floooh / cimgui-sokol-starterkit

A minimal self-contained Dear ImGui starter project for Windows, Linux and macOS.
MIT License
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WASM build on Windows ? #8

Closed jbsiraudin closed 3 years ago

jbsiraudin commented 3 years ago

Hi there, Probably a stupid question coming, I'm new to all this, so sorry in advance.

I unsuccessfully tried building with emscripten on Windows 10 (without using WSL), and I'm having trouble understanding this line in the README.md:

(this procedure should also work on Windows with make in the path, but is currently untested)

What do you mean by make in the path?

Many thanks!

floooh commented 3 years ago

Sorry for being unclear :) It means that the make tool (https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html) must be installed and in the terminal's search path.

The easiest way is IMHO scoop install make, assuming that scoop has been installed (https://scoop.sh/)
