floatinghotpot / cordova-plugin-mmedia

Cordova/PhoneGap for Millennial Media Ad
7 stars 6 forks source link

IOS Interstitial Not Working #13

Closed appsoftba2 closed 8 years ago

appsoftba2 commented 8 years ago

Banner ads looks fine but interstitial ads are not fetching from server. In Debug mode the error mesage is like this:

mMedia, onAdfailload, adnetwork:mmedia, adtype:interstitial , adevent:onadfailload, error:-500 , reason: caching unsuccesful.

So it cant cache and store the interstitial ads, even test ads. try in iphone3s, iphone4s,iphone6 and simulators. All the same.

If someone else can get an interstitial, my second guess is i'M still using xcode 6.2 due to being a poor bad boy with a hackintosh. I'm not sure about the reason but i definetly hit a big wall. HELP ME PLEASE MY BEST CORDOVA PLUGIN FRIEND !

floatinghotpot commented 8 years ago

The banner and interstitial both worked, at least when this plugin was published.

My mmedia account was disabled quite long time ago, as I did not use it much, I asked mMedia for support, but they have no response. Without a useable account, I cannot verify what's happening.

Do you have to use the mMedia?

appsoftba2 commented 8 years ago

Well, no i guess. trying other networks now. thanks for your quick response.

floatinghotpot commented 8 years ago

According to my personal experience, try: AdMob, Flurry, FacebookAds, they support very well, good fill rate, and pay on time.