flix-tech / schema-registry-php-client

A PHP 8+ API client for the Confluent Schema Registry REST API based on Guzzle 7 - http://docs.confluent.io/current/schema-registry/docs/index.html
MIT License
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deser with Cached Registry do not retrieve to schema-registry new schema at run time #69

Closed raphaelauv closed 1 year ago

raphaelauv commented 1 year ago


look like the avro deserializer (with cached registry) do not fetch new schema versions at run time but deserialize with the existing cached schema even if it's not the one used to serialize the message

the deserilization should (like it work for the confluent lib) fetch the new schema if user did not fix the version ( id of schema) it want for deserialization

raphaelauv commented 1 year ago

I have open the same issue there https://github.com/flix-tech/avro-serde-php/issues/71