flobrosch / valadoc-org

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Website seems down [Search Issues Remain] #52

Closed ZanderBrown closed 8 years ago

ZanderBrown commented 8 years ago

http://www.valadoc.org/ is showing the "Apache2 Debian Default Page" i havent been able to find anything about this anywhere else so i decided it was best to report this. image

ZanderBrown commented 8 years ago

It's now showing a web hosting placeholder image

logancgarcia commented 8 years ago

@ZanderBrown I'm having exactly the same issue. I was looking for a mirror of the site but was not able to find one.

benwaffle commented 8 years ago

mirror: http://valadoc.valadate.org 

logancgarcia commented 8 years ago

@benwaffle Thanks so much!

ZanderBrown commented 8 years ago

image Not sure it's an improvement but it's a different placeholder page (see bottom right) so I'm assuming some progress has been made

ZanderBrown commented 8 years ago

ok so the site seems to be back up but I haven't closed this issue because search & tooltips result in SQL errors.

danirabbit commented 8 years ago

@ZanderBrown sorry about the inconvenience, we'll get it sorted ASAP

ZanderBrown commented 8 years ago

it seems tooltips are functional search not so much image

supercamel commented 8 years ago

Hello, I'm sure you guys are working on this and thank you for the link to the mirror site, but the functional search is broken for me too. Cheers!

roojs commented 8 years ago

I suspect search is down, as the sphinx api has changed quite a bit.

sphinx.conf -> add searchd deamon settings.

-> remove old options

-> change paths - fix them

-> /sphinx/sphinx.xsl -- remove str2ordianl

run sudo indexer --config sphinx.config --all sudo searchd --config sphinx.conf

Since the indexed files is a bit flakey I modified allpkgs's to be generated +$res = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SHOW TABLES"); + +$pkgs= array(); +while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {

Then the query format has changed slighly (no css? and @weight become WEIGHT()

-if (!($q = $mysqli->query("SELECT type, css, name..... ..... ORDER BY @weight DESC, {$orderby} ...."))) + +$qq = "SELECT type, name, shortdesc, path, signature, typeorder, {$orderby} +

Note also modified generator.vala to just 'return' rather than die when valadoc errors. Otherwise I'm stopping/ finding installing/fixing etc.. constantly when trying to build... \ it should probably just report what failed at the end.. and let you decide if you need to fix it.

@@ -860,6 +860,7 @@ public class Valadoc.IndexGenerator : Valadoc.ValadocOrgDoclet { } } catch (SpawnError e) { stdout.printf ("ERROR: Can't generate documentation for %s. See LOG for details.\n", pkg.name);

@@ -912,6 +913,7 @@ public class Valadoc.IndexGenerator : Valadoc.ValadocOrgDoclet { } catch (SpawnError e) { stdout.printf ("ERROR: Can't generate documentation for %s. See LOG for details.\n", pkg.name); stdout.printf ("%s\n", e.message);

roojs commented 8 years ago

While it's down feel free to use this http://valadoc.roojs.com

benwaffle commented 8 years ago

or http://valadoc.valadate.org

alsoijw commented 8 years ago

There are two problems with valadoc.org . First problem is that search don't work. Second problem the problem is characteristic of valadoc.org valadoc.roojs.com and valadate.org . If I copy link to some method or property and insert in address bar or open some hyperlink with middle button click, I will have 404 error. Please, fix it.

ZanderBrown commented 8 years ago

@alsoijw see #56

benwaffle commented 8 years ago

http://valadoc.org/ is fixed! Now hosted by elementary

ZanderBrown commented 8 years ago

Sorry i only just noticed it was back up.