floating / frame

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GNU General Public License v3.0
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hide or spoof user agent in RPC requests #1642

Open SCBuergel opened 10 months ago

SCBuergel commented 10 months ago

I'm using the latest version v0.6.7 of Frame on Linux and I'm using the DERP website and RPC endpoint to monitor what requests Frame is sending. I see that it is including the following user agent:

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux x64) node.js/18.12.1 v8/

That user agent is distinctly different from e.g. all other browser based wallets. IMO that is too much information that I am not willing to share with all those RPC providers. It should be possible for frame to conceal or spoof this user agent to increase user data privacy.

This is not just a privacy concern but it might even be a security concern if an RPC provider finds out which version of node/electron I am using which might be subject to specific exploits.