flobz / psa_car_controller

Control psa car with connected_car v4 API.
GNU General Public License v3.0
391 stars 199 forks source link

"kinetic" and "last_position" fields are empty #50

Closed jlayec closed 1 year ago

jlayec commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug "kinetic" and "last_position" fields are empty in json answer of get_vehicleinfo/VIN Am I alone?

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. what command did you use ? python3 server.py -l --debug DEBUG
  2. when the bug append ? Everytime with get_vehicleinfo/VIN
  3. Does it persist after restarting the program? Yes

Here is the output of the API

            "type": "Fuel"
    "environment": null,
    "ignition": null,
    "kinetic": null,
    "last_position": null,
    "preconditionning": {
        "air_conditioning": {
            "failure_cause": null,
            "programs": [
                    "enabled": false,

I confirm that the privacy configuration in vehicle is share data and position (was not changed and was working before).

flobz commented 3 years ago

Hello, For me it works well. Does it work in the past ?

jlayec commented 3 years ago

Hello Yeah ! I did some modifications in the code and started the hybrid car work 😊 I dont know what happened! But these fields are now empty. Hope that peugeot is not removing fields that are not mandatory for their mobile app. Hope i will get back position soon! But to be honest i m pessimistic

flobz commented 3 years ago

The app use swagger codegen to generate the sdk to connect to the API. In some case if the openapi spec isn't correct it can lead to the problem you describe. Can you use a proxy like mitmproxy to see if the message received by the app is received without those informations ? You just have to install and launch it, then edit config.json file to add the proxy :

    "proxies": {
        "http": "http://localhost:8080",
        "https": "http://localhost:8080"

Then test a request to see if information's are missing.

jlayec commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your reply. Just checked the proxy dump and "kinetic" and "last_position" fields are not present in the answer from psa servers.

GET https://api.groupe-psa.com/connectedcar/v4/user/vehicles/xxx/status?extension=odometer&client_id=xxx

    "preconditionning": {
        "airConditioning": {
            "updatedAt": "2021-03-23T18:07:55Z",
            "status": "Disabled"
    "energy": [
            "updatedAt": "2021-03-23T18:07:55Z",
            "type": "Electric",
            "level": 62,
            "autonomy": 32,
            "charging": {
                "plugged": false,
                "status": "Disconnected",
                "chargingRate": 0,
                "chargingMode": "Slow",
                "nextDelayedTime": "PT0S"
            "updatedAt": "2021-03-23T18:07:55Z",
            "type": "Fuel",
            "level": 0,
            "autonomy": 470
    "createdAt": "2021-03-23T18:07:55Z",
    "battery": {
        "voltage": 87.5,
        "current": 0,
        "createdAt": "2021-03-23T18:07:55Z"
    "privacy": {
        "createdAt": "2021-03-23T18:07:55Z",
        "state": "None"
    "service": {
        "type": "Hybrid",
        "updatedAt": "2021-03-22T11:32:35Z"
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "https://api.groupe-psa.com/connectedcar/v4/user/vehicles/xxx/status"
        "vehicles": {
            "href": "https://api.groupe-psa.com/connectedcar/v4/user/vehicles/xxx"
    "timed.odometer": {
        "createdAt": null,
        "mileage": xxxxx.x
    "updatedAt": "2021-03-23T18:07:55Z"
flobz commented 3 years ago

Ok, can you try the request without the extension=odometer parameter?

jlayec commented 3 years ago

I already tried last weekend as per the note in the API documentation. I did it again today and the result is the same unfortunately. Apparently the extension request is not needed as we still receive the odometer.

2021-03-24 07:36:09 GET https://api.groupe-psa.com/connectedcar/v4/user/vehicles/xxx/status?client_id=xxx
                        ← 200 OK application/hal+json 1.3k 1.42s
Host:                api.groupe-psa.com
Accept-Encoding:     identity
Accept:              application/hal+json
User-Agent:          Swagger-Codegen/4.0/python
Authorization:       Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
x-introspect-realm:  clientsB2CPeugeot
Content-Type:        application/json

