floooh / cimgui-sokol-starterkit

A minimal self-contained Dear ImGui starter project for Windows, Linux and macOS.
MIT License
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Adding shader build to CMake setup? #3

Closed fiserj closed 3 years ago

fiserj commented 3 years ago

First of all, let me say I love Sokol libs and the ease of their setup and minimum footprint!

I have similar starter kit for my personal projects using Sokol and I also wrapped the shader compiler from sokol-tools-bin with a CMake script, so that I could have the shaders be built as part of the CMake build machinery.

If you're interested, I could make a PR - or do you think it would unnecessarily complicate the demo?

floooh commented 3 years ago

I don't want to add any additional complexity to this particular starter kit (because for ImGui the required shaders are already embedded in sokol_imgui.h). Might be a good idea for a separate starter kit which would focus on 3D rendering though.