floatinghotpot / cordova-plugin-facebookads

Cordova/PhoneGap plugin for Facebook Audience Network Ads
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Native Ad Implementation - Almost Done! #49

Open technotip opened 7 years ago

technotip commented 7 years ago

I've implemented Facebook Native Ads in my Ionic app. But am not able to link the click area with the ad block. Can anyone please help me to figure out a way to link the click area of the ad.

I'm using Ionic 2, so the code need to be in TypeScript.

Progress Trying to figure out scroll position This link might help Ionic 2 Documentation

technotip commented 7 years ago

Here is what I got so far .. Facebook Native Ads: Ionic 2

argyleink commented 7 years ago

i used requestAnimationFrame inside of an attribute directive, so my loop impact was minimal.

when the ad node initiated, i check it's bounds, start rAF watching the position of the node and ensuring it's in view, then i gathered the size of what was in view, and then called FacebookAds.setNativeAdClickArea() with the coords.

If i was you, i'd go find someones ng1 implementation (if exists), then do the typescript yourself. asking/looking for a TS sample for following a scrolling node and setting the coords, is quite the ask imo.

technotip commented 7 years ago

I've actually done it myself using Javascript itself, in my Ionic 2 application. Will write about it soon on my blog - along with a video tutorial. Hope it'll help some.

Here you can see its implementation RSS Reader

technotip commented 7 years ago

Implementing FacebookAds in Ionic 2

Facebook Banner and Interstitial Ads: Ionic 2 Facebook Native Ads: Ionic 2 Facebook Native Ads Clickable Area: Ionic 2

Facebook Audience Network Native Ad Implementation Example App RSS Reader

Hope this helps ..