client_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    "preconditionning": {
        "airConditioning": {
            "updatedAt": "2021-03-23T23:56:55Z",
            "status": "Disabled"
    "energy": [
            "updatedAt": "2021-03-23T23:56:55Z",
            "type": "Electric",
            "level": 64,
            "autonomy": 32,
            "charging": {
                "plugged": false,
                "status": "Disconnected",
                "chargingRate": 0,
                "chargingMode": "Slow",
                "nextDelayedTime": "PT0S"
            "updatedAt": "2021-03-23T23:56:55Z",
            "type": "Fuel",
            "level": 0,
            "autonomy": 470
    "createdAt": "2021-03-23T23:56:55Z",
    "battery": {
        "voltage": 87.5,
        "current": 0,
        "createdAt": "2021-03-23T18:07:55Z"
    "privacy": {
        "createdAt": "2021-03-23T23:56:55Z",
        "state": "None"
    "service": {
        "type": "Hybrid",
        "updatedAt": "2021-03-22T11:32:35Z"
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "https://api.groupe-psa.com/connectedcar/v4/user/vehicles/xxx/status"
        "vehicles": {
            "href": "https://api.groupe-psa.com/connectedcar/v4/user/vehicles/xxx"
    "timed.odometer": {
        "createdAt": null,
        "mileage": xxxxx.x
    "updatedAt": "2021-03-23T23:56:55Z"
flobz commented 3 years ago

What's the car model?

jlayec commented 3 years ago

here it is. What is strange : it was working before :‑(

    "vin": "VF3xxx",
    "vehicle_id": "xxx",
    "label": "SUV 3008",
    "brand": "Peugeot",
    "battery_power": 10.8,
    "fuel_capacity": 43,
    "max_elec_consumption": 70,
    "max_fuel_consumption": 30
flobz commented 3 years ago

Ok so it can be related to hybrid or 3008. . .

jlayec commented 3 years ago

yes... at least mine but maybe other cars soon...

flobz commented 3 years ago

I suppose you don't have your position in mypeugeot?

flobz commented 3 years ago

When you start the server you should received an mqtt message on this topic: mqtt msg psa/RemoteServices/to/cid/XXXXXXXXX/VehicleState Does this message contains the car position ?

jlayec commented 3 years ago

I suppose you don't have your position in mypeugeot?

I observed that the position in the app is updated through bluetooth and not through the API. Easy test - switch off bluetooth.

jlayec commented 3 years ago

When you start the server you should received an mqtt message on this topic: mqtt msg psa/RemoteServices/to/cid/XXXXXXXXX/VehicleState Does this message contains the car position ?

