the reconnection is not working. I get one attempt and then nothing ... here's an example from the code below ... I'm using the latest lib/'s and code from github with unity 2017.3.1f1 I tried all kinds of settings for the reconnect options ... but nothing!
------------------- ------------------------- -----------
Start Unity Program => Socket Connected everything works as expected
(Server running)
Kill the Server => Socket Disconnected client disconnects as expected
Socket Reconnect Attempt no additional attempts are made
Socket Reconnecting no timeout happends
Restart the Server => no reconnection happends
and no additional attempts made
Stop Unity Program =>
Start Unity Program => no 'socket connected' output but
a connection is made with sever
Socket Connect Error this output seems to be older
Socket Connect Error messages, and not what is
Socket Reconnect Error currently happening ...
the reconnection is not working. I get one attempt and then nothing ... here's an example from the code below ... I'm using the latest lib/'s and code from github with unity 2017.3.1f1 I tried all kinds of settings for the reconnect options ... but nothing!