhole yes in theory it « should » works. It also depends of the data writing on you badge. Is there data only in the first sector ?

No, not only the first sector. In a valid dump (of my badge with Mifare Classic Tool directly) there's data on the first 4 sectors. For sectors 5 through 15, it's filled with zeros except the last block of each sector where keys are stored. (In my case, it's the same key everywhere). If I wasn't clear, I can post a "censored" version of my dump to clarify my point if you want.

While exploring the new features of 0.62.2, (keys extraction with mfkey32v2 in particular) I found out that there's a way to display flipper's logs via usb : https://github.com/equipter/mfkey32v2#using-log I'll see if I can make something out of it... but before that, I need to find a discrete setup because a pc is a little more noticable than the flipper hahaha Also, as you said, it might make things worse by slowing down the execution but we'll see.

AkechiShiro commented 2 years ago

@theblackhole any news on this, have you found anything relevant using the flipper's logs via USB ?

On this issue, I think it's important to mention a few things :

About, a Mifare Classic 1k card, that I'm trying to emulate and get to work with a VIGIK reader.

To sum up, what's working on my end:

However, I've noticed a slight difference on sector 15 of my dump, emulated tag dump vs the real physical tag dump, I believe a specific block of the sector 15 is getting incremented by one.

This seems to be an anti-copy/duplication protection, that's updated by the VIGIK reader, each time the physical tag is used, a desync of the physical tag could happen, if the Flipper Zero emulation worked for me, the emulation needs to take into account, writes request, so that the tag could be modified in place.

That's unexpected given the nature of my tag, it is not a "service provider" one, it works without being updated for weeks and months on.

Hugal31 commented 2 years ago

@AkechiShiro thanks for the Debug tip. It still cannot read the emulation with Mifare Classic Tool on my Fairephone 4 (it rarely detects it, and when it does it drops the connexion right away).

For the anti-copy feature of your tag, you can read about in #1345. The best test against it is what you did, scanning the real tag before and after using it and compare the two dumps.

AkechiShiro commented 2 years ago

@Hugal31 you tried on the latest 0.69 firmware version and it stills failed to read it with the Mifare Tool app ? That's what I used and it works on a Xiaomi Poco F3

AkechiShiro commented 2 years ago

Also @Hugal31 could you test NXP TagInfo in order to read your emulated tag on the Flipper Zero ?

Here is a scan log in XML of an emulated tag, I did, I redacted some information, but they were properly detected (UID, ATQA, SAK,...).

This does not try to dump the tag, but just tries to read a few information by scanning quickly (it takes on my phone about 10 seconds at most I believe, sometimes the communication is cut off if I move the Flipper Zero too much once the scan has begun, make sure you hold the phone and the Flipper Zero well together).

Hugal31 commented 2 years ago

I failed to mention reading the tag header with NFC Tools works.

I tried using NXP with the firmware 0.69.1:

The error happens just after the scan starts so I didn't even have the time to move the Flipper. I also have to stick it to the back of my phone and remove its protection to make it somewhat work. With any other NFC tag emulation (e.g. an Amiibo), it works even at 2 cm from the phone.

AkechiShiro commented 1 year ago

I'd like to note an interesting observation that there are numerous VIGIK readers versions (so far, I'm aware of V1/V2/V3), could everyone that mentioned that the emulation didn't work, look at the version at the bottom of the reader and precise for which version it did fail ?

This might help us, find maybe an old version of reader where emulation works still works with.

So far, looking around, I've seen V2 and V3 readers but not V1 readers, here is a picture of what it looks like : image

@Coroxx V2 readers, can sometimes increment a value inside a sector of the badge as an anti-counterfeit protection (but they don't do ALL do that since I've seen a V2 VIGIK reader that does not increment the value and for which the FP Zero emulation still fails for, so this can't be due to some "write/increment" request failing on the emulation side).

I suspect that V2/V3 probably have some "features" or differences that V1 doesn't, I'm looking to know if a VIGIK V1 reader works with the Flipper Zero's emulation or not (of the latest version of the firmware 0.76.0).

rvalitov commented 1 year ago

@AkechiShiro Sorry, I have never seen a version like V1 or similar. Just no extra info except the VIGIK name. Some examples are below, perhaps that's useful for you image image image

dybman commented 1 year ago

Hello, Will emulation ever work for "Vigik" or is it simply impossible to achieve?

AkechiShiro commented 1 year ago

@skotopes could we please have any official information on this issue, it's been awhile, I know that #2529 is a full refactor of the NFC stack of the FP Zero's firmware but I don't think there is any fix regarding the VIGIK issue.

