floatinghotpot / socket.io-unity

socket.io client for Unity, power game client with node.js back-end
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xxxxxxx can only be called from the main thread. #25

Open ronaldovelo opened 6 years ago

ronaldovelo commented 6 years ago

I started today using your socket-io asset, and I have been trying to understand the problem, I did understand in fact, but I dont know how to work-arround.

This is the event

socket.On("CLIENT_SUCCESSFUL_LOGIN", (data) =>
                string dataS = data.ToString();
                Dictionary<string, string> values = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(dataS);
                string _userID = values["userId"];
                float _funds = float.Parse(values["funds"]);
                SuccessfulLogin(_userID, _funds);

And I want execute a function and it gives me that error...

void SuccessfulLogin(string _userId, float _funds)
        userId = _userId;
        funds = _funds;
        isLogged = true;
public void ChooseMenu(int menuId)
        if (menuId < menuPanels.Count && menuId >= 0)
            activePanel = menuId;
Zbluu commented 6 years ago

This is not a issue relative to this asset.


I use the solution of the first answer, it's works.