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machine-level-programming[CSAPP] #1

Open flippyside opened 2 hours ago

flippyside commented 2 hours ago


history of intel processors and architectures

Intel X86 Processors:

Architecture(ISA: instruction set architecture): the parts of a processor design that needs to understand or write assembly/machine code

machine code: byte-level programs, can be executed by processor assembly code: a text representation of machine code

programmer-visible state:

long plus(long x, long y);
void sumstore(long x, long y, long *dest){
    long t = plus(x, y);
    *dest = t;
  pushq %rbx
  movq %rdx, %rbx
  call plus
  movq %rax, (%rbx)
  popq %rbx

assembly characteristics

Data type:


# C code
*dest = t;

# Assembly
movq %rax, (%rbx) # move 8-byte value to memory
# operands:
#  t:     register %rax
#  dest:  register %rbx
#  *dest:  memory  M[%rbx]

# object code
0x40059e: 48 89 03
# 3-byte instuction
# stored at address 0x40059e

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%r: 64bit
%e: 32bit


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寄存器的名字在很早之前反映了他们的特定功能,现在没有这种对应了。除了esp之外:%esp: 栈指针



movq Src Dest


operand types:

movq 的所有可能组合:不能mem-mem

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simple memory addressing modes

examples for normal:

void swap(long *xp, long *yp){
    long t0 = *xp;
    long t1 = *yp;
    *xp = t1;
    *yp = t0;
    movq (%rdi), %rax
    movq (%rsi), %rdx
    movq %rdx, (%rdi)
    movq %rax, (%rsi)

rdi:xp,即指向存储【指针xp指向的值】的内存地址 rsi:yp,即指向存储【指针yp指向的值】的内存地址 rax:t0 rdx:t1

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movzbw SRC, DEST

address computation



D(Rb, Ri, S) -> Mem[Reg[Rb] + S * Reg[Ri] + D] D: constant displacement, 1,2,4 bytes Rb: base register, any of 16 integer registers Ri: index register, any, expect %rsp S: scale, 1,2,4,8

100   (%ebx,      %esi,     4)
偏移量 基址寄存器,变址寄存器,比例因子

address computation examples:

%rdx 0xf000
%rcx 0x0100

0x8(%rdx)   0xf000 + 0x8 = 0xf008
(%rdx, %rcx)   0xf000 + 0x100 = 0xf100
(%rdx, %rcx, 4)   0xf000 + 4 * 0x100 = 0xf400
0x80(, %rdx, 2)   2 * 0xf000 + 0x80 = 0x1e080


the address of the top of the stack is the LOWest. the stack pointer %rsp stores the address of the top.

pushq S
R[%rsp] <- R[%rsp] - 8
M[R[%rsp]] <- S

popq D
D <- M[R[%rsp]]
R[%rsp] <- R[%rsp] + 8

popq %rax is equal to:

movq (%rsp), %rax
addq $8, %rsp

arithmetic & logical operations

there is one-operand and two-operand instr.

the 2-operand is just like += -= in C.

leaq(load effective address)

leaq src, dst


if rdi is x:

leaq 7(%rdi, %rdi, 4), %rax    # set the %rax to 7 + x + x * 4 
long mul12(long x){ 
    return x * 12; 

leaq (%rdi, %rdi, 2), %rax   # t <- x + 2x
salq $2, %rax  # shift to left, 2bit


rip: instruction pointer. in i386, it's eip.

processor state

information about currently executing program:

status register, flag register, or condition code register (CCR) is a collection of status flag bits for a processor.

condition code

CF is for unsigned number, OF is for signed number

positive overflow: opsitive + opsitive = negative | negative + negative = opsitive

cmpq src2 src1

computing src1 - src2 without setting destination. Just set condition code.

testq src2, src1

read condition code:

SET instructions:

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int gt(long x, long y){
  return x > y;


cmpq %rsi, %rdi  # compare x, y
setg %al         # set when >
movzbl %al, %eax # zero rest of %rax

movzbl: move with zero extension byte to long(零扩展至32bit) 由于x86-64中所有改动了32bit的指令都会将高32位清零,所以不仅仅是eax的高3个字节清零,rax的高7个字节都全部变0。


if the condition is satisfied, jump to a destination with label.

long absdiff(long x, long y){
    long result;
    if(x > y) result = x - y;
    else result = y - x;
    return result;


    cmpq  %rsi, %rdi
    jle   .L4
    movq  %rdi, %rax
    subq  %rsi, %rax
    movq  %rsi, %rax
    subq  %rdi, %rax

we can express it with goto code: jump to positon designated by label

long absdiff(long x, long y){
    long result;
    int ntest = x <= y;
    if(ntest) goto Else;
    result = y - x;
    goto Done;
    result = x - y
    return result;

jump的编码: PC相对寻址(PC-relative)

3: eb 03      jmp 8 <lopp+0x8>
5: 48 d1 f8   sar %rax
8: 48 85 c0   test %rax, %rax

