floh22 / LeagueBroadcast

League of Legends Spectate Overlay Tools
MIT License
220 stars 45 forks source link

[BUG+request] issues with leaguebroadcast and request update #322

Open Wokiput opened 8 months ago

Wokiput commented 8 months ago

After building the project at the addresses http://localhost:9001/frontend?backend=localhost , http://localhost:9001/?backend=ws://localhost:9001/api it gives a 404 error, if there are any suggestions on how to fix them, please post them step by step, and also if this is due to the fact that the port is possibly closed, write as much as possible open it. In the built-in Windows Defender, in the "firewall and network protection" section, I disabled all possible firewalls.

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non-output data works image

Wokiput commented 8 months ago

pls can you update program for patch 14.7 and fix this bug