flippidippi / sVim

Safari extension with shortcuts similar to Vim
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Thank you for your work! Issue with Instagram #98

Closed telarmago closed 6 years ago

telarmago commented 6 years ago

Hello! First, I want to say thank you for this wonderful extension that lets me use Safari while I'm mobile to save on battery (compared to Google Chrome). Thank you for all your work @flipxfx @abrookins @luchenyuxx @JGregoryAtiba @x-ji and anyone else I might've missed!

On to the (minor) issue that I noticed - link hints don't appear on Instagram's web app. For example, if you go to https://www.instagram.com/barackobama/ and hit f, nothing appears. The functionality is still there: if you hit a random key after f, it will open a picture or link - you just can't pick which one.

abrookins commented 6 years ago

Man, I feel so inspired after looking at that page. And I can confirm that the issue exists for me as well.