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Extending compatible weather stations to Acurite Iris 5-in-1 #2241

Closed fiveseven808 closed 1 year ago

fiveseven808 commented 1 year ago

Description of the feature you're suggesting.

Requesting adding compatibility to the Acurite Iris 5-in-1 weather stations. I assume it should be a similar protocol to the existing Acurite devices, but with more sensors to read off of.

Manual of weather station in question is located here https://www.acurite.com/media/manuals/06014M-instructions.pdf This would be an extension of the existing weather station app.

Anything else?

I field several of these weather stations and would be able to test and collect data, however I'm unsure how to begin.

Skorpionm commented 1 year ago

there is little sense from management. real records from sensors are needed.

fiveseven808 commented 1 year ago

I have real sensors, but little experience obtaining data. How can I begin?

skotopes commented 1 year ago

I have real sensors, but little experience obtaining data. How can I begin?

Record RAW file with subghz app. You can find manual for adding new fobs/protocols on the forum.

Crsarmv7l commented 1 year ago

I have real sensors, but little experience obtaining data. How can I begin?

Record RAW file with subghz app. You can find manual for adding new fobs/protocols on the forum.

Just curious, but do they have to be actual captures? rtl_433 has a plethora of test files, and after converting them to .ook with rtl_433, they can be converted to raw subs with evilpete's tools. I have converted huge amounts of rtl_433 captures (and files I have generated) with his tools, and they all work fine and are recognized when txing with the flipper

fiveseven808 commented 1 year ago

Since my original post I've bought a couple of SDRs, and realized I am able to read my weather station just fine with rtl_433.

Is there any way to port the protocol over from it?

skotopes commented 1 year ago

@fiveseven808 yes, also we still need some recordings

skotopes commented 1 year ago

If you want it to be added please reopen issue and provide recordings