floatinghotpot / cordova-plugin-nativeaudio

The low latency audio plugin is designed to enable low latency and polyphonic audio from Cordova/PhoneGap applications, using a very simple and basic API.
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no audio on iPhone running iOS 9.2 #70

Open chicheongweng opened 8 years ago

chicheongweng commented 8 years ago

I am using Ionic with this plugin.

The below code works on an iPhone 6 emulator running iOS 9.2 and an actual android device. But when I run it on a real iPhone 5 running iOS 9.2 there is no audio. Any clue??

Here is my code snippet:

.run(function($ionicPlatform, PushNotificationsService, $rootScope, $ionicConfig, $timeout) { console.log('app.run'); $ionicPlatform.on("deviceready", function(){ // Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard // for form inputs) if(window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) { cordova.plugins.Keyboard.hideKeyboardAccessoryBar(true); }
if(window.StatusBar) { StatusBar.styleDefault(); }

if( window.plugins && window.plugins.NativeAudio ) { 

window.plugins.NativeAudio.preloadSimple( 'click', 'audio/driver.mp3',        function(msg){
    console.log('Playig click ...');
    console.log( 'error: ' + msg );


nitzanwilnai commented 8 years ago

i also no longer have audio on iOS 9.2

av01d commented 8 years ago

MP3's loaded via preloadComplex do play on iOS9.2, files loaded via preloadSimple do not We've been using this Cordova plugin since ages, and it still works great for Android, but it seems severely broken on iOS9.2. When calling the 'play' function, Xcode's debug console shows a "998: Failure to setup sound, err = -50" message.

bobvandevijver commented 8 years ago

Same here, is there any solution?