floodyberry / ed25519-donna

Implementations of a fast Elliptic-curve Digital Signature Algorithm
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Assumption of `random_bytes` makes distribution hard #26

Closed TomMD closed 8 years ago

TomMD commented 9 years ago

I desire to cabalize (make into a Haskell library by way of FFI bindings) ed25519-donna for my own use. In doing so I would rather leverage your repository as-is instead of either applying patches as part of a build process or forking and maintaining the changes in a separate repository.

To me, the issues with wrapping FFI around ed25519 all stem from the assumption of OpenSSL, which I can't assume my users have or want. The two issues are SHA512 and RAND_bytes.

What are your thoughts? I'd be happy to submit a pull-request that pulls out the pure code into an open_batch_pure function and add the mentioned CPP option.

floodyberry commented 9 years ago

Are you able to use a wrapper around /dev/urandom & CryptGenRandom? That would require locks to stay threadsafe though. But then I don't think OpenSSL is threadsafe. ffffff

Or providing a callback to open_batch that generates the random numbers? I don't know if that would be possible through the FFI or not.

TomMD commented 9 years ago

I'd prefer not to - my other use case isn't even on an OS at all (http://www.smaccmpilot.org) so making CPP to choose between N static OSes seems less sensible than accepting entropy up-front.

A call back is a little frustrating in an FFI context (slower due to thread issues), but I can see how that would be appealing given the library design and could work with it.

My main preference remains a two-layer interface with the top-level abstraction being randoms (from who knows where) and the second being pure with an array of random values of sufficient length:

int ed25519_sign_open_batch(const unsigned char **m, size_t *mlen, const unsigned char **pk, const unsigned char **RS, size_t num, int *valid);
int ed25519_sign_open_batch_pure(const unsigned char **m, size_t *mlen, const unsigned char **pk, const unsigned char **RS, size_t num, int *valid, unsigned char **rands);

Obviously the programmer becomes responsible for more invariants if/when they use the next-lower layer interface.

Whatever way you go, it's obviously your library and your call while I'm a minor user and re-distributor. Thanks for providing the library.