Conditional Move cmov(数据的条件转移)

if computations are easy to do, do both and pick one according to the condition. do not use jump:

    movq  %rdi, %rax
    subq  %rsi, %rax # x-y
    movq  %rsi, %rdx
    subq  %rdi, %rdx # y-x
    cmpq  %rsi, %rdi # x:y
    cmovle %rdx, %rax # if x<=y
v = test ? then : else


        goto false
    v = then
    goto done
    v = else  

用条件传送的方法:then 和 else都会求值

v = then
ve = else
t = test
if(!t) v = ve




count number of 1 in x(popcount)

long pcount(unsigned long x){
  long result = 0;
    result += x & 0x1;
    x >>= 1;
  return result;


long pcount(unsigned long x){
  long result = 0;
    result += x & 0x1;
    x >>= 1;
    if(x) goto loop;
  return result;

asm: "jump to middle"

  movl $0, %eax  # result = 0;
.L2:             # loop:
  movq %rdi, %rdx
  andl $1, %edx  # t = x & 1
  addq %rdx, %rax # result += t
  shrq %rdi      # x >>= 1
  jne .L2        # if(x) goto loop
  rep; ret


long pcount(unsigned long x){
  long result = 0;
    result += x & 0x1;
    x >>= 1;
  return result;


long pcount(unsigned long x){
  long result = 0;
  goto test;  <----
    result += x & 0x1;
    x >>= 1;
  test:       <----
    if(x) goto loop;
  return result;

another version: use initial-test + do-while:

long pcount(unsigned long x){
  long result = 0;
  if(!x) goto done;  <----
    result += x & 0x1;
    x >>= 1;
    if(x) goto loop;
  done:              <----
    return result;


for(init; test; update)
         \ /

In -O1, Initial test can be optimized away: Alt text


jump table

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long switch(long x, long y, long z){
  long w = 1;
  switch(x){  // 1~6, no 4
    case 1: break;
    case 2: w = y/z;
    case 3: w += z; break;
    case 5: 
    case 6: break;
  return w;

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  movq %rdx, %rcx
  cmpq $6, %rdi         # x:6
  ja   .L8              # default
  jmp  *.L4(, %rdi, 8)  # goto *JTab[x]

ja: jump above. the number is treated as unsigned.


  movq %rsi, %rax
  idivq %rcx      # y/z
  jmp .L6         # goto merge
  movl $1, %eax   # w = 1
  addq %rcx, %rax # w += z


calling conventions

passing control

ABI(application binary interface)应用程序二进制接口

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pushq SRC:

popq DEST:

Procedure control flow: use stack to support procedure call and return

callq 400550 <mul2>: push the return address into stack and set the PC to the new value.

retq: pop the address off the stack(rsp++), and set the PC to that address.

passing data

argument type: integer, pointer

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stack frame:



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%rdi: argument p
%rsi: argument val, y
%rax: x, return value

long incr(long *p, long val){
  long x = *p;
  long y = x + val;
  return x;

  movq  (%rdi)  %rax
  addq  %rax,  %rsi
  movq  %rsi,  (%rdi)
long call_incr(){
  long v1 = 15213;
  long v2 = incr(&v1, 3000);
  return v1 + v2;

  subq  $16, %rsp       # allocate
  movq  $15213, 8(%rsp) # push in stack
  movl  $3000, %esi
  leaq  8(%rsp), %rdi   # 把15213的地址传入rdi
  call  incr            # 调用函数
  addq  8(%rsp), %rax
  addq  $16, %rsp       # deallocate

register saving conventions


/* recursive popcount */
long pcount_r(unsigned long x){
  if(x == 0) return 0;
    return (x & 1) + pcount_r(x >> 1);

rdi: x
rax: return value

  movl    $0, %eax   # assume x is 0 and set the return value(eax) 0
  testq   %rdi, %rdi # x:0
  je      .L6        # jump if equal
  pushq   %rbx       # 暂存rbx内的值以便之后复原
  movq    %rdi, %rbx # 把x放到rbx
  andl    $1, %ebx   # x & 1
  shrq    %rdi       # x >> 1
  call    pcount_r
  addq    %rbx, %rax # rax: 递归结果
  popq    %rbx       # 复原rbx之前的值
  rep; ret



array accessing


typedef int zip_dig[5]
int get_digit(zip_dig z, int digit){
  return z[digit];
%rdi = z                  # rdi: starting address (z)
%rsi = digit              # rsi: array index (digit)
movl(%rdi, %rsi, 4), %eax # eax: z[digit], digit = z + 4*digit

array loop

void incr(zip_dig z){
  size_t i;
  for(int i = 0; i < LEN; i++){
  movl  $0, %eax  # i = 0
  jmp   .L3       # goto middle
.L4:              # loop
  addl  $1, (%rdi, %rax, 4)   # z[i]++
  addq  $1, %rax  # i++
.L3:              # middle
  cmpq  $4, %rax  # i:4
  jbe   .L4       # if <=, goto loop

multidimensional(nested) arrays

arrangement: row-major ordering

int A[R][C];

