flobilosaurus / vscode-asciidoc-slides

Visual Studio Code extension to create reveal.js slides via asciidoc
MIT License
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Update to @asciidoctor/reveal.js 5.x #47

Open migueltercero opened 1 month ago

migueltercero commented 1 month ago

Can you update dependencies to work with last version of @asciidoctor/reveal.js 5.x released last year?


flobilosaurus commented 1 month ago

Hi @migueltercero, currently im waiting for "asciidoctor-vscode" extension to fix an error because my extension fails loading if asciidoctor-vscode is active besides it. As soon as i know how to handle it, i will continue developing my extension. For further references see: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-vscode/issues/881