If there is any way/investigation that you or @gornekich would recommend, any user could try using either a Proxmark RDV3 or using an SDR (Software Defined Radio) ?

So we can really hammer on whether this issue can be solved or not.

skotopes commented 1 year ago

@AkechiShiro we currently don't have Vigik tags/readers. We were planning to revisit this issue after refactoring complete.

Astrrra commented 1 year ago

Also, a full emulation trace from a Proxmark3 would definitely help. If someone can do it - we need four things:

  1. A sniff of the communication between a reader and a genuine card.
  2. A sniff of the communication between a Flipper on a working firmware version (0.62.1?) and a reader.
  3. A sniff of the communication between a Flipper on a current firmware version (latest release).
  4. A full card dump (can be acquired with hf mf autopwn on the proxmark)

Flipper's debug toggle in System settings should be disabled, log level should be either None or Default. Assuming your Proxmark3 is on the latest Iceman firmware, a trace can be captured with hf 14a sniff, and saved with trace save -f <filename> (don't forget to stop the recording by pressing the button on your proxmark, otherwise the saved file will be empty).

For convenience, please name your trace files along the lines of card, working_fw, latest_fw, and card_dump (in bin, json, and eml formats), respectively. The file extensions for the traces will be added automatically by your proxmark client.

You can attach them to this issue, or, if the card contains private data, send them to me in an email: astra@flipperzero.one. Please avoid using filesharing platforms with time-limited links, as we might not be quick enough to get to your files before they expire :P

sfjuocekr commented 1 year ago


I'm just trying to read the emulated card with an ACR122U, just ordered a ProxMark as well it will probably take a while before it is here!

sfjuocekr commented 1 year ago
      Start |        End | Src | Data (! denotes parity error)                                           | CRC | Annotation
          0 |       1056 | Rdr |26                                                                       |     | 
       2244 |       4612 | Tag |04  00                                                                   |     | 
      13184 |      15648 | Rdr |93  20                                                                   |     | 
      16820 |      22708 | Tag |d4  4d  27  0b  b5                                                       |     | 
      44016 |      54544 | Rdr |93  70  d4  4d  27  0b  b5  33  1f                                       |     | 
      55732 |      59252 | Tag |08  b6  dd                                                               |     | 
     188000 |     192704 | Rdr |e0  50  bc  a5                                                           |     | 
     195636 |     196276 | Tag |04                                                                       |     | 
     331232 |     332288 | Rdr |26                                                                       |     | 
     407136 |     408192 | Rdr |26                                                                       |     | 
     483040 |     484096 | Rdr |26                                                                       |     | 

The results of the trace, when I'm done raiding in WoW I will do some more traces and dump it on the Proxmark!

sfjuocekr commented 1 year ago


Nevermind, got em!

PsychoBitchy commented 1 year ago

Also, a full emulation trace from a Proxmark3 would definitely help. If someone can do it - we need four things:

1. A sniff of the communication between a reader and a genuine card.

2. A sniff of the communication between a Flipper on a working firmware version (0.62.1?) and a reader.

3. A sniff of the communication between a Flipper on a current firmware version (latest release).

4. A full card dump (can be acquired with `hf mf autopwn` on the proxmark)

@Astrrra I did What you asked, the 3 traces are IDENTICAL (no diff at all) Sent you a mail with everything. Reader is V1

AkechiShiro commented 1 year ago

@PsychoBitchy could you post a photo of the reader please ?

I ordered a PM3 but my order was lost during delivery, I will try and see if I can find someone who can lend me one, I have access to v2 readers.

There is also something weird with the detection field, it seems to be a bit random to work with the Flipper Zero on a reader v2.

AkechiShiro commented 1 year ago

PR #2825 in latest release 0.87 seems to fix the issue with all VIGIK readers I've tested so far (ReaderV2/V1 mostly)

Hugal31 commented 1 year ago

This PR make the emulation works better with Mifare Classic Tool on my Fairphone 4. There is no more error message, however I often have "dead sectors" or some bytes that are not read. I did a successfully complete read after multiple tries though.

However I could not make it work with a VIGIK reader (without number, presumably V1) so far.

goutchye commented 1 year ago

Hi guys Today I have updated my flipper with the last firmware, dumped a legitimate postal badge and tried to emulate it but it has failed. The reader was a comelit model (don't know the version), and of course the legitimate badge was working well.

theblackhole commented 1 year ago

PR #2825 in latest release 0.87 seems to fix the issue with all VIGIK readers I've tested so far (ReaderV2/V1 mostly)

Finally ! 🎉 My cloned resident badge now works on a V2 reader (Urmet). I'll try with another reader (V1 maybe ?) when I get the opportunity.