python3 server.py -l --debug DEBUG

2021-03-26 09:43:51,301 :: INFO :: server start
2021-03-26 09:43:53,810 :: INFO :: ["{'vin': 'VF3xxx', 'vehicle_id': 'xxx', 'label': 'SUV 3008', 'brand': 'Peugeot', 'battery_power': 10.8, 'fuel_capacity': 43, 'max_elec_consumption': 70, 'max_fuel_consumption': 30}"]
2021-03-26 09:43:55,847 :: DEBUG :: refresh_remote_token: {'scope': 'psaCustomerId psaMqttService', 'expires_in': 899, 'token_type': 'Bearer', 'access_token': 'xxx', 'refresh_token': 'xxx'}
2021-03-26 09:43:55,920 :: INFO :: ask state to VF3xxx
2021-03-26 09:43:56,060 :: INFO :: Connected with result code {'session present': 0}
2021-03-26 09:43:56,060 :: INFO :: subscribe to psa/RemoteServices/to/cid/xxx/#
2021-03-26 09:43:56,061 :: INFO :: subscribe to psa/RemoteServices/events/MPHRTServices/VF3xxx
2021-03-26 09:43:56,163 :: INFO :: {"access_token": "xxx", "customer_id": "xxx", "correlation_id": "xxx", "req_date": "2021-03-26T09:43:56Z", "vin": "VF3xxx", "req_parameters": {"action": "state"}}
2021-03-26 09:43:56,166 :: INFO :: save config change
2021-03-26 09:43:56,168 :: WARNING :: Can't get language
2021-03-26 09:43:56,417 :: INFO :: mqtt msg psa/RemoteServices/to/cid/xxx/VehicleState/ProcessManagement b'{"process_date":"2021-03-26T09:43:56Z","vin":"VF3xxx","correlation_id":"xxx","process_code":"900","process_message":"Your request has been accepted and is being processed"}'
2021-03-26 09:43:56,418 :: DEBUG :: mqtt msg hasn't return code
2021-03-26 09:43:56,473 :: INFO :: mqtt msg psa/RemoteServices/to/cid/xxx/VehicleState b'
    "resp_date": "2021-03-26T09:43:56Z",
    "vin": "VF3xxx",
    "correlation_id": "xxx",
    "return_code": "0",
    "location": {
        "dop": {
            "h": 1.7,
            "p": 1.9,
            "v": 0.9,
            "valid_h": true,
            "valid_p": true,
            "valid_v": true
        "dr": {
            "heading": xxx.xxx,
            "latitude": xxx.xxx,
            "longitude": xxx.xxx,
            "speed": 0,
            "valid_hdg": true,
            "valid_lat": true,
            "valid_lng": true,
            "valid_spd": true
        "gnss": {
            "altitude": xxx.xxx,
            "error_altitude": 3.35,
            "error_h_position": 3.65,
            "error_v_speed": 0.09,
            "fix_status": 3,
            "heading": xxx.xxx,
            "latitude": xxx.xxx,
            "longitude": xxx.xxx,
            "speed": 0,
            "timestamp": "2021-03-19T14:46:13Z",
            "valid_alt": true,
            "valid_err_alt": true,
            "valid_err_hps": true,
            "valid_err_spd": true,
            "valid_hdg": true,
            "valid_lat": true,
            "valid_lng": true,
            "valid_spd": true
        "satellites": {
            "tracked": 24,
            "used": 9,
            "valid_trk": true,
            "valid_usd": true,
            "valid_vis": true,
            "visible": 28
    "resp_data": {
        "date": "2021-03-26T09:15:22Z",
        "etat_res_elec": 5,
        "precond_state": {
            "available": 1,
            "programs": {
                "program1": {
                    "hour": 34,
                    "minute": 7,
                    "on": 0,
                    "day": [
                "program2": {
                    "hour": 34,
                    "minute": 7,
                    "on": 0,
                    "day": [
                "program3": {
                    "hour": 34,
                    "minute": 7,
                    "on": 0,
                    "day": [
                "program4": {
                    "hour": 34,
                    "minute": 7,
                    "on": 0,
                    "day": [
            "asap": 0,
            "status": 0,
            "aff": 1
        "charging_state": {
            "program": {
                "hour": 0,
                "minute": 0
            "available": 1,
            "remaining_time": 635,
            "rate": 0,
            "cable_detected": 1,
            "soc_batt": 79,
            "autonomy_zev": 36,
            "type": 0,
            "aff": 1,
            "hmi_state": 0,
            "mode": 0
        "vin": "VF3xxx",
        "reason": 2,
        "signal_quality": 5,
        "sev_stop_date": "2021-03-26T09:15:22Z",
        "fds": [
        "sev_state": 0,
        "timestamp_gnss": 1616165173, /* ===>>> 19/3/2021 Ă  14:46:13 */
        "obj_counter": 11,
        "privacy_customer": 0,
        "privacy_applicable": 0,
        "privacy_applicable_max": 1,
        "superlock_state": 0
2021-03-26 09:43:59,053 :: INFO :: update_data
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

It seems that the location was not updated for a while.

And I mot alone now : https://github.com/flobz/psa_car_controller/issues/54

What are the privacy fields output for your car?

Mine are

        "privacy_customer": 0,
        "privacy_applicable": 0,
        "privacy_applicable_max": 1,
        "superlock_state": 0
flobz commented 3 years ago

I suppose you don't have your position in mypeugeot?

I observed that the position in the app is updated through bluetooth and not through the API. Easy test - switch off bluetooth.

I think it depends of your car. If you have the Peugeot SOS option, you have a gps.

jlayec commented 3 years ago

I suppose you don't have your position in mypeugeot?

I observed that the position in the app is updated through bluetooth and not through the API. Easy test - switch off bluetooth.

I think it depends of your car. If you have the Peugeot SOS option, you have a gps.

I have Peugeot SOS option.

