floatdrop / gulp-watch

Watch, that actually is an endless stream
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Support deleting removed or renamed files #4

Closed xixixao closed 10 years ago

xixixao commented 10 years ago
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var watch = require('gulp-watch');

gulp.task('default', function() {
    return gulp.src('./sass/*.scss')

It would be cool if output files of renamed or removed files got deleted (maybe automatically?). Would this be possible to implement with current gulp?

Edit: This of course is not simple, as the output name must be known, possibly requiring something from every gulp-plugin (I haven't gone through the API). If this requires changes in gulp I'll elevate the issue.

Edit2: For example, https://github.com/wearefractal/gulp-coffee/blob/master/index.js#L9 is just passing the file on, if it is null, without changing the extension.

dashed commented 10 years ago

You mean files in ./dist/?

xixixao commented 10 years ago


dashed commented 10 years ago

This doesn't require change in gulp core.

gulp-watch would need to somehow communicate that an event occurred via a callback. It uses gaze internally to watch these events. At the moment, it just seems to log it to console.

floatdrop commented 10 years ago

I could add event property to vinyl-fs object. This will allow to track events after watch emitted something. For the rest functionality you could write a gulp-plugin that will track files and delete (somehow) moved files.

xixixao commented 10 years ago

So I would have to remember the compiled files, since plugins don't produce correct file names and then remove them if needed. I guess that'd work.

floatdrop commented 10 years ago

event property landed in 0.5.4 - https://github.com/floatdrop/gulp-watch#filtering-custom-event, sorry for such delay. very busy, much work.

YourDeveloperFriend commented 10 years ago

So what can I do to get gulp watch to delete the files?

  watch({glob: 'server/**/*.coffee'})
  .pipe(coffee({bare: true}))

is giving me the error: Arguments to path.join must be strings

I tried filtering as recommended, but I'm not sure what to do with the deleted files:

  var deletedFilter = filter(function(file) { return file.event === 'deleted'; });
  watch({glob: 'server/**/*.coffee'})
  .pipe(coffee({bare: true}))

  deletedFilter.restore({end: true})
  .pipe(/* delete corresponding files in 'build'? */);
floatdrop commented 10 years ago

Hi @YourDeveloperFriend! Thanks for reporting.

First, could you write, what you want to achieve? It is not clear to my. If you append deletedFilter to pipeline - then you will pass deleted files to coffeelint - which is clearly not what you want (maybe you should use !== 'deleted' in filter function).

Also can you write a stacktrace of an Arguments to path.join must be strings error?

YourDeveloperFriend commented 10 years ago

Sorry, I wrote out deletedFilter wrong:

deletedFilter = function(file) { return file.event !== 'deleted' };

I'll give you more information next week, super busy right now :/

andyyou commented 10 years ago

I am not ensure your problem is the same with me, but I provide a soulation as follow


rur commented 9 years ago

I got this to work by adding a 'dest' to the deleted file stream like so:

var clean = require('gulp-clean');

deletedFilter.restore({end: true})
YourDeveloperFriend commented 9 years ago

Thanks @rur ! That fixed the issue I was having.

meeDamian commented 9 years ago

That worked for me too. Since gulp-clean is deprecated and solution here is spread across several posts, here's a tl;dr:

npm i gulp-filter del vinyl-paths --save-dev 
del = require 'del'
vinylPaths = require 'vinyl-paths'
filter = require 'gulp-filter' # skip that if you use `gulp-load-plugins`

deletedFilter = filter (file) -> file.event isnt 'deleted'

watch 'app/**/*.coffee'
  .pipe deletedFilter
  # some other pipes
  .pipe gulp.dest 'dist'

deletedFilter.restore end: true
  .pipe gulp.dest 'dist'
  .pipe vinylPaths (file, cb) ->
    del file.replace(/.coffee$/, '.js{,.map}'), cb # vinyl only provides .coffee file paths, so we need to do mapping ourselves
natew commented 9 years ago

file.event seems to be undefined to me in the latest versions, what do you check to get the event type?

ondaplana commented 9 years ago

That worked for me:

var watch = require('gulp-watch');
var filter = require('gulp-filter');
var vinylPaths = require('vinyl-paths');
var del = require('del');

gulp.task('watch-src', function() {
    var notDeletedFilter = filter(
      function(file) {
          return file.event !== 'unlink' && file.event !== 'unlinkDir';
      {restore: true}

        .pipe(vinylPaths(function(file, cb) {
            del(file, cb);

    watch('src/client/**/*', {events: ['add', 'change', 'unlink', 'unlinkDir']})
eksperimental commented 7 years ago

Hi @ondaplana, this doesn't seem to work for unliked directories and renamed directories leave the old copy intact and create a copy of the new renamed folder. any ideas how to solve this?

UltCombo commented 7 years ago

@eksperimental You will have to handle the file.event === 'unlink' case in your own code. This is how I've been doing it in my workflow: https://github.com/JSRocksHQ/slush-es20xx/blob/2de00c70dc52f990e7256f6cfb8019fc6665b6ac/tpl/env/node/gulpfile.js#L126-L130

eksperimental commented 7 years ago

@UltCombo well, after testing it for a while, renaming a dir never creates the "unlink" event. it behaves differently that when a file is renamed. which creates "add" and "unlink". any way to solve this?

UltCombo commented 7 years ago

@eksperimental That's possibly an inconsistency in Chokidar or in a lower level (Node.js core/libuv/drivers/OS). The folks over at Chokidar may be able to provide more help. 🙂