Hi guys Today I have updated my flipper with the last firmware, dumped a legitimate postal badge and tried to emulate it but it has failed. The reader was a comelit model (don't know the version), and of course the legitimate badge was working well.

If you dump the badge twice with Mifare Classic Tool: one dump before using the badge and one dump after using the badge, do you get the exact same dump ? If I remember correctly, I heard/read that postal badges, since they can open every Vigik doors, have additional security features like authorized access during a defined time slot, defined maximum number of use, anti-clone features (if your 2 dumps are different, this could be your case)

goutchye commented 1 year ago

Hi, Yes this is still the problem. The legitimate postal badge has an counter in its memory which is incremented by the vigik reader each time it is reading. So the vigik reader, before to opening the door, is probably trying to write this counter value but it fails and the door doesn’t open 😕

theblackhole commented 1 year ago

Hi, Yes this is still the problem. The legitimate postal badge has an counter in its memory which is incremented by the vigik reader each time it is reading. So the vigik reader, before to opening the door, is probably trying to write this counter value but it fails and the door doesn’t open 😕

Ok that's what I thought. In this case, I'm glad this security measure exists and I'm glad this still doesn't work for you (sorry ^^) otherwise it would be a critical national security issue :) ...unless LaPoste badges are restricted to a defined geographical area (like one or two cities)? (but that would surprise me)

simkard69 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Yes this is still the problem. The legitimate postal badge has an counter in its memory which is incremented by the vigik reader each time it is reading. So the vigik reader, before to opening the door, is probably trying to write this counter value but it fails and the door doesn’t open 😕

Ok that's what I thought. In this case, I'm glad this security measure exists and I'm glad this still doesn't work for you (sorry ^^) otherwise it would be a critical national security issue :) ...unless LaPoste badges are restricted to a defined geographical area (like one or two cities)? (but that would surprise me)

Is there any way to allow F0 to simulate a badge with memory being able to be modified ?

Hugal31 commented 1 year ago

Is there any way to allow F0 to simulate a badge with memory being able to be modified ?

I think it's should be doable, but beware, it would invalidate the real badge (but maybe you could re-sync it?).

AkechiShiro commented 1 year ago

Is there any way to allow F0 to simulate a badge with memory being able to be modified ?

I would advise to do this only if you're sure you can sync back the original badge, as once the real one is desynchronized, it won't work anymore, also take note of the counter value, just in case.

rvalitov commented 1 year ago

I tried latest firmware 0.87. I could read the VIGIK badges - that was working in the past releases, too. But emulation still does not work. I have a simple badge that does not have any internal counter or something like that.

AkechiShiro commented 1 year ago

To be clear, on my testing on a VIGIK reader, I've noticed that :

I have found other reader (not VIGIK) still using Mifare Classic, that do not work, I'll investigate later why.

u1735067 commented 1 year ago

Like others, emulation seems ok on Vigik v2 now with 0.87.0, but reading through MCT on Android is very random.

Also, to recall some informations about Vigik (you can find more at http://2014.hackitoergosum.org/slides/day3_A_common_weakness_in_RSA_signatures:extracting_public_keys_from_communications_and_embedded_devices_Renaud_Lifchitz_hes2014.pdf starting slide 21), you have 2 main types of badges:

danila115 commented 1 year ago

Hi! I met with the problem that the mifare classic 1k label is read and emulated successfully, but when writing to a disc (mifare zero), it says that "the type of card is not correct." For the intercom key, it will be enough to copy only the UID, but I can’t do it in any way. The description of the information read from the tag corresponds to the key read from the original (ISO 14443-3 NFC-A)

theblackhole commented 1 year ago

Hi! I met with the problem that the mifare classic 1k label is read and emulated successfully, but when writing to a disc (mifare zero), it says that "the type of card is not correct." For the intercom key, it will be enough to copy only the UID, but I can’t do it in any way. The description of the information read from the tag corresponds to the key read from the original (ISO 14443-3 NFC-A)y

Hi did you use the "Magic" app on flipper to write to your badge ? If it doesn't work, it could be a magic gen2 badge which is not supported by flipper but works with Mifare Classic Tool on Android. In any case, it is not related to this issue and you should ask your question on the forum if it has not been already asked ;)