 A  ... A    A  ... A  ...  A  ... A
[0]    [0]  [1]    [1]    [R-1]  [R-1]
[0]   [C-1] [0]   [C-1]    [0]   [C-1]

every column's starting address: A + i * C * ele_size

alt text

multidimensional array accessing

  1. get the ith column
#define PCOUNT 4
zip_dig pgh[PCOUNT] =
 {{1, 5, 2, 0, 6},
 {1, 5, 2, 1, 3 },
 {1, 5, 2, 1, 7 },
 {1, 5, 2, 2, 1 }}; 

int *get_pgh_zip(int index)
 return pgh[index];
# %rdi = index
leaq (%rdi,%rdi,4), %rax      # 5 * index
leaq pgh(,%rax,4),%rax        # pgh + (20 * index)

alt text

int get_pgh_digit (int index, int dig)
 return pgh[index][dig];
leaq (%rdi,%rdi,4), %rax      # 5*index
addl %rax, %rsi               # 5*index+dig
movl pgh(,%rsi,4), %eax       # M[pgh + 4*(5*index+dig)]

multi-level array

alt text

zip_dig cmu = { 1, 5, 2, 1, 3 };
zip_dig mit = { 0, 2, 1, 3, 9 };
zip_dig ucb = { 9, 4, 7, 2, 0 };
#define UCOUNT 3
int *univ[UCOUNT] = {mit, cmu, ucb}; 

int get_univ_digit
 (size_t index, size_t digit)
 return univ[index][digit];
salq   $2, %rsi             # 4*digit
addq   univ(,%rdi,8), %rsi  # p = univ[index] + 4*digit
movl   (%rsi), %eax         # return *p

Element access: Mem[Mem[univ+8*index]+4*digit] do 2 memory reads

nxn matrix access

because n is a unknown number, so imulq instr is used.

int var_ele(size_t n, int a[n][n], size_t i, size_t j)
 return a[i][j];

# n in %rdi, a in %rsi, i in %rdx, j in %rcx
imulq %rdx, %rdi            # n*i
leaq (%rsi,%rdi,4), %rax    # a + 4*n*i
movl (%rax,%rcx,4), %eax    # a + 4*n*i + 4*j


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linked list:

struct rec {
 int a[4];
 int i;
 struct rec *next;
void set_val(struct rec *r, int val)
  while (r) {
    int i = r->i;
    r->a[i] = val;
    r = r->next;
rdi: r
rsi: val
.L11:                       # loop:
  movslq 16(%rdi), %rax     # i = M[r+16]
  movl %esi, (%rdi,%rax,4)  # M[r+4*i] = val
  movq 24(%rdi), %rdi       # r = M[r+24]
  testq %rdi, %rdi          # Test r
  jne .L11                  # if !=0  goto loop

Alignment of struct:

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save spaces in alignment: put large data types first alt text


the pointer just be allocated the memory of this pointer(8 bytes), not its type that is point to.

                size of it
int A1[3]           12
int *A2[3]          8

Cmp: compiles Y/N Bad: possible bad pointer reference Y/N Size: value returned by sizeof

int A1[3]: 数组,元素为int类型 int *A2[3]: 数组,元素为int*类型(指向int类型的指针) int (*A3)[3]: 指针,指向数组 int (*A4[3]): 数组,元素为int*类型(指向int类型的指针)。和A2一模一样

int A1[3] = {1, 2, 3};

int a, b, c;
int *A2[3] = {&a, &b, &c};

int arr[3] = {1, 2, 3};
int (*A3)[3] = &arr;  // A3 是指向 arr 数组的指针

int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3;
int *A4[3] = {&a, &b, &c};  // 和 A2 的效果类似

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int A1[3][5]: 二维数组,元素是int类型 int *A2[3][5]: 二维数组,元素为int*类型(指向int类型的指针) int (*A3)[3][5]: 指针,指向 3x5 大小二维数组。 int *(A4[3][5]): 与 A2 等价 int (*A5[3])[5]: 数组,元素是指向int类型数组的指针。

int A1[3][5] = {
    {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
    {6, 7, 8, 9, 10},
    {11, 12, 13, 14, 15}

int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3;
int *A2[3][5] = {
    {&a, &b, &c, nullptr, nullptr},
    {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
    {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}

int (*A3)[3][5] = &A1; 

int a = 1;
int *(A4[3][5]) = {
    {&a, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
    {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
    {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}

int arr1[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int arr2[5] = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
int arr3[5] = {11, 12, 13, 14, 15};

int (*A5[3])[5] = {&arr1, &arr2, &arr3}; 

alt text alt text

flippyside commented 2 hours ago

this is a test!