Everything was ok before in the API, the problem appeared 19/3/2021 Ă  14:46:13

Even when the API got the position, the app location was not updated if not connected with bluetooth. I m using 2 phones and the one not connected with bluetooth is able to remote control Preconditionning & Charge of the car and get level / autonomy but doesn't have car position updated.

flobz commented 3 years ago

Ok can you confirm that car position is present in mqtt messages? I will check my privacy settings later.

jlayec commented 3 years ago

Ok can you confirm that car position is present in mqtt messages? I will check my privacy settings later.

well yes but values were not updated since I encountered the problem

        "dr": {
            "heading": xxx.xxx,
            "latitude": xxx.xxx,
            "longitude": xxx.xxx,
            "speed": 0,
            "valid_hdg": true,
            "valid_lat": true,
            "valid_lng": true,
            "valid_spd": true
        "gnss": {
            "altitude": xxx.xxx,
            "error_altitude": 3.35,
            "error_h_position": 3.65,
            "error_v_speed": 0.09,
            "fix_status": 3,
            "heading": xxx.xxx,
            "latitude": xxx.xxx,
            "longitude": xxx.xxx,
            "speed": 0,
            "timestamp": "2021-03-19T14:46:13Z",

There is a problem somewhere... and now seems that I m not alone...

flobz commented 3 years ago

My privacy settings:

flobz commented 3 years ago

my timestamp_gnss is old too : 27/1/2021:8:03:15 Well, it seems to be a car problem. You could maybe go see your mechanic.

Flodu31 commented 3 years ago

I have the following error with your branch:

(.env) psa_remote@FLOAPP-PEUGEOT:/usr/local/src/psa_car_controller $ python3 app_decoder.py ~/mypeugeot_1.28.apk
APK loading...
Requested API level 29 is larger than maximum we have, returning API level 28 instead.
RES_TABLE_LIBRARY_TYPE chunk is not supported
RES_TABLE_LIBRARY_TYPE chunk is not supported
APK loaded !
MyPeugeot email: mail
MyPeugeot password: password
What is your country code ? (ex: FR, GB, DE, ES...)
Can't get car model please check cars.json
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "app_decoder.py", line 151, in <module>
    label = vehicle["short_label"].split(" ")[-1]
KeyError: 'short_label'

Any idea? Thanks. Florent

jlayec commented 3 years ago

I have the following error with your branch:

(.env) psa_remote@FLOAPP-PEUGEOT:/usr/local/src/psa_car_controller $ python3 app_decoder.py ~/mypeugeot_1.28.apk
APK loading...
Requested API level 29 is larger than maximum we have, returning API level 28 instead.
RES_TABLE_LIBRARY_TYPE chunk is not supported
RES_TABLE_LIBRARY_TYPE chunk is not supported
APK loaded !
MyPeugeot email: mail
MyPeugeot password: password
What is your country code ? (ex: FR, GB, DE, ES...)
Can't get car model please check cars.json
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "app_decoder.py", line 151, in <module>
    label = vehicle["short_label"].split(" ")[-1]
KeyError: 'short_label'

Any idea? Thanks. Florent

hello. please submit a new issue - it is not the same problem here. I don't know if flobz can hide the last message to keep a clean thread.

Flodu31 commented 3 years ago

I used the branch that you mentioned to me and my issue was closed, it is why I posted here ;)

flobz commented 3 years ago

I have the following error with your branch:

(.env) psa_remote@FLOAPP-PEUGEOT:/usr/local/src/psa_car_controller $ python3 app_decoder.py ~/mypeugeot_1.28.apk
APK loading...
Requested API level 29 is larger than maximum we have, returning API level 28 instead.
RES_TABLE_LIBRARY_TYPE chunk is not supported
RES_TABLE_LIBRARY_TYPE chunk is not supported
APK loaded !
MyPeugeot email: mail
MyPeugeot password: password
What is your country code ? (ex: FR, GB, DE, ES...)
Can't get car model please check cars.json
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "app_decoder.py", line 151, in <module>
    label = vehicle["short_label"].split(" ")[-1]
KeyError: 'short_label'

Any idea? Thanks. Florent

It's seems that's the car model isn't returned... I will changethe code to handle this error.

flobz commented 3 years ago

@jlayec still the same problem ?

CalicodesIles commented 3 years ago

I think there is a major issue with Peugeot API actually. In other services like Tronity.io, I can't see any trip information since Mar 23 because they are unable to retrieve location, maybe it could be related ?

In API reply I see this (timestamp is like yours) :



In dashboard I see this :

last_position updated_at "2021-03-24 16:57:28+00:00"

Tronity.io support answer (regarding my support ticket for my own car) :

there is a problem with some cars at Peugeot. The problem is that we got the last GPS Update at 
2021-03-24 17:57. This is the reason why no trips are created. We wrote Peugeot about this issue
but still no feedback. We can't do much about it.
B4jusz commented 3 years ago

I have similar issue: "last_position": null, "timed_odometer": null. In "gnss" (and in "dr") there is valid position, with "timestamp": "2021-03-15T12:35:06Z". But it didn't work before that either. My privacy settings are the same as flobz. It's a Peugeot e-208. The SatNav, Live traffic, My Peugeot app, etc has always worked, so I can't really complain at Peugeot. ( I tried, but they said everything is OK...). If anybody has found a possible solution, please let me know. Otherwise, as more and more people are affected, I hope PSA will do something on their side, which will solve it for everyone eventually.

