floooh / cimgui-sokol-starterkit

A minimal self-contained Dear ImGui starter project for Windows, Linux and macOS.
MIT License
213 stars 19 forks source link

MacOS: mark sokol linked frameworks as PUBLIC #7

Closed rainbowbismuth closed 3 years ago

rainbowbismuth commented 3 years ago

CMake 3.19.2 does not allow mixing "plain" and "keyword" calls to target_link_libraries.

Hi @floooh, thank you for making this starter-kit! I tried to set up a cross platform project like this with sokol a couple of months ago but couldn't quite wrangle it. I don't know enough about your library to know if this should be PUBLIC or PRIVATE (both work), but my version of CMake gives a hard error without it.

Aaand while I'm here, extra thanks for your blog posts. Your thoughts on library design, C, and reducing executable bloat are genuinely an inspiration to me. I would not have written the C code I have without that nudge!

floooh commented 3 years ago

Ah oops, yep, I tinkered with the cmake file over the last few days (mainly Linux stuff), and haven't checked on macOS again yet.

Thanks for the kind words :)