flipperdevices / flipperzero-firmware

Flipper Zero firmware source code
GNU General Public License v3.0
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IL region, sub-ghz missing allowed frequencies #3704

Open ypelech opened 2 weeks ago

ypelech commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug.

The allowed frequencies in IL region should be: 314-314.9 315 325 433.04-434.79 915-917

Link to official frequencies allocation: the detailed frequency table by the ministery of communication (hebrew - didn't find it in english) - https://rfa.justice.gov.il/SearchPredefinedApi/Documents/IdngyMn~ojdQSrkxuAqfZqiM8c1foi3TSZQhp7OMszo=

starting from page 16 in the PDF.

Thank you.


blocked by definition in the IL region.


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