Flodu31 commented 3 years ago

On my side, I have "privacy": {"state": "None"} but it is activated on my car:


CalicodesIles commented 3 years ago

Well I opened a ticket last Friday through Peugeot customer service. They asked me to send some logs from MyPeugeot iOS app with a specific procedure.

I have similar issues on MyPeugeot app, so I'm quite sure that it is related to API v4 :

I will inform you as soon as I get some information from their technical support.

CalicodesIles commented 3 years ago

@Flodu31 Where do you see "privacy : None" ?

In my case, in resp_data section of the JSON, I have this :


When you change values on your screen capture, my "privacy_applicable" changes :

Flodu31 commented 3 years ago

@CalicodesIles sur l'url http://localhost:5000/get_vehicleinfo/vin

CalicodesIles commented 3 years ago

OK so I have the same result as you with a "None" value.

I think that you should rely on what comes from PSA mqtt information (from activity.log) to confirm which privacy features are received from your car.

jlayec commented 3 years ago

@jlayec still the same problem ?

Yes of course but didn t have time for further investigations last week. For sure now i m not alone and seems we are more everydays. I will not giveup so easily 😊

dreimer1986 commented 3 years ago

Count me in. Newest version of the server successfully catches the missing data and now tells me with a sad ERROR: on the start of the line that the api is missing kinetic and last_position on my side. Peugeot e-208 GT, DE country code, all privacy settings correctly set aka same as flobz' ones. Rest works flawless. Last position update I got was from 2021-03-29T05:16:10Z. Then it stayed there for a few days. Now the data is gone completely. Android app does sort of work fine though. Sometimes it hangs with newer GPS data, but right now it shows correct data on Android app, but server aka API says null.

Pgr73 commented 3 years ago

Hello All,

My car is a Peugeot e-208. I'm using a fairly old version of @flobz 's original psa_server (around late november) and was getting GPS position reliably through the get_vehicleinfo/VIN API (last_position object). Suddenly, on March 27th at around 4 pm....it stopped giving GPS position updates back: the last GPS position at the "freeze time" is still sent, but not updated (the other informations are still updated).

What might be of interest is that, around the same time, I received an email confirmation by Peugeot that the free "Télémanaintenance" service add been activated (I had subscribed to it the day before). Strange coincidence of events, no ?

I didn't do many investigations apart from checking and toggling the privacy settings on the car's UI (see @Flodu31's photo above) to see if it unlocked the situation : no result. Restarting the psa_server also has no effect either.

The trip information available in the MyPeugeot Andoid App seems to be correct (correct start and end positions)

Not sure this is decisive information, but I hope it can help. Rgds

xammmue commented 3 years ago

The location data in the Smartphone App is trasmitted via Bluetooth which makes it completly independent from the one sent via the API.

I heard that disconnecting the 12V battery for some minutes helped some people when having connectivity issues for pre heating and charge control. Maybe this could also help here...

CalicodesIles commented 3 years ago

@xammmue Well already tried. Indeed the value changed (was 100%, went to 0% then later at a value which was not the real one).

@Pgr73 I subscribed this option "Télémaintenance" around the date where issues began. On a forum (AP), it seems that there are some people which got the same issue with their MyPeugeot app, so there are chances that it is related. One of them succeed in cancelling his subscription by calling the support, and he was able to make the app work again correctly within a few days.

dreimer1986 commented 3 years ago

Already mentioned that. But same here. Activated Telemaintenance and everything falls apart a few hours later...

aferraz commented 3 years ago

Already mentioned that. But same here. Activated Telemaintenance and everything falls apart a few hours later...

Morning, same for me, New Peugeot e-208.

dreimer1986 commented 3 years ago

Quite funny as this is no flobz' server problem. Anyways. Maybe collecting here is a good idea for others coming by. Anyways, contacted german support and fired words like PSA API v4 and last_position = null and kintectic = null and he gave up. He collected some information and will send me a email in which I can add all information I have and then it will be passed over to their IT. Keeping you updated

dreimer1986 commented 3 years ago

Not much news yet.. Got a auto reply that my information were passed over to tech support and a mail that it's being processed now. That was 4 days ago. Nothing more and I am very sure not much more will come up. If they don't reply until Friday I will try the support disables Telemaintenance way. I was already told that this indeed is possible. Maybe someone wants to try who does not have to give Peugeot a reasonable response time first? ^^

@flobz What are all these other weblinks about, like https://api.groupe-psa.com/connectedcar/v4/user/vehicles/%ID%/lastPosition ? Any chance these give use some useful information? There are more like these. alerts, trips, telemetry, maintenance and status, Likely these are the ones the app uses, but that most likely will not help, too as the app on my Tablet and not BT connected to the car has no position at all all the time...

xammmue commented 3 years ago

I had a look at the other endpoints. My car position is currently stuck since the services activated. I can confirm that https://api.groupe-psa.com/connectedcar/v4/user/vehicles/%ID%/lastPosition still returns the false position. Same for status. Alerts, trips and Telemetry return internal server error. Maintenance returns the following

    "updatedAt": "2021-04-13T16:38:19Z",
    "_links": {
        "alerts": {
            "href": "https://api.groupe-psa.com/connectedcar/v4/user/vehicles/{vehicleId}/alerts"
        "self": {
            "href": "https://api.groupe-psa.com/connectedcar/v4/user/vehicles/{vehicleId}/maintenance"
        "vehicles": {
            "href": "https://api.groupe-psa.com/connectedcar/v4/user/vehicles/{vehicleId}"

Updated at is the time of the last car update (when I arrived home).

jlayec commented 3 years ago


Chronology for my car is the following

As per my chronology : the activation or not of telemaintenance service is not related to last_position lost but maybe a major release upgarde in PSA servers (in relation with telemaintenance service availability?) deleted these precious fields in the API! My fear is that all cars will be impacted soon...

We have to wait PSA answer to @dreimer1986 's mail.

xammmue commented 3 years ago

It was different for me

CalicodesIles commented 3 years ago

Just a little update 👍

I received a mail 2 days ago from Peugeot, telling me that my problems will be solved. I just need to use my car for several 20-min trips, in order to update over-the-air my "Telematic box".

I have done this today, and starting the 2nd trip, MyPeugeot and psa_connected_car were able to retrieve vehicle status information as before (charging status, battery level), knowing that the "Télémaintenance" option still subscribed.

After few weeks without service, and several trips and charges, I confirm that it works better.

One thing seems to be still broken for the moment : Trips. Tronity and psa_connected_car doesn't seem to detect anything, maybe because GPS information is not retrieved correctly. In MyPeugeot app, it's still retrieved correctly as the information is downloaded from the car directly through Bluetooth.

dreimer1986 commented 3 years ago

Got a reply. Translated with DeepL.

Thank you for your patience.

From the technical department I have received the message that the problem is known and our technicians are working on a solution. This will be made available to you via the next update.

I hope to have helped you with this and wish you a nice day and a good trip.

With kind regards

So let's wait for the update then ^^

italoc commented 3 years ago

i hame tha same problem no position in get_vehicle request, when i start the server i have this privacy setting response

,"privacy_customer":0, "privacy_applicable":0, privacy_applicable_max":2

but in my car (E-C4) i have authorized everything (postion and data)

can you help me?

jlayec commented 3 years ago

i hame tha same problem no position in get_vehicle request, when i start the server i have this privacy setting response

,"privacy_customer":0, "privacy_applicable":0, privacy_applicable_max":2

but in my car (E-C4) i have authorized everything (postion and data)

can you help me?

Hi, Unfortunately you are not alone. We are all waiting an answer from PSA tech support to dreimer1986. In the meantime you just have to wait and can't do nothing. The code was updated to handle this situation (most features are working).

dreimer1986 commented 3 years ago

Got a reply. Translated with DeepL.

Thank you for your patience.

From the technical department I have received the message that the problem is known and our technicians are working on a solution. This will be made available to you via the next update.

I hope to have helped you with this and wish you a nice day and a good trip.

With kind regards

So let's wait for the update then ^^

Well, I already got one. We wait for a fix in their car OS.

CWfFO commented 3 years ago

Also others have the problem. First post on this side: https://www.goingelectric.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=317&t=66667&sid=09e74291f98d3cbec77f68d61d30386b&start=110