Closed AzureAstral closed 1 year ago
I keep trying but it's been 3 month and I haven't figure out myself at all... I downloaded the reclass but the program itself doesn't even work and had to find crack reclass program and I can't even find out set location thing... I give up on it lol it's not really hurt me not to use leaguebroadcast program.
Offsets are updated, but only tested using the native module – I am not familiar with the LeagueBroadcast codebase, so not sure where the issue may be. Do you have any way to check which offsets you are using when encountering issues?
Offsets are updated, but only tested using the native module – I am not familiar with the LeagueBroadcast codebase, so not sure where the issue may be. Do you have any way to check which offsets you are using when encountering issues?
{ "OffsetVersion": "13.13.1", "GameOffsets": { "Manager": "0x20d0e78", "MapCount": "0x48", "MapRoot": "0x40", "MapNodeNetId": "0x20", "MapNodeObject": "0x28" }, "ObjectOffsets": { "ID": "0x10", "NetworkID": "0xc8", "Team": "0x3c", "DisplayName": "0x60", "DisplayNameLength": "0x70", "Pos": "0x220", "Mana": "0x340", "MaxMana": "0x358", "Health": "0x1058", "MaxHealth": "0x1070", "CurrentGold": "0x2118", "GoldTotal": "0x2130", "EXP": "0x3fe0", "Level": "0x3ff8", "Name": "0x3898", "NameLength": "0x38a8" }, "FileVersion": "3.0" }
this is the Offsets.
Are these the offsets obtained by the automatic update? They do not match the current latest offsets. I don't know how the updating mechanism works, so I might be adding the offsets wrong.
Are these the offsets obtained by the automatic update? They do not match the current latest offsets. I don't know how the updating mechanism works, so I might be adding the offsets wrong.
my bad I didn't check the latest offsets. once I manually update the offsets it works fine. I should of known... but, thank you. and sorry for the trouble.
S'agit-il des décalages obtenus par la mise à jour automatique ? Ils ne correspondent pas aux derniers décalages actuels . Je ne sais pas comment fonctionne le mécanisme de mise à jour, donc j'ajoute peut-être mal les décalages.
But how did you manage to get the latest offsets?
I keep offsets up to date for another project and also update the offsets here. It looks like I was doing something wrong with the FileVersion parameter, autoupdates might now work again?
It still does not work. When did you update them?
I usually update offsets on patchday, although I only fixed the FileVersion just now. I will update offsets again on Wednesday, maybe it works then.
no it's working fine yesterday I test it and it work. all you had to do just update the offsets manually yourself. sdomi4 updated the offsets and it work with his offsets
no it's working fine yesterday I test it and it work. all you had to do just update the offsets manually yourself. sdomi4 updated the offsets and it work with his offsets
It doesn't work for me, how did you do it? What offsets did you set manually? I have all the time this error
no it's working fine yesterday I test it and it work. all you had to do just update the offsets manually yourself. sdomi4 updated the offsets and it work with his offsets
It doesn't work for me, how did you do it? What offsets did you set manually? I have all the time this error
here is the offsets from sdomi4 I just copy and pasted it
I download and update again, and now it's work ! U think for the 13.14 patch the software will be down again or not ? :/
I can't guarantee that I always find the time on patch day, but shouldn't take more than a day or two
Updates for 13.14 are done – @AzureAstral can you confirm auto updates work as well?
Updates for 13.14 are done – @AzureAstral can you confirm auto updates work as well?
I'ill check tomorrow ;)
Yes it's up to date !
{ "OffsetVersion": "13.14.1", "GameOffsets": { "Manager": "0x2171660", "MapCount": "0x48", "MapRoot": "0x40", "MapNodeNetId": "0x20", "MapNodeObject": "0x28" }, "ObjectOffsets": { "ID": "0x10", "NetworkID": "0xc8", "Team": "0x3c", "DisplayName": "0x60", "DisplayNameLength": "0x70", "Pos": "0x220", "Mana": "0x340", "MaxMana": "0x358", "Health": "0x1058", "MaxHealth": "0x1070", "CurrentGold": "0x2138", "GoldTotal": "0x2150", "EXP": "0x3f88", "Level": "0x3fa0", "Name": "0x3838", "NameLength": "0x3848" }, "FileVersion": "3.0" }
GJ man and thx !!
BUT the software crash when we start a game
Do you receive any errors from the crash?
No, just crash with nothing. The software just close !
Is this related to #276? Anyone else seeing this issue?
Is this related to #276? Anyone else seeing this issue?
And he crash when te game started in english too :(
New problem : Info Page EXP dont work, he show CS/MIN :(
No, just crash with nothing. The software just close !
This is solved it’s my fault !
New problem : Info Page EXP dont work, he show CS/MIN :(
Please open a new issue for this or add it to an existing issue with the same problem
Someone have the new offsets ? RIOT make an update during the night....
Hey, offsets arent updated anymore, so how can i update them myself ? I searched but I'm not sure how to proceed. If anyone knows, it will help everyone to get the software working again.