We have been going a fast pace for the past couple of week. Every so often, you need to reflect on how far you have come.
For tonight, we are going to take a little code break and create a blog post. Blog posts are a good way to reflect on what you have done and also share some knowledge. The best way to get better at talking about technology is practice. Blog posts are a way to practice that skill.
Explorer Mode
[x] On medium.com(https://medium.com/), create a blog post that talks about a concept we have went over in class. This could anything topic from HTML, CSS or JavaScript. Or it could be a lesson that learn from the past couple of weeks. All I am looking for a developer focused blog post.
[x] to turn this in, submit to me, via the github issue, the link to the blog post
Adventure Mode
[ ] As we progress, we will be using different tools to work our brain. Today, head over to hackerrank.com (https://www.hackerrank.com/). This is another tool, like codewars to practice our developer skills. As a start, head into the algorithms section, and try this one: https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/grading/problem.
[ ] To turn this, create a gist (gist.github.com) of your code and put it on this issue
Epic Mode
[ ] Go back and finish up any oustanding work.
[ ] Go back to an old assignment and work on it some more. This could trying to tackle a harder level. Or going back and working on the UI/UX of an assignment, refactor the code to a new idea that we covered (EX: functions and abstractions) or adding unit tests to a something
[ ] to turn this, put the github repo here, and tell me about what you did.
Please park in the lot across Palm Avenue from the ECC.
Entrepreneur Collaborative Center
2101 E Palm Ave, Tampa, FL 33605
Immediately following the information session the challenges will be published in a Google Drive folder on synapsesummit.com/hackathons
Join the Suncoast Developers Guild Slack Channel and use the #innovationsummithack channel to ask questions, collaborate, find a team, and get updates! Be on the lookout for check-ins from the organizers. :slightly_smiling_face:
Catch your Breathe
We have been going a fast pace for the past couple of week. Every so often, you need to reflect on how far you have come.
For tonight, we are going to take a little code break and create a blog post. Blog posts are a good way to reflect on what you have done and also share some knowledge. The best way to get better at talking about technology is practice. Blog posts are a way to practice that skill.
Explorer Mode
Adventure Mode
Epic Mode
Info on the Hack-a-thon
You can find info on the hackathon at: http://synapsefl.com/innovationsummit2018/challenges/hackathons/
They should register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdNOVNIRIkRzUODo4bEt-UU_yLgNq9mTt51z-Mb5aSpQ-wqag/viewform
The livestream will be on this facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/227298157831280
The address for tonight’s Info Session is below.
Please park in the lot across Palm Avenue from the ECC.
Entrepreneur Collaborative Center 2101 E Palm Ave, Tampa, FL 33605
Immediately following the information session the challenges will be published in a Google Drive folder on synapsesummit.com/hackathons
Join the Suncoast Developers Guild Slack Channel and use the #innovationsummithack channel to ask questions, collaborate, find a team, and get updates! Be on the lookout for check-ins from the organizers. :slightly_smiling_face:
Link to join:
Let us know if you have any questions.