flobilosaurus / vscode-asciidoc-slides

Visual Studio Code extension to create reveal.js slides via asciidoc
MIT License
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unble to show images, when open asciidoc slide in local browser #46

Open man-chi opened 3 months ago

man-chi commented 3 months ago

I am running antora. may I know where should I place my background images?

the directory is docs/module/ROOT/images/reveal-parallax-1.jpg docs/module/ROOT/pages/slide.adoc

the following snippet failed to show images, please help == Images [source, asciidoc]


results in: image::../images/reveal-parallax-1.jpg[revealjs]

flobilosaurus commented 1 month ago

Hi @man-chi, did you try a relative folder besides the document its referred in? For example

some-path/slide.adoc some-path/media/image.jpg

Please have a look at: https://github.com/flobilosaurus/vscode-asciidoc-slides/blob/master/demo.adoc