flofreud / posh-gvm

GVM for Powershell
Apache License 2.0
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Error "Could not unzip the archive of" for kotlin 1.0.3+ and sbt 0.13.11 #21

Open shambalaxx opened 7 years ago

shambalaxx commented 7 years ago

Utils.ps1 fails here:

if ( !(Test-Path "$Script:PGVM_TEMP_PATH\*-$Version") ) {
        throw "Could not unzip the archive of $Candidate $Version. Please delete archive from $Script:PGVM_ARCHIVES_PATH (or delete all with 'gvm flush archives'"

Because sbt and kotlin archives don't have version numbers in inner folders. Moreover, kotlin's folder name is "kotlinc".

calexHG commented 7 years ago

Just installed and tried posh-gvm for the first time, to try installing Kotlin 1.1 preview releases alongside stable 1.0.x and encountered the same error.

Any news on this?

shambalaxx commented 7 years ago

@calexHG workaround is to manually rename downloaded archive in PGVM_TEMP_PATH folder and add version to its name like kotlin-1.1. After that you can rerun gvm install. Worked for me.

flofreud commented 7 years ago

@shambalaxx Thanks for helping him.

Further work on posh-gvm is on my (overcrowded) todo list. I somehow need to find free time for it. At my work its seldomly used anymore after more and more devs here started to use the new windows subsystem.

calexHG commented 7 years ago

@shambalaxx thanks! I may try that later and see if it works.

@flofreud ahhhh — well that makes sense.

I'm still on Windows 8.1, however, as I still haven't heard anything about why I should want Win 10, yet frequently hear about why I would want to avoid it.

The early demo video regarding "Bash on Windows" was interesting until the demonstrator explained roughly that it can't really interoperate with the outside world or something like that (it was a while ago).