floodyberry / ed25519-donna

Implementations of a fast Elliptic-curve Digital Signature Algorithm
169 stars 47 forks source link

amd64-64 bug present? #15

Closed ghost closed 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago


Sorry to keep pounding you. Just trying to get my ducks in a row, and as you can see I'm very new to this.

I was just informed of a bug in amd64-64. https://gist.github.com/CodesInChaos/8374632

I tried searching for those lines of code, but neither came up. Can you confirm if this bug is present in your implementation?

Thank you so very much in advance!

floodyberry commented 10 years ago

no worries. I don't have that bug, my field operations (mul, square, etc) were taken from curve25519-donna or written by me as to be portable, that's one thing I did not take from the amd64-51/64 implementations! I too was worried when I heard about a bug in there, but it was just a typo on their part and not a flaw in the high level stuff

ghost commented 10 years ago

That's why you're the master!

Thank you so very much floodberry! If you'll excuse my amateur opinion, it looks like you really have the top library!

I can't thank you enough for this!