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NFC / RFID Detector - HID ProxPoint does not activate LF indicator #152

Open imply3289 opened 4 months ago

imply3289 commented 4 months ago

I'm currently experiencing an issue with the FlipperZero running the NFC / RFID Detector App.

The device does not recognise the field emitted by multiple HID ProxPoint Plus readers. I have tried on a series of different readers at the same site. None activate the LF Indicator. Doing an LF Emulation of a credential works on these readers and opens doors when the correct credential is used. I've tried a friend's FlipperZero on the same installation, he would be one firmware version behind me. His symptoms were identical.

As a troubleshooting step, I used a Proxmark3 RDV4 to create an LF field using the HID reader command and the LF field indicator displayed correctly on the FlipperZero, as expected.

I apologise I don't really know much about troubleshooting issues like this on the FlipperZero, so I'm more than happy to be guided through obtaining any logs or other details required for troubleshooting. I am be able to obtain the appropriate permission to remove a reader from the wall and provide more information about the actual reader itself should that be required.

Flipper Firmware 0.98.3 Application Version 1.2

skotopes commented 3 months ago

@imply3289 could be that reader is not holding field long enough for us to detect it.

@doomwastaken can you check if we have HID ProxPoint Plus, if not get one.

doomwastaken commented 3 months ago

We have 2 of those available and fully setup. Going to verify it and get back to you

doomwastaken commented 3 months ago

So far we were not able to reproduce it, maybe we have readers to close to one another, today we will disassemble part of our bench and try on a separate reader.

imply3289 commented 3 months ago

@doomwastaken I have ongoing access to the readers that I experience this issue with. I also have access to a proxmark3 if there's any more data I can collect about the reader?