flippidippi / sVim

Safari extension with shortcuts similar to Vim
734 stars 51 forks source link

Can you add more features? #128

Open Jeongwonkyu opened 5 years ago

Jeongwonkyu commented 5 years ago

like sVim... shift+j: navigate to the previous tab shift+k: navigate to the next tab etc.

And when i press 't' key, safari show new tab page. But this page url is localhost. Can you change 'favorite page' or 'home page' ?

I think it would be much more convenient if the user could change the settings.

rk1 commented 5 years ago

You should be able to change the settings and map shift+j/shift+k to change tabs.

In your sVimrc: map "shift+k" nextTab map "shift